path: root/autogpt/llm/providers/openai.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'autogpt/llm/providers/openai.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 429 deletions
diff --git a/autogpt/llm/providers/openai.py b/autogpt/llm/providers/openai.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f00a1f28b..000000000
--- a/autogpt/llm/providers/openai.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-import functools
-import time
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import Callable, List, Optional
-from unittest.mock import patch
-import openai
-import openai.api_resources.abstract.engine_api_resource as engine_api_resource
-from colorama import Fore, Style
-from openai.error import APIError, RateLimitError, ServiceUnavailableError, Timeout
-from openai.openai_object import OpenAIObject
-from autogpt.llm.base import (
- ChatModelInfo,
- EmbeddingModelInfo,
- MessageDict,
- TextModelInfo,
- TText,
-from autogpt.logs import logger
-from autogpt.models.command_registry import CommandRegistry
- info.name: info
- for info in [
- ChatModelInfo(
- name="gpt-3.5-turbo-0301",
- prompt_token_cost=0.0015,
- completion_token_cost=0.002,
- max_tokens=4096,
- ),
- ChatModelInfo(
- name="gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
- prompt_token_cost=0.0015,
- completion_token_cost=0.002,
- max_tokens=4096,
- ),
- ChatModelInfo(
- name="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613",
- prompt_token_cost=0.003,
- completion_token_cost=0.004,
- max_tokens=16384,
- ),
- ChatModelInfo(
- name="gpt-4-0314",
- prompt_token_cost=0.03,
- completion_token_cost=0.06,
- max_tokens=8192,
- ),
- ChatModelInfo(
- name="gpt-4-0613",
- prompt_token_cost=0.03,
- completion_token_cost=0.06,
- max_tokens=8192,
- ),
- ChatModelInfo(
- name="gpt-4-32k-0314",
- prompt_token_cost=0.06,
- completion_token_cost=0.12,
- max_tokens=32768,
- ),
- ChatModelInfo(
- name="gpt-4-32k-0613",
- prompt_token_cost=0.06,
- completion_token_cost=0.12,
- max_tokens=32768,
- ),
- ]
-# Set aliases for rolling model IDs
-chat_model_mapping = {
- "gpt-3.5-turbo": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
- "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613",
- "gpt-4": "gpt-4-0613",
- "gpt-4-32k": "gpt-4-32k-0613",
-for alias, target in chat_model_mapping.items():
- alias_info = ChatModelInfo(**OPEN_AI_CHAT_MODELS[target].__dict__)
- alias_info.name = alias
- OPEN_AI_CHAT_MODELS[alias] = alias_info
- info.name: info
- for info in [
- TextModelInfo(
- name="text-davinci-003",
- prompt_token_cost=0.02,
- completion_token_cost=0.02,
- max_tokens=4097,
- ),
- ]
- info.name: info
- for info in [
- EmbeddingModelInfo(
- name="text-embedding-ada-002",
- prompt_token_cost=0.0001,
- max_tokens=8191,
- embedding_dimensions=1536,
- ),
- ]
-OPEN_AI_MODELS: dict[str, ChatModelInfo | EmbeddingModelInfo | TextModelInfo] = {
-def meter_api(func: Callable):
- """Adds ApiManager metering to functions which make OpenAI API calls"""
- from autogpt.llm.api_manager import ApiManager
- api_manager = ApiManager()
- openai_obj_processor = openai.util.convert_to_openai_object
- def update_usage_with_response(response: OpenAIObject):
- try:
- usage = response.usage
- logger.debug(f"Reported usage from call to model {response.model}: {usage}")
- api_manager.update_cost(
- response.usage.prompt_tokens,
- response.usage.completion_tokens if "completion_tokens" in usage else 0,
- response.model,
- )
- except Exception as err:
- logger.warn(f"Failed to update API costs: {err.__class__.__name__}: {err}")
- def metering_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- openai_obj = openai_obj_processor(*args, **kwargs)
- if isinstance(openai_obj, OpenAIObject) and "usage" in openai_obj:
- update_usage_with_response(openai_obj)
- return openai_obj
- def metered_func(*args, **kwargs):
- with patch.object(
- engine_api_resource.util,
- "convert_to_openai_object",
- side_effect=metering_wrapper,
- ):
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- return metered_func
-def retry_api(
- max_retries: int = 10,
- backoff_base: float = 2.0,
- warn_user: bool = True,
- """Retry an OpenAI API call.
- Args:
- num_retries int: Number of retries. Defaults to 10.
- backoff_base float: Base for exponential backoff. Defaults to 2.
- warn_user bool: Whether to warn the user. Defaults to True.
- """
- error_messages = {
- ServiceUnavailableError: f"{Fore.RED}Error: The OpenAI API engine is currently overloaded{Fore.RESET}",
- RateLimitError: f"{Fore.RED}Error: Reached rate limit{Fore.RESET}",
- }
- api_key_error_msg = (
- f"Please double check that you have setup a "
- f"{Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT}PAID{Style.RESET_ALL} OpenAI API Account. You can "
- f"read more here: {Fore.CYAN}https://docs.agpt.co/setup/#getting-an-api-key{Fore.RESET}"
- )
- backoff_msg = f"{Fore.RED}Waiting {{backoff}} seconds...{Fore.RESET}"
- def _wrapper(func: Callable):
- @functools.wraps(func)
- def _wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
- user_warned = not warn_user
- max_attempts = max_retries + 1 # +1 for the first attempt
- for attempt in range(1, max_attempts + 1):
- try:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- except (RateLimitError, ServiceUnavailableError) as e:
- if attempt >= max_attempts or (
- # User's API quota exceeded
- isinstance(e, RateLimitError)
- and (err := getattr(e, "error", {}))
- and err.get("code") == "insufficient_quota"
- ):
- raise
- error_msg = error_messages[type(e)]
- logger.warn(error_msg)
- if not user_warned:
- logger.double_check(api_key_error_msg)
- logger.debug(f"Status: {e.http_status}")
- logger.debug(f"Response body: {e.json_body}")
- logger.debug(f"Response headers: {e.headers}")
- user_warned = True
- except (APIError, Timeout) as e:
- if (e.http_status not in [429, 502]) or (attempt == max_attempts):
- raise
- backoff = backoff_base ** (attempt + 2)
- logger.warn(backoff_msg.format(backoff=backoff))
- time.sleep(backoff)
- return _wrapped
- return _wrapper
-def create_chat_completion(
- messages: List[MessageDict],
- *_,
- **kwargs,
-) -> OpenAIObject:
- """Create a chat completion using the OpenAI API
- Args:
- messages: A list of messages to feed to the chatbot.
- kwargs: Other arguments to pass to the OpenAI API chat completion call.
- Returns:
- OpenAIObject: The ChatCompletion response from OpenAI
- