import logging import os import pathlib from collections import defaultdict from io import BytesIO from uuid import uuid4 import orjson from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, UploadFile from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse, StreamingResponse from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from forge.sdk.db import AgentDB from forge.sdk.errors import NotFoundError from forge.sdk.middlewares import AgentMiddleware from forge.sdk.model import ( Artifact, Step, StepRequestBody, Task, TaskArtifactsListResponse, TaskListResponse, TaskRequestBody, TaskStepsListResponse, ) from forge.sdk.routes.agent_protocol import base_router from hypercorn.asyncio import serve as hypercorn_serve from hypercorn.config import Config as HypercornConfig from sentry_sdk import set_user from autogpt.agent_factory.configurators import configure_agent_with_state from autogpt.agent_factory.generators import generate_agent_for_task from autogpt.agent_manager import AgentManager from import is_port_free from autogpt.config import Config from autogpt.core.resource.model_providers import ChatModelProvider, ModelProviderBudget from autogpt.core.resource.model_providers.openai import OpenAIProvider from autogpt.file_storage import FileStorage from autogpt.models.action_history import ActionErrorResult, ActionSuccessResult from autogpt.utils.exceptions import AgentFinished from autogpt.utils.utils import DEFAULT_ASK_COMMAND, DEFAULT_FINISH_COMMAND logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AgentProtocolServer: _task_budgets: dict[str, ModelProviderBudget] def __init__( self, app_config: Config, database: AgentDB, file_storage: FileStorage, llm_provider: ChatModelProvider, ): self.app_config = app_config self.db = database self.file_storage = file_storage self.llm_provider = llm_provider self.agent_manager = AgentManager(file_storage) self._task_budgets = defaultdict(ModelProviderBudget) async def start(self, port: int = 8000, router: APIRouter = base_router): """Start the agent server.""" logger.debug("Starting the agent server...") if not is_port_free(port): logger.error(f"Port {port} is already in use.") "You can specify a port by either setting the AP_SERVER_PORT " "environment variable or defining AP_SERVER_PORT in the .env file." ) return config = HypercornConfig() config.bind = [f"localhost:{port}"] app = FastAPI( title="AutoGPT Server", description="Forked from AutoGPT Forge; " "Modified version of The Agent Protocol.", version="v0.4", ) # Configure CORS middleware default_origins = [f"http://localhost:{port}"] # Default only local access configured_origins = [ origin for origin in os.getenv("AP_SERVER_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS", "").split(",") if origin # Empty list if not configured ] origins = configured_origins or default_origins app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=origins, allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], ) app.include_router(router, prefix="/ap/v1") script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) frontend_path = ( pathlib.Path(script_dir) .joinpath("../../../../frontend/build/web") .resolve() ) if os.path.exists(frontend_path): app.mount("/app", StaticFiles(directory=frontend_path), name="app") @app.get("/", include_in_schema=False) async def root(): return RedirectResponse(url="/app/index.html", status_code=307) else: logger.warning( f"Frontend not found. {frontend_path} does not exist. " "The frontend will not be available." ) # Used to access the methods on this class from API route handlers app.add_middleware(AgentMiddleware, agent=self) config.loglevel = "ERROR" config.bind = [f"{port}"]"AutoGPT server starting on http://localhost:{port}") await hypercorn_serve(app, config) async def create_task(self, task_request: TaskRequestBody) -> Task: """ Create a task for the agent. """ if user_id := (task_request.additional_input or {}).get("user_id"): set_user({"id": user_id}) task = await self.db.create_task( input=task_request.input, additional_input=task_request.additional_input, ) logger.debug(f"Creating agent for task: '{task.input}'") task_agent = await generate_agent_for_task( agent_id=task_agent_id(task.task_id), task=task.input, app_config=self.app_config, file_storage=self.file_storage, llm_provider=self._get_task_llm_provider(task), ) await task_agent.file_manager.save_state() return task async def list_tasks(self, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 10) -> TaskListResponse: """ List all tasks that the agent