path: root/benchmark/reports/format.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'benchmark/reports/format.py')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmark/reports/format.py b/benchmark/reports/format.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8a9a872ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/reports/format.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import click
+from agbenchmark.reports.processing.report_types import Report
+@click.argument("report_json_file", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False))
+def print_markdown_report(report_json_file: str):
+ """
+ Generates a Markdown report from a given report.json file.
+ :param report_json_file: Path to the report.json file.
+ :return: A string containing the Markdown formatted report.
+ """
+ report = Report.parse_file(report_json_file)
+ # Header and metadata
+ click.echo(f"# Benchmark Report")
+ click.echo(f"- ⌛ **Run time:** `{report.metrics.run_time}`")
+ click.echo(
+ f" - **Started at:** `{report.benchmark_start_time[:16].replace('T', '` `')}`"
+ )
+ if report.completion_time:
+ click.echo(
+ f" - **Completed at:** `{report.completion_time[:16].replace('T', '` `')}`"
+ )
+ if report.metrics.total_cost:
+ click.echo(f"- 💸 **Total cost:** `${round(report.metrics.total_cost, 2)}`")
+ click.echo(
+ f"- 🏅 **Highest achieved difficulty:** `{report.metrics.highest_difficulty}`"
+ )
+ click.echo(f"- ⚙️ **Command:** `{report.command}`")
+ click.echo() # spacing
+ # Aggregate information
+ successful, failed, unreliable = [], [], []
+ for test in report.tests.values():
+ test.metrics.success_percentage = (
+ rsp
+ if (rsp := test.metrics.success_percentage) is not None
+ else sum(float(r.success or 0) for r in test.results)
+ * 100
+ / len(test.results)
+ )
+ if test.metrics.success_percentage == 100.0:
+ successful.append(test)
+ elif test.metrics.success_percentage == 0.0:
+ failed.append(test)
+ else:
+ unreliable.append(test)
+ # Summary
+ click.echo("## Summary")
+ click.echo(f"- **`{len(successful)}` passed** {'✅'*len(successful)}")
+ click.echo(f"- **`{len(failed)}` failed** {'❌'*len(failed)}")
+ click.echo(f"- **`{len(unreliable)}` unreliable** {'⚠️'*len(unreliable)}")
+ click.echo() # spacing
+ # Test results
+ click.echo("## Challenges")
+ for test_name, test in report.tests.items():
+ click.echo() # spacing
+ result_indicator = (
+ "✅"
+ if test.metrics.success_percentage == 100.0
+ else "⚠️"
+ if test.metrics.success_percentage > 0
+ else "❌"
+ )
+ click.echo(
+ f"### {test_name} {result_indicator if test.metrics.attempted else '❔'}"
+ )
+ click.echo(f"{test.description}")
+ click.echo() # spacing
+ click.echo(f"- **Attempted:** {'Yes 👍' if test.metrics.attempted else 'No 👎'}")
+ click.echo(
+ f"- **Success rate:** {round(test.metrics.success_percentage)}% "
+ f"({len([r for r in test.results if r.success])}/{len(test.results)})"
+ )
+ click.echo(f"- **Difficulty:** `{test.difficulty}`")
+ click.echo(f"- **Categories:** `{'`, `'.join(test.category)}`")
+ click.echo(
+ f"<details>\n<summary><strong>Task</strong> (click to expand)</summary>\n\n"
+ f"{indent('> ', test.task)}\n\n"
+ f"Reference answer:\n{indent('> ', test.answer)}\n"
+ "</details>"
+ )
+ click.echo() # spacing
+ click.echo("\n#### Attempts")
+ for i, attempt in enumerate(test.results, 1):
+ click.echo(
+ f"\n{i}. **{'✅ Passed' if attempt.success else '❌ Failed'}** "
+ f"in **{attempt.run_time}** "
+ f"and **{quantify('step', attempt.n_steps)}**\n"
+ )
+ if attempt.cost is not None:
+ click.echo(f" - **Cost:** `${round(attempt.cost, 3)}`")
+ if attempt.fail_reason:
+ click.echo(
+ " - **Failure reason:**\n"
+ + indent(" > ", attempt.fail_reason)
+ + "\n"
+ )
+ if attempt.steps:
+ click.echo(
+ indent(
+ 3 * " ",
+ "<details>\n<summary><strong>Steps</strong></summary>\n",
+ )
+ )
+ for j, step in enumerate(attempt.steps, 1):
+ click.echo()
+ click.echo(
+ indent(3 * " ", f"{j}. {indent(3*' ', step.output, False)}")
+ )
+ click.echo("\n</details>")
+def indent(indent: str, text: str, prefix_indent: bool = True) -> str:
+ return (indent if prefix_indent else "") + text.replace("\n", "\n" + indent)
+def quantify(noun: str, count: int, plural_suffix: str = "s") -> str:
+ if count == 1:
+ return f"{count} {noun}"
+ return f"{count} {noun}{plural_suffix}"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print_markdown_report()