path: root/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/prompt_strategies
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1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/prompt_strategies/one_shot.py b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/prompt_strategies/one_shot.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8c726c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/prompt_strategies/one_shot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import platform
+import re
+from logging import Logger
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional
+import distro
+ from autogpt.agents.agent import Agent
+ from autogpt.models.action_history import Episode
+from autogpt.agents.utils.exceptions import InvalidAgentResponseError
+from autogpt.config import AIDirectives, AIProfile
+from autogpt.core.configuration.schema import SystemConfiguration, UserConfigurable
+from autogpt.core.prompting import (
+ ChatPrompt,
+ LanguageModelClassification,
+ PromptStrategy,
+from autogpt.core.resource.model_providers.schema import (
+ AssistantChatMessage,
+ ChatMessage,
+ CompletionModelFunction,
+from autogpt.core.utils.json_schema import JSONSchema
+from autogpt.json_utils.utilities import extract_dict_from_response
+from autogpt.prompts.utils import format_numbered_list, indent
+class OneShotAgentPromptConfiguration(SystemConfiguration):
+ "## Constraints\n"
+ "You operate within the following constraints:\n"
+ "{constraints}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "## Resources\n"
+ "You can leverage access to the following resources:\n"
+ "{resources}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "## Commands\n"
+ "These are the ONLY commands you can use."
+ " Any action you perform must be possible through one of these commands:\n"
+ "{commands}\n"
+ "\n"
+ "## Best practices\n"
+ "{best_practices}"
+ )
+ "Determine exactly one command to use next based on the given goals "
+ "and the progress you have made so far, "
+ "and respond using the JSON schema specified previously:"
+ )
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.OBJECT,
+ properties={
+ "thoughts": JSONSchema(
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.OBJECT,
+ required=True,
+ properties={
+ "observations": JSONSchema(
+ description=(
+ "Relevant observations from your last action (if any)"
+ ),
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.STRING,
+ required=False,
+ ),
+ "text": JSONSchema(
+ description="Thoughts",
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.STRING,
+ required=True,
+ ),
+ "reasoning": JSONSchema(
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.STRING,
+ required=True,
+ ),
+ "self_criticism": JSONSchema(
+ description="Constructive self-criticism",
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.STRING,
+ required=True,
+ ),
+ "plan": JSONSchema(
+ description=(
+ "Short markdown-style bullet list that conveys the "
+ "long-term plan"
+ ),
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.STRING,
+ required=True,
+ ),
+ "speak": JSONSchema(
+ description="Summary of thoughts, to say to user",
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.STRING,
+ required=True,
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ "command": JSONSchema(
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.OBJECT,
+ required=True,
+ properties={
+ "name": JSONSchema(
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.STRING,
+ required=True,
+ ),
+ "args": JSONSchema(
+ type=JSONSchema.Type.OBJECT,
+ required=True,
+ ),
+ },
+ ),
+ },
+ )
+ body_template: str = UserConfigurable(default=DEFAULT_BODY_TEMPLATE)
+ response_schema: dict = UserConfigurable(
+ default_factory=DEFAULT_RESPONSE_SCHEMA.to_dict
+ )
+ choose_action_instruction: str = UserConfigurable(
+ )
+ use_functions_api: bool = UserConfigurable(default=False)
+ #########
+ # State #
+ #########
+ # progress_summaries: dict[tuple[int, int], str] = Field(
+ # default_factory=lambda: {(0, 0): ""}
+ # )
+class OneShotAgentPromptStrategy(PromptStrategy):
+ default_configuration: OneShotAgentPromptConfiguration = (
+ OneShotAgentPromptConfiguration()
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ configuration: OneShotAgentPromptConfiguration,
+ logger: Logger,
+ ):
+ self.config = configuration
+ self.response_schema = JSONSchema.from_dict(configuration.response_schema)
+ self.logger = logger
+ @property
+ def model_classification(self) -> LanguageModelClassification:
+ return LanguageModelClassification.FAST_MODEL # FIXME: dynamic switching
+ def build_prompt(
+ self,
+ *,
+ task: str,
+ ai_profile: AIProfile,
+ ai_directives: AIDirectives,
+ commands: list[CompletionModelFunction],
+ event_history: list[Episode],
+ include_os_info: bool,
+ max_prompt_tokens: int,
+ count_tokens: Callable[[str], int],
+ count_message_tokens: Callable[[ChatMessage | list[ChatMessage]], int],
+ extra_messages: Optional[list[ChatMessage]] = None,
+ **extras,
+ ) -> ChatPrompt:
+ """Constructs and returns a prompt with the following structure:
+ 1. System prompt
+ 2. Message history of the agent, truncated & prepended with running summary
+ as needed
+ 3. `cycle_instruction`
+ """
+ if not extra_messages:
+ extra_messages = []
+ system_prompt = self.build_system_prompt(
+ ai_profile=ai_profile,
+ ai_directives=ai_directives,
+ commands=commands,
+ include_os_info=include_os_info,
+ )
+ system_prompt_tlength = count_message_tokens(ChatMessage.system(system_prompt))
+ user_task = f'"""{task}"""'
+ user_task_tlength = count_message_tokens(ChatMessage.user(user_task))
+ response_format_instr = self.response_format_instruction(
+ self.config.use_functions_api
+ )
+ extra_messages.append(ChatMessage.system(response_format_instr))
+ final_instruction_msg = ChatMessage.user(self.config.choose_action_instruction)
+ final_instruction_tlength = count_message_tokens(final_instruction_msg)
+ if event_history:
+ progress = self.compile_progress(
+ event_history,
+ count_tokens=count_tokens,
+ max_tokens=(
+ max_prompt_tokens
+ - system_prompt_tlength
+ - user_task_tlength
+ - final_instruction_tlength
+ - count_message_tokens(extra_messages)
+ ),
+ )
+ extra_messages.insert(
+ 0,
+ ChatMessage.system(f"## Progress\n\n{progress}"),
+ )
+ prompt = ChatPrompt(
+ messages=[
+ ChatMessage.system(system_prompt),
+ ChatMessage.user(user_task),
+ *extra_messages,
+ final_instruction_msg,
+ ],
+ )
+ return prompt
+ def build_system_prompt(
+ self,
+ ai_profile: AIProfile,
+ ai_directives: AIDirectives,
+ commands: list[CompletionModelFunction],
+ include_os_info: bool,
+ ) -> str:
+ system_prompt_parts = (
+ self._generate_intro_prompt(ai_profile)
+ + (self._generate_os_info() if include_os_info else [])
+ + [
+ self.config.body_template.format(
+ constraints=format_numbered_list(
+ ai_directives.constraints
+ + self._generate_budget_constraint(ai_profile.api_budget)
+ ),
+ resources=format_numbered_list(ai_directives.resources),
+ commands=self._generate_commands_list(commands),
+ best_practices=format_numbered_list(ai_directives.best_practices),
+ )
+ ]
+ + [
+ "## Your Task\n"
+ "The user will specify a task for you to execute, in triple quotes,"
+ " in the next message. Your job is to complete the task while following"
+ " your directives as given above, and terminate when your task is done."
+ ]
+ )
+ # Join non-empty parts together into paragraph format
+ return "\n\n".join(filter(None, system_prompt_parts)).strip("\n")
+ def compile_progress(
+ self,
+ episode_history: list[Episode],
+ max_tokens: Optional[int] = None,
+ count_tokens: Optional[Callable[[str], int]] = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ if max_tokens and not count_tokens:
+ raise ValueError("count_tokens is required if max_tokens is set")
+ steps: list[str] = []
+ tokens: int = 0
+ # start: int = len(episode_history)
+ for i, c in reversed(list(enumerate(episode_history))):
+ step = f"### Step {i+1}: Executed `{c.action.format_call()}`\n"
+ step += f'- **Reasoning:** "{c.action.reasoning}"\n'
+ step += (
+ f"- **Status:** `{c.result.status if c.result else 'did_not_finish'}`\n"
+ )
+ if c.result:
+ if c.result.status == "success":
+ result = str(c.result)
+ result = "\n" + indent(result) if "\n" in result else result
+ step += f"- **Output:** {result}"
+ elif c.result.status == "error":
+ step += f"- **Reason:** {c.result.reason}\n"
+ if c.result.error:
+ step += f"- **Error:** {c.result.error}\n"
+ elif c.result.status == "interrupted_by_human":
+ step += f"- **Feedback:** {c.result.feedback}\n"
+ if max_tokens and count_tokens:
+ step_tokens = count_tokens(step)
+ if tokens + step_tokens > max_tokens:
+ break
+ tokens += step_tokens
+ steps.insert(0, step)
+ # start = i
+ # # TODO: summarize remaining
+ # part = slice(0, start)
+ return "\n\n".join(steps)
+ def response_format_instruction(self, use_functions_api: bool) -> str:
+ response_schema = self.response_schema.copy(deep=True)
+ if (
+ use_functions_api
+ and response_schema.properties
+ and "command" in response_schema.properties
+ ):
+ del response_schema.properties["command"]
+ # Unindent for performance
+ response_format = re.sub(
+ r"\n\s+",
+ "\n",
+ response_schema.to_typescript_object_interface("Response"),
+ )
+ instruction = (
+ "Respond with pure JSON containing your thoughts, " "and invoke a tool."