has created. """ logger.debug("Listing all tasks...") tasks, pagination = await self.db.list_tasks(page, pageSize) response = TaskListResponse(tasks=tasks, pagination=pagination) return response async def get_task(self, task_id: str) -> Task: """ Get a task by ID. """ logger.debug(f"Getting task with ID: {task_id}...") task = await self.db.get_task(task_id) return task async def list_steps( self, task_id: str, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 10 ) -> TaskStepsListResponse: """ List the IDs of all steps that the task has created. """ logger.debug(f"Listing all steps created by task with ID: {task_id}...") steps, pagination = await self.db.list_steps(task_id, page, pageSize) response = TaskStepsListResponse(steps=steps, pagination=pagination) return response async def execute_step(self, task_id: str, step_request: StepRequestBody) -> Step: """Create a step for the task.""" logger.debug(f"Creating a step for task with ID: {task_id}...") # Restore Agent instance task = await self.get_task(task_id) agent = configure_agent_with_state( state=self.agent_manager.load_agent_state(task_agent_id(task_id)), app_config=self.app_config, file_storage=self.file_storage, llm_provider=self._get_task_llm_provider(task), ) if user_id := (task.additional_input or {}).get("user_id"): set_user({"id": user_id}) # According to the Agent Protocol spec, the first execute_step request contains # the same task input as the parent create_task request. # To prevent this from interfering with the agent's process, we ignore the input # of this first step request, and just generate the first step proposal. is_init_step = not bool(agent.event_history) last_proposal, tool_result = None, None execute_approved = False # HACK: only for compatibility with AGBenchmark if step_request.input == "y": step_request.input = "" user_input = step_request.input if not is_init_step else "" if ( not is_init_step and agent.event_history.current_episode and not agent.event_history.current_episode.result ): last_proposal = agent.event_history.current_episode.action execute_approved = not user_input logger.debug( f"Agent proposed command {last_proposal.use_tool}." f" User input/feedback: {repr(user_input)}" ) # Save step request step = await self.db.create_step( task_id=task_id, input=step_request, is_last=( last_proposal is not None and == DEFAULT_FINISH_COMMAND and execute_approved ), ) agent.llm_provider = self._get_task_llm_provider(task, step.step_id) # Execute previously proposed action if last_proposal: agent.file_manager.workspace.on_write_file = ( lambda path: self._on_agent_write_file( task=task, step=step, relative_path=path ) ) if == DEFAULT_ASK_COMMAND: tool_result = ActionSuccessResult(outputs=user_input) agent.event_history.register_result(tool_result) elif execute_approved: step = await self.db.update_step( task_id=task_id, step_id=step.step_id, status="running", ) try: # Execute previously proposed action tool_result = await agent.execute(last_proposal) except AgentFinished: additional_output = {} task_total_cost = agent.llm_provider.get_incurred_cost() if task_total_cost > 0: additional_output["task_total_cost"] = task_total_cost f"Total LLM cost for task {task_id}: " f"${round(task_total_cost, 2)}" ) step = await self.db.update_step( task_id=task_id, step_id=step.step_id, output=last_proposal.use_tool.arguments["reason"], additional_output=additional_output, ) await agent.file_manager.save_state() return step else: assert user_input tool_result = await agent.do_not_execute(last_proposal, user_input) # Propose next action try: assistant_response = await agent.propose_action() next_tool_to_use = assistant_response.use_tool logger.debug(f"AI output: {assistant_response.thoughts}") except Exception as e: step = await self.db.update_step( task_id=task_id, step_id=step.step_id, status="completed", output=f"An error occurred while proposing the next action: {e}", ) return step # Format step output output = ( ( f"`{last_proposal.use_tool}` returned:" + ("\n\n" if "\n" in str(tool_result) else " ") + f"{tool_result}\n\n" ) if last_proposal and != DEFAULT_ASK_COMMAND else "" ) output += f"{assistant_response.thoughts.speak}\n\n" output += ( f"Next Command: {next_tool_to_use}" if != DEFAULT_ASK_COMMAND else next_tool_to_use.arguments["question"] ) additional_output = { **( { "last_action": { "name":, "args": last_proposal.use_tool.arguments, "result": ( "" if tool_result is None else ( orjson.loads(tool_result.json()) if not isinstance(tool_result, ActionErrorResult) else { "error": str(tool_result.error), "reason": tool_result.reason, } ) ), }, } if last_proposal and tool_result else {} ), **assistant_response.dict(), } task_cumulative_cost = agent.llm_provider.get_incurred_cost() if task_cumulative_cost > 0: additional_output["task_cumulative_cost"] = task_cumulative_cost logger.debug( f"Running total LLM cost for task {task_id}: " f"${round(task_cumulative_cost, 3)}" ) step = await self.db.update_step( task_id=task_id, step_id=step.step_id, status="completed", output=output, additional_output=additional_output, ) await agent.file_manager.save_state() return step async def _on_agent_write_file( self, task: Task, step: Step, relative_path: pathlib.Path ) -> None: """ Creates an Artifact for the written file, or updates the Artifact if it exists. """ if relative_path.is_absolute(): raise ValueError(f"File path '{relative_path}' is not relative") for a in task.artifacts or []: if a.relative_path == str(relative_path): logger.debug(f"Updating Artifact after writing to existing file: {a}") if not a.agent_created: await self.db.update_artifact(a.artifact_id, agent_created=True) break else: logger.debug(f"Creating Artifact for new file '{relative_path}'") await self.db.create_artifact( task_id=step.task_id, step_id=step.step_id,[-1], agent_created=True, relative_path=str(relative_path), ) async def get_step(self, task_id: str, step_id: str) -> Step: """ Get a step by ID. """ step = await self.db.get_step(task_id, step_id) return step async def list_artifacts( self, task_id: str, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 10 ) -> TaskArtifactsListResponse: """ List the artifacts that the task has created. """ artifacts, pagination = await self.db.list_artifacts(task_id, page, pageSize) return TaskArtifactsListResponse(artifacts=artifacts, pagination=pagination) async def create_artifact( self, task_id: str, file: UploadFile, relative_path: str ) -> Artifact: """ Create an artifact for the task. """ file_name = file.filename or str(uuid4()) data = b"" while contents := * 1024): data += contents # Check if relative path ends with filename if relative_path.endswith(file_name): file_path = relative_path else: file_path = os.path.join(relative_path, file_name) workspace = self._get_task_agent_file_workspace(task_id) await workspace.write_file(file_path, data) artifact = await self.db.create_artifact( task_id=task_id, file_name=file_name, relative_path=relative_path, agent_created=False, ) return artifact async def get_artifact(self, task_id: str, artifact_id: str) -> StreamingResponse: """ Download a task artifact by ID. """ try: workspace = self._get_task_agent_file_workspace(task_id) artifact = await self.db.get_artifact(artifact_id) if artifact.file_name not in artifact.relative_path: file_path = os.path.join(artifact.relative_path, artifact.file_name) else: file_path = artifact.relative_path retrieved_artifact = workspace.read_file(file_path, binary=True) except NotFoundError: raise except FileNotFoundError: raise return StreamingResponse( BytesIO(retrieved_artifact), media_type="application/octet-stream", headers={ "Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="{artifact.file_name}"' }, ) def _get_task_agent_file_workspace(self, task_id: str | int) -> FileStorage: agent_id = task_agent_id(task_id) return self.file_storage.clone_with_subroot(f"agents/{agent_id}/workspace") def _get_task_llm_provider( self, task: Task, step_id: str = "" ) -> ChatModelProvider: """ Configures the LLM provider with headers to link outgoing requests to the task. """ task_llm_budget = self._task_budgets[task.task_id] task_llm_provider_config = self.llm_provider._configuration.copy(deep=True) _extra_request_headers = task_llm_provider_config.extra_request_headers _extra_request_headers["AP-TaskID"] = task.task_id if step_id: _extra_request_headers["AP-StepID"] = step_id if task.additional_input and (user_id := task.additional_input.get("user_id")): _extra_request_headers["AutoGPT-UserID"] = user_id task_llm_provider = None if isinstance(self.llm_provider, OpenAIProvider): settings = self.llm_provider._settings.copy() settings.budget = task_llm_budget settings.configuration = task_llm_provider_config # type: ignore task_llm_provider = OpenAIProvider( settings=settings, logger=logger.getChild(f"Task-{task.task_id}_OpenAIProvider"), ) if task_llm_provider and task_llm_provider._budget: self._task_budgets[task.task_id] = task_llm_provider._budget return task_llm_provider or self.llm_provider def task_agent_id(task_id: str | int) -> str: return f"AutoGPT-{task_id}"