package fasthttp import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "html" "net" "net/url" "testing" "time" "" ) func TestAppendQuotedArg(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Sync with url.QueryEscape allcases := make([]byte, 256) for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { allcases[i] = byte(i) } res := string(AppendQuotedArg(nil, allcases)) expect := url.QueryEscape(string(allcases)) if res != expect { t.Fatalf("unexpected string %q. Expecting %q.", res, expect) } } func TestAppendHTMLEscape(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // Sync with html.EscapeString allcases := make([]byte, 256) for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { allcases[i] = byte(i) } res := string(AppendHTMLEscape(nil, string(allcases))) expect := html.EscapeString(string(allcases)) if res != expect { t.Fatalf("unexpected string %q. Expecting %q.", res, expect) } testAppendHTMLEscape(t, "", "") testAppendHTMLEscape(t, "<", "<") testAppendHTMLEscape(t, "a", "a") testAppendHTMLEscape(t, `><"''`, "><"''") testAppendHTMLEscape(t, "foaxxx", "fo<b x='ss'>a</b>xxx") } func testAppendHTMLEscape(t *testing.T, s, expectedS string) { buf := AppendHTMLEscapeBytes(nil, []byte(s)) if string(buf) != expectedS { t.Fatalf("unexpected html-escaped string %q. Expecting %q. Original string %q", buf, expectedS, s) } } func TestParseIPv4(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testParseIPv4(t, "", true) testParseIPv4(t, "", true) testParseIPv4(t, "", true) // ipv6 shouldn't work testParseIPv4(t, "2001:4860:0:2001::68", false) // invalid ip testParseIPv4(t, "foobar", false) testParseIPv4(t, "1.2.3", false) testParseIPv4(t, "123.456.789.11", false) } func testParseIPv4(t *testing.T, ipStr string, isValid bool) { ip, err := ParseIPv4(nil, []byte(ipStr)) if isValid { if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error when parsing ip %q: %v", ipStr, err) } s := string(AppendIPv4(nil, ip)) if s != ipStr { t.Fatalf("unexpected ip parsed %q. Expecting %q", s, ipStr) } } else if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expecting error when parsing ip %q", ipStr) } } func TestAppendIPv4(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testAppendIPv4(t, "", true) testAppendIPv4(t, "", true) testAppendIPv4(t, "", true) testAppendIPv4(t, "", true) // ipv6 shouldn't work testAppendIPv4(t, "2001:4860:0:2001::68", false) } func testAppendIPv4(t *testing.T, ipStr string, isValid bool) { ip := net.ParseIP(ipStr) if ip == nil { t.Fatalf("cannot parse ip %q", ipStr) } s := string(AppendIPv4(nil, ip)) if isValid { if s != ipStr { t.Fatalf("unexpected ip %q. Expecting %q", s, ipStr) } } else { ipStr = "non-v4 ip passed to AppendIPv4" if s != ipStr { t.Fatalf("unexpected ip %q. Expecting %q", s, ipStr) } } } func testAppendUint(t *testing.T, n int) { expectedS := fmt.Sprintf("%d", n) s := AppendUint(nil, n) if string(s) != expectedS { t.Fatalf("unexpected uint %q. Expecting %q. n=%d", s, expectedS, n) } } func testWriteHexInt(t *testing.T, n int, expectedS string) { var w bytebufferpool.ByteBuffer bw := bufio.NewWriter(&w) if err := writeHexInt(bw, n); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error when writing hex %x: %v", n, err) } if err := bw.Flush(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error when flushing hex %x: %v", n, err) } s := string(w.B) if s != expectedS { t.Fatalf("unexpected hex after writing %q. Expected %q", s, expectedS) } } func TestReadHexIntError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testReadHexIntError(t, "") testReadHexIntError(t, "ZZZ") testReadHexIntError(t, "-123") testReadHexIntError(t, "+434") } func testReadHexIntError(t *testing.T, s string) { r := bytes.NewBufferString(s) br := bufio.NewReader(r) n, err := readHexInt(br) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("expecting error when reading hex int %q", s) } if n >= 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected hex value read %d for hex int %q. must be negative", n, s) } } func testReadHexIntSuccess(t *testing.T, s string, expectedN int) { r := bytes.NewBufferString(s) br := bufio.NewReader(r) n, err := readHexInt(br) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v. s=%q", err, s) } if n != expectedN { t.Fatalf("unexpected hex int %d. Expected %d. s=%q", n, expectedN, s) } } func TestAppendHTTPDate(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() d := time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) s := string(AppendHTTPDate(nil, d)) expectedS := "Tue, 10 Nov 2009 23:00:00 GMT" if s != expectedS { t.Fatalf("unexpected date %q. Expecting %q", s, expectedS) } b := []byte("prefix") s = string(AppendHTTPDate(b, d)) if s[:len(b)] != string(b) { t.Fatalf("unexpected prefix %q. Expecting %q", s[:len(b)], b) } s = s[len(b):] if s != expectedS { t.Fatalf("unexpected date %q. Expecting %q", s, expectedS) } } func TestParseUintError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // empty string testParseUintError(t, "") // negative value testParseUintError(t, "-123") // non-num testParseUintError(t, "foobar234") // non-num chars at the end testParseUintError(t, "123w") // floating point num testParseUintError(t, "1234.545") // too big num testParseUintError(t, "12345678901234567890") testParseUintError(t, "1234567890123456789012") } func TestParseUfloatSuccess(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testParseUfloatSuccess(t, "0", 0) testParseUfloatSuccess(t, "1.", 1.) testParseUfloatSuccess(t, ".1", 0.1) testParseUfloatSuccess(t, "123.456", 123.456) testParseUfloatSuccess(t, "123", 123) testParseUfloatSuccess(t, "1234e2", 1234e2) testParseUfloatSuccess(t, "1234E-5", 1234e-5) testParseUfloatSuccess(t, "1.234e+3", 1.234e+3) } func TestParseUfloatError(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() // empty num testParseUfloatError(t, "") // negative num testParseUfloatError(t, "-123.53") // non-num chars testParseUfloatError(t, "123sdfsd") testParseUfloatError(t, "sdsf234") testParseUfloatError(t, "sdfdf") // non-num chars in exponent testParseUfloatError(t, "123e3s") testParseUfloatError(t, "12.3e-op") testParseUfloatError(t, "123E+SS5") // duplicate point testParseUfloatError(t, "1.3.4") // duplicate exponent testParseUfloatError(t, "123e5e6") // missing exponent testParseUfloatError(t, "123534e") } func testParseUfloatError(t *testing.T, s string) { n, err := ParseUfloat([]byte(s)) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expecting error when parsing %q. obtained %f", s, n) } if n >= 0 { t.Fatalf("Expecting negative num instead of %f when parsing %q", n, s) } } func testParseUfloatSuccess(t *testing.T, s string, expectedF float64) { f, err := ParseUfloat([]byte(s)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error when parsing %q: %v", s, err) } delta := f - expectedF if delta < 0 { delta = -delta } if delta > expectedF*1e-10 { t.Fatalf("Unexpected value when parsing %q: %f. Expected %f", s, f, expectedF) } } func testParseUintError(t *testing.T, s string) { n, err := ParseUint([]byte(s)) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expecting error when parsing %q. obtained %d", s, n) } if n >= 0 { t.Fatalf("Unexpected n=%d when parsing %q. Expected negative num", n, s) } } func testParseUintSuccess(t *testing.T, s string, expectedN int) { n, err := ParseUint([]byte(s)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error when parsing %q: %v", s, err) } if n != expectedN { t.Fatalf("Unexpected value %d. Expected %d. num=%q", n, expectedN, s) } } func TestAppendUnquotedArg(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testAppendUnquotedArg(t, "", "") testAppendUnquotedArg(t, "abc", "abc") testAppendUnquotedArg(t, "тест.abc", "тест.abc") testAppendUnquotedArg(t, "%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%20%=&;:", "тест %=&;:") } func testAppendUnquotedArg(t *testing.T, s, expectedS string) { // test appending to nil result := AppendUnquotedArg(nil, []byte(s)) if string(result) != expectedS { t.Fatalf("Unexpected AppendUnquotedArg(%q)=%q, want %q", s, result, expectedS) } // test appending to prefix prefix := "prefix" dst := []byte(prefix) dst = AppendUnquotedArg(dst, []byte(s)) if !bytes.HasPrefix(dst, []byte(prefix)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected prefix for AppendUnquotedArg(%q)=%q, want %q", s, dst, prefix) } result = dst[len(prefix):] if string(result) != expectedS { t.Fatalf("Unexpected AppendUnquotedArg(%q)=%q, want %q", s, result, expectedS) } // test in-place appending result = []byte(s) result = AppendUnquotedArg(result[:0], result) if string(result) != expectedS { t.Fatalf("Unexpected AppendUnquotedArg(%q)=%q, want %q", s, result, expectedS) } // verify AppendQuotedArg <-> AppendUnquotedArg conversion quotedS := AppendQuotedArg(nil, []byte(s)) unquotedS := AppendUnquotedArg(nil, quotedS) if s != string(unquotedS) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected AppendUnquotedArg(AppendQuotedArg(%q))=%q, want %q", s, unquotedS, s) } }