AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2023-05-12fix the problem: HostClient maybe delete when pendingClientRequests > 0 (#1562)Gravatar Zhengkai Wang 1-3/+6
2023-05-11add concurrency for client's HostClient map (#1550)Gravatar Zhengkai Wang 1-49/+53
2023-05-11Refactor by removing unnecessary else block (#1559)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 2-12/+10
2023-05-11update go.sum (#1555)Gravatar tyltr 1-12/+0
2023-05-07Fix tests (#1552)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 4-24/+23
2023-04-28test: refactor to use WriteString (#1546)v1.47.0Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 4-8/+8
2023-04-28examples/client: fix error (#1545)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-1/+1
2023-04-26pprofhandler: use bytes.HasPrefix for consistency (#1543)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-7/+8
2023-04-25test: use ReplaceAll, remove unnecessary else (#1542)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-10/+8
2023-04-18Refactor client's example code (#1539)v1.46.0Gravatar Nikolay Vedernikov 1-32/+39
2023-04-15client:Fix DoTimeout timeout failure by setting temporary dial (#1535)Gravatar kukayiyi 1-4/+12
2023-04-14fix: add noDefaultContentType copy (#1538)Gravatar kinggo 2-0/+2
2023-04-12Fixed transfer-encoding for empty chunked payload (#1536)Gravatar Abe Saiovici 2-1/+23
2023-04-05support response body stream (#1414)Gravatar Anthony-Dong 4-13/+220
2023-04-04format : update some codes style (#1533)Gravatar LeoSun 2-3/+2
2023-04-04remove (#1534)Gravatar tyltr 1-1/+0
2023-03-30get rid of some panics (#1526)Gravatar Moritz Poldrack 13-63/+60
2023-03-28optimize:reduce loop (#1532)Gravatar tyltr 1-4/+2
2023-03-18test: simplify bytes.Buffer declaration (#1523)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 2-10/+5
2023-03-18GitHub actions/setup-go@v4 (#1520)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 2-16/+2
2023-03-15Update dependenciesv1.45.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 2-6/+18
2023-03-14docs: add missing dot to ConvertRequest comment (#1516)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-1/+1
2023-03-14client: HostClient.Do hangs out when ErrConnPoolStrategyNotImpl (#1515)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 2-0/+42
2023-03-11client: fix Do hangs when configure host client fails (#1514)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 2-0/+25
2023-03-08Fix proxy auth bugGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+1
2023-03-06client: remove unused go:build comment (#1511)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-2/+0
2023-03-06test: fix typos in function, error message, comment (#1512)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 3-7/+7
2023-03-06test: use Fprintf to simplify writing headers (#1510)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-3/+3
2023-03-03Immediately return ErrTimeout if deadline is already reached. (#1497)Gravatar Igor Menshenin 2-0/+68
2023-03-03Bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.0.0-20220214200702-86341886e292 to 0.1.0 (#1508)Gravatar dependabot[bot] 2-3/+3
2023-03-03http.go: close form file if copyZeroAlloc fails (#1498)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-0/+1
2023-03-03Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.0.0-20220906165146-f3363e06e74c to 0.7.0 (#1503)Gravatar dependabot[bot] 2-9/+9
2023-03-03Bump golang.org/x/text from 0.3.7 to 0.3.8 (#1502)Gravatar dependabot[bot] 2-5/+3
2023-03-03fix functiom name (#1505)Gravatar cui fliter 2-2/+2
2023-02-15test: bind to localhost instead of all interfaces (#1495)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-1/+1
2023-02-15test: close response body (#1496)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 3-1/+3
2023-02-13docs: Deprecate ErrAlreadyServing as never returning (#1491)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-2/+1
2023-02-13docs: fix grammar issues and typos in comments (#1492)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 12-29/+29
2023-02-11docs: replace links to golang.org with go.dev (#1489)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 9-89/+89
2023-02-11Refactor golangci-lint config and remove redundant nolints (#1486)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 15-64/+37
2023-02-10Rename unexported funcs, vars to match common Go (#1488)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 7-24/+24
2023-02-10Add missing fasthttp prefix in example usage (#1487)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-2/+2
2023-02-10test: use T.TempDir instead of MkdirTemp (#1485)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-6/+2
2023-02-09doc,test: correct typos (#1484)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 10-51/+51
2023-02-08optimized b2s function (#1483)Gravatar orangesobeautiful 1-5/+1
2023-02-06update compress modulule, drop 1.16 (#1482)Gravatar M. Efe Çetin 2-1/+3
2023-02-03Add support for Go 1.20 (#1481)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 10-41/+75
2023-02-03docs: add http2curl (#1480)Gravatar kinggo 1-2/+2
2023-02-01fix: modify normalizePath (#1478)Gravatar kinggo 3-4/+13
2023-01-23clear dst bodyRaw before copy (#1476)Gravatar tyltr 1-1/+1