path: root/cli.py
diff options
authorGravatar SwiftyOS <craigswift13@gmail.com> 2023-09-15 15:14:06 +0200
committerGravatar SwiftyOS <craigswift13@gmail.com> 2023-09-15 15:14:06 +0200
commit74c46bae7a69e7e21527b3e279762bf1ec0ab0da (patch)
tree355fc230a27ddcc5480388649b8449b3821ecb2b /cli.py
parentAdd integrations to the forge (#5220) (diff)
Added cli tool for setting up and running the project
Diffstat (limited to 'cli.py')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cli.py b/cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3b5c58e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ import click
+except ImportError:
+ import os
+ os.system('pip3 install click')
+ import click
+def cli():
+ pass
+def setup():
+ """Setup command"""
+ import os
+ import subprocess
+ script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ setup_script = os.path.join(script_dir, 'setup.sh')
+ if os.path.exists(setup_script):
+ subprocess.Popen([setup_script], cwd=script_dir)
+ click.echo("Setup initiated")
+ else:
+ click.echo("Error: setup.sh does not exist in the current directory.")
+def agents():
+ """Agents group command"""
+ pass
+def create(agent_name):
+ """Create's a new agent with the agent name provieded"""
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ import re
+ if not re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$", agent_name):
+ click.echo(click.style(f"šŸ˜ž Agent name '{agent_name}' is not valid. It should not contain spaces or special characters other than -_", fg='red'))
+ return
+ try:
+ new_agent_dir = f'./autogpts/{agent_name}'
+ if not os.path.exists(new_agent_dir):
+ shutil.copytree('./autogpts/forge', new_agent_dir)
+ click.echo(click.style(f"šŸŽ‰ New agent '{agent_name}' created and switched to the new directory in autogpts folder.", fg='green'))
+ else:
+ click.echo(click.style(f"šŸ˜ž Agent '{agent_name}' already exists. Enter a different name for your agent", fg='red'))
+ except Exception as e:
+ click.echo(click.style(f"šŸ˜¢ An error occurred: {e}", fg='red'))
+def start(agent_name):
+ """Start agent command"""
+ import os
+ import subprocess
+ script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ agent_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, f'autogpts/{agent_name}')
+ run_command = os.path.join(agent_dir, 'run')
+ if os.path.exists(agent_dir) and os.path.isfile(run_command):
+ os.chdir(agent_dir)
+ subprocess.Popen(["./run"], cwd=agent_dir)
+ click.echo(f"Agent '{agent_name}' started")
+ elif not os.path.exists(agent_dir):
+ click.echo(click.style(f"šŸ˜ž Agent '{agent_name}' does not exist. Please create the agent first.", fg='red'))
+ else:
+ click.echo(click.style(f"šŸ˜ž Run command does not exist in the agent '{agent_name}' directory.", fg='red'))
+def stop():
+ """Stop agent command"""
+ import subprocess
+ import os
+ import signal
+ try:
+ pid = int(subprocess.check_output(["lsof", "-t", "-i", ":8000"]))
+ os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ click.echo("Agent stopped")
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ click.echo("Error: Unexpected error occurred.")
+ except ProcessLookupError:
+ click.echo("Error: No process with the specified PID was found.")
+def list():
+ """List agents command"""
+ import os
+ try:
+ agents_dir = './autogpts'
+ agents_list = [d for d in os.listdir(agents_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(agents_dir, d))]
+ if agents_list:
+ click.echo(click.style('Available agents: šŸ¤–', fg='green'))
+ for agent in agents_list:
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\tšŸ™ {agent}", fg='blue'))
+ else:
+ click.echo(click.style("No agents found šŸ˜ž", fg='red'))
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ click.echo(click.style("The autogpts directory does not exist šŸ˜¢", fg='red'))
+ except Exception as e:
+ click.echo(click.style(f"An error occurred: {e} šŸ˜¢", fg='red'))
+def benchmark():
+ """Benchmark group command"""
+ pass
+ ignore_unknown_options=True,
+@click.argument('subprocess_args', nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED)
+def start(agent_name, subprocess_args):
+ """Starts the benchmark command"""
+ import os
+ import subprocess
+ script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ agent_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, f'autogpts/{agent_name}')
+ benchmark_script = os.path.join(agent_dir, 'run_benchmark.sh')
+ if os.path.exists(agent_dir) and os.path.isfile(benchmark_script):
+ os.chdir(agent_dir)
+ subprocess.Popen([benchmark_script, *subprocess_args], cwd=agent_dir)
+ click.echo(click.style(f"šŸš€ Running benchmark for '{agent_name}' with subprocess arguments: {' '.join(subprocess_args)}", fg='green'))
+ else:
+ click.echo(click.style(f"šŸ˜ž Agent '{agent_name}' does not exist. Please create the agent first.", fg='red'))
+def benchmark_categories():
+ """Benchmark categories group command"""
+ pass
+def benchmark_categories_list():
+ """List benchmark categories command"""
+ import os
+ import json
+ import glob
+ categories = set()
+ # Get the directory of this file
+ this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ glob_path = os.path.join(this_dir, "./benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/**/[!deprecated]*/data.json")
+ # Use it as the base for the glob pattern, excluding 'deprecated' directory
+ for data_file in glob.glob(glob_path, recursive=True):
+ with open(data_file, "r") as f:
+ try:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ categories.update(data.get("category", []))
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ print(f"Error: {data_file} is not a valid JSON file.")