+ if use_functions_api
+ else "Respond with pure JSON."
+ )
+ return (
+ f"{instruction} "
+ "The JSON object should be compatible with the TypeScript type `Response` "
+ f"from the following:\n{response_format}"
+ )
+ def _generate_intro_prompt(self, ai_profile: AIProfile) -> list[str]:
+ """Generates the introduction part of the prompt.
+ Returns:
+ list[str]: A list of strings forming the introduction part of the prompt.
+ """
+ return [
+ f"You are {ai_profile.ai_name}, {ai_profile.ai_role.rstrip('.')}.",
+ "Your decisions must always be made independently without seeking "
+ "user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue "
+ "simple strategies with no legal complications.",
+ ]
+ def _generate_os_info(self) -> list[str]:
+ """Generates the OS information part of the prompt.
+ Params:
+ config (Config): The configuration object.
+ Returns:
+ str: The OS information part of the prompt.
+ """
+ os_name = platform.system()
+ os_info = (
+ platform.platform(terse=True)
+ if os_name != "Linux"
+ else distro.name(pretty=True)
+ )
+ return [f"The OS you are running on is: {os_info}"]
+ def _generate_budget_constraint(self, api_budget: float) -> list[str]:
+ """Generates the budget information part of the prompt.
+ Returns:
+ list[str]: The budget information part of the prompt, or an empty list.
+ """
+ if api_budget > 0.0:
+ return [
+ f"It takes money to let you run. "
+ f"Your API budget is ${api_budget:.3f}"
+ ]
+ return []
+ def _generate_commands_list(self, commands: list[CompletionModelFunction]) -> str:
+ """Lists the commands available to the agent.
+ Params:
+ agent: The agent for which the commands are being listed.
+ Returns:
+ str: A string containing a numbered list of commands.
+ """
+ try:
+ return format_numbered_list([cmd.fmt_line() for cmd in commands])
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.logger.warning(f"Formatting commands failed. {commands}")
+ raise
+ def parse_response_content(
+ self,
+ response: AssistantChatMessage,
+ ) -> Agent.ThoughtProcessOutput:
+ if not response.content:
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError("Assistant response has no text content")
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "LLM response content:"
+ + (
+ f"\n{response.content}"
+ if "\n" in response.content
+ else f" '{response.content}'"
+ )
+ )
+ assistant_reply_dict = extract_dict_from_response(response.content)
+ self.logger.debug(
+ "Validating object extracted from LLM response:\n"
+ f"{json.dumps(assistant_reply_dict, indent=4)}"
+ )
+ _, errors = self.response_schema.validate_object(
+ object=assistant_reply_dict,
+ logger=self.logger,
+ )
+ if errors:
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError(
+ "Validation of response failed:\n "
+ + ";\n ".join([str(e) for e in errors])
+ )
+ # Get command name and arguments
+ command_name, arguments = extract_command(
+ assistant_reply_dict, response, self.config.use_functions_api
+ )
+ return command_name, arguments, assistant_reply_dict
+# Utilities #
+def extract_command(
+ assistant_reply_json: dict,
+ assistant_reply: AssistantChatMessage,
+ use_openai_functions_api: bool,
+) -> tuple[str, dict[str, str]]:
+ """Parse the response and return the command name and arguments
+ Args:
+ assistant_reply_json (dict): The response object from the AI
+ assistant_reply (AssistantChatMessage): The model response from the AI
+ config (Config): The config object
+ Returns:
+ tuple: The command name and arguments
+ Raises:
+ json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: If the response is not valid JSON
+ Exception: If any other error occurs
+ """
+ if use_openai_functions_api:
+ if not assistant_reply.tool_calls:
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError("No 'tool_calls' in assistant reply")
+ assistant_reply_json["command"] = {
+ "name": assistant_reply.tool_calls[0].function.name,
+ "args": json.loads(assistant_reply.tool_calls[0].function.arguments),
+ }
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(assistant_reply_json, dict):
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError(
+ f"The previous message sent was not a dictionary {assistant_reply_json}"
+ )
+ if "command" not in assistant_reply_json:
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError("Missing 'command' object in JSON")
+ command = assistant_reply_json["command"]
+ if not isinstance(command, dict):
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError("'command' object is not a dictionary")
+ if "name" not in command:
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError("Missing 'name' field in 'command' object")
+ command_name = command["name"]
+ # Use an empty dictionary if 'args' field is not present in 'command' object
+ arguments = command.get("args", {})
+ return command_name, arguments
+ except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError("Invalid JSON")
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise InvalidAgentResponseError(str(e))