""" Test cases for the config class, which handles the configuration settings for the AI and ensures it behaves as a singleton. """ import os from typing import Any from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from openai.pagination import SyncPage from openai.types import Model from pydantic import SecretStr from autogpt.app.configurator import GPT_3_MODEL, GPT_4_MODEL, apply_overrides_to_config from autogpt.config import Config, ConfigBuilder def test_initial_values(config: Config) -> None: """ Test if the initial values of the config class attributes are set correctly. """ assert config.continuous_mode is False assert config.tts_config.speak_mode is False assert config.fast_llm == "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" assert config.smart_llm.startswith("gpt-4") def test_set_continuous_mode(config: Config) -> None: """ Test if the set_continuous_mode() method updates the continuous_mode attribute. """ # Store continuous mode to reset it after the test continuous_mode = config.continuous_mode config.continuous_mode = True assert config.continuous_mode is True # Reset continuous mode config.continuous_mode = continuous_mode def test_set_speak_mode(config: Config) -> None: """ Test if the set_speak_mode() method updates the speak_mode attribute. """ # Store speak mode to reset it after the test speak_mode = config.tts_config.speak_mode config.tts_config.speak_mode = True assert config.tts_config.speak_mode is True # Reset speak mode config.tts_config.speak_mode = speak_mode def test_set_fast_llm(config: Config) -> None: """ Test if the set_fast_llm() method updates the fast_llm attribute. """ # Store model name to reset it after the test fast_llm = config.fast_llm config.fast_llm = "gpt-3.5-turbo-test" assert config.fast_llm == "gpt-3.5-turbo-test" # Reset model name config.fast_llm = fast_llm def test_set_smart_llm(config: Config) -> None: """ Test if the set_smart_llm() method updates the smart_llm attribute. """ # Store model name to reset it after the test smart_llm = config.smart_llm config.smart_llm = "gpt-4-test" assert config.smart_llm == "gpt-4-test" # Reset model name config.smart_llm = smart_llm @patch("openai.resources.models.Models.list") def test_fallback_to_gpt3_if_gpt4_not_available( mock_list_models: Any, config: Config ) -> None: """ Test if models update to gpt-3.5-turbo if gpt-4 is not available. """ fast_llm = config.fast_llm smart_llm = config.smart_llm config.fast_llm = "gpt-4" config.smart_llm = "gpt-4" mock_list_models.return_value = SyncPage( data=[Model(id=GPT_3_MODEL, created=0, object="model", owned_by="AutoGPT")], object="Models", # no idea what this should be, but irrelevant ) apply_overrides_to_config( config=config, gpt3only=False, gpt4only=False, ) assert config.fast_llm == "gpt-3.5-turbo" assert config.smart_llm == "gpt-3.5-turbo" # Reset config config.fast_llm = fast_llm config.smart_llm = smart_llm def test_missing_azure_config(config: Config) -> None: assert config.openai_credentials is not None config_file = config.app_data_dir / "azure_config.yaml" with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): config.openai_credentials.load_azure_config(config_file) config_file.write_text("") with pytest.raises(ValueError): config.openai_credentials.load_azure_config(config_file) assert config.openai_credentials.api_type != "azure" assert config.openai_credentials.api_version == "" assert config.openai_credentials.azure_model_to_deploy_id_map is None @pytest.fixture def config_with_azure(config: Config): config_file = config.app_data_dir / "azure_config.yaml" config_file.write_text( f""" azure_api_type: azure azure_api_version: 2023-06-01-preview azure_endpoint: https://dummy.openai.azure.com azure_model_map: {config.fast_llm}: FAST-LLM_ID {config.smart_llm}: SMART-LLM_ID {config.embedding_model}: embedding-deployment-id-for-azure """ ) os.environ["USE_AZURE"] = "True" os.environ["AZURE_CONFIG_FILE"] = str(config_file) config_with_azure = ConfigBuilder.build_config_from_env( project_root=config.project_root ) yield config_with_azure del os.environ["USE_AZURE"] del os.environ["AZURE_CONFIG_FILE"] def test_azure_config(config_with_azure: Config) -> None: assert (credentials := config_with_azure.openai_credentials) is not None assert credentials.api_type == "azure" assert credentials.api_version == "2023-06-01-preview" assert credentials.azure_endpoint == SecretStr("https://dummy.openai.azure.com") assert credentials.azure_model_to_deploy_id_map == { config_with_azure.fast_llm: "FAST-LLM_ID", config_with_azure.smart_llm: "SMART-LLM_ID", config_with_azure.embedding_model: "embedding-deployment-id-for-azure", } fast_llm = config_with_azure.fast_llm smart_llm = config_with_azure.smart_llm assert ( credentials.get_model_access_kwargs(config_with_azure.fast_llm)["model"] == "FAST-LLM_ID" ) assert ( credentials.get_model_access_kwargs(config_with_azure.smart_llm)["model"] == "SMART-LLM_ID" ) # Emulate --gpt4only config_with_azure.fast_llm = smart_llm assert ( credentials.get_model_access_kwargs(config_with_azure.fast_llm)["model"] == "SMART-LLM_ID" ) assert ( credentials.get_model_access_kwargs(config_with_azure.smart_llm)["model"] == "SMART-LLM_ID" ) # Emulate --gpt3only config_with_azure.fast_llm = config_with_azure.smart_llm = fast_llm assert ( credentials.get_model_access_kwargs(config_with_azure.fast_llm)["model"] == "FAST-LLM_ID" ) assert ( credentials.get_model_access_kwargs(config_with_azure.smart_llm)["model"] == "FAST-LLM_ID" ) def test_create_config_gpt4only(config: Config) -> None: with mock.patch("autogpt.llm.api_manager.ApiManager.get_models") as mock_get_models: mock_get_models.return_value = [ Model(id=GPT_4_MODEL, created=0, object="model", owned_by="AutoGPT") ] apply_overrides_to_config( config=config, gpt4only=True, ) assert config.fast_llm == GPT_4_MODEL assert config.smart_llm == GPT_4_MODEL def test_create_config_gpt3only(config: Config) -> None: with mock.patch("autogpt.llm.api_manager.ApiManager.get_models") as mock_get_models: mock_get_models.return_value = [{"id": GPT_3_MODEL}] apply_overrides_to_config( config=config, gpt3only=True, ) assert config.fast_llm == GPT_3_MODEL assert config.smart_llm == GPT_3_MODEL