+ continue
+ except IOError:
+ print(f"IOError: file could not be read: {data_file}")
+ continue
+ if categories:
+ click.echo(click.style('Available categories: šŸ“š', fg='green'))
+ for category in categories:
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\tšŸ“– {category}", fg='blue'))
+ else:
+ click.echo(click.style("No categories found šŸ˜ž", fg='red'))
+def benchmark_tests():
+ """Benchmark tests group command"""
+ pass
+def benchmark_tests_list():
+ """List benchmark tests command"""
+ import os
+ import json
+ import glob
+ import re
+ tests = {}
+ # Get the directory of this file
+ this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ glob_path = os.path.join(this_dir, "./benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/**/[!deprecated]*/data.json")
+ # Use it as the base for the glob pattern, excluding 'deprecated' directory
+ for data_file in glob.glob(glob_path, recursive=True):
+ with open(data_file, "r") as f:
+ try:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ category = data.get("category", [])
+ test_name = data.get("name", "")
+ if category and test_name:
+ if category[0] not in tests:
+ tests[category[0]] = []
+ tests[category[0]].append(test_name)
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ print(f"Error: {data_file} is not a valid JSON file.")
+ continue
+ except IOError:
+ print(f"IOError: file could not be read: {data_file}")
+ continue
+ if tests:
+ click.echo(click.style('Available tests: šŸ“š', fg='green'))
+ for category, test_list in tests.items():
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\tšŸ“– {category}", fg='blue'))
+ for test in sorted(test_list):
+ test_name = ' '.join(word for word in re.split('([A-Z][a-z]*)', test) if word).replace('_', '').replace('C L I', 'CLI')[5:].replace(' ', ' ')
+ test_name_padded = f"{test_name:<40}"
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tšŸ”¬ {test_name_padded} - {test}", fg='cyan'))
+ else:
+ click.echo(click.style("No tests found šŸ˜ž", fg='red'))
+def benchmark_tests_details(test_name):
+ """Benchmark test details command"""
+ import os
+ import json
+ import glob
+ # Get the directory of this file
+ this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ glob_path = os.path.join(this_dir, "./benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/**/[!deprecated]*/data.json")
+ # Use it as the base for the glob pattern, excluding 'deprecated' directory
+ for data_file in glob.glob(glob_path, recursive=True):
+ with open(data_file, "r") as f:
+ try:
+ data = json.load(f)
+ if data.get("name") == test_name:
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\n{data.get('name')}\n{'-'*len(data.get('name'))}\n", fg='blue'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\tCategory: {', '.join(data.get('category'))}", fg='green'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\tTask: {data.get('task')}", fg='green'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\tDependencies: {', '.join(data.get('dependencies')) if data.get('dependencies') else 'None'}", fg='green'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\tCutoff: {data.get('cutoff')}\n", fg='green'))
+ click.echo(click.style("\tTest Conditions\n\t-------", fg='magenta'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tAnswer: {data.get('ground').get('answer')}", fg='magenta'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tShould Contain: {', '.join(data.get('ground').get('should_contain'))}", fg='magenta'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tShould Not Contain: {', '.join(data.get('ground').get('should_not_contain'))}", fg='magenta'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tFiles: {', '.join(data.get('ground').get('files'))}", fg='magenta'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tEval: {data.get('ground').get('eval').get('type')}\n", fg='magenta'))
+ click.echo(click.style("\tInfo\n\t-------", fg='yellow'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tDifficulty: {data.get('info').get('difficulty')}", fg='yellow'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tDescription: {data.get('info').get('description')}", fg='yellow'))
+ click.echo(click.style(f"\t\tSide Effects: {', '.join(data.get('info').get('side_effects'))}", fg='yellow'))
+ break
+ except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ print(f"Error: {data_file} is not a valid JSON file.")
+ continue
+ except IOError:
+ print(f"IOError: file could not be read: {data_file}")
+ continue
+def frontend():
+ """Frontend command group"""
+ import os
+ import subprocess
+ import socket
+ try:
+ output = subprocess.check_output(["lsof", "-t", "-i", ":8000"])
+ if output:
+ click.echo("Agent is running.")
+ else:
+ click.echo("Error: Agent is not running. Please start an agent first.")
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ click.echo("Error: Unexpected error occurred.")
+ return
+ frontend_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'frontend')
+ run_file = os.path.join(frontend_dir, 'run')
+ if os.path.exists(frontend_dir) and os.path.isfile(run_file):
+ subprocess.Popen(["./run"], cwd=frontend_dir)
+ click.echo("Launching frontend")
+ else:
+ click.echo("Error: Frontend directory or run file does not exist.")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cli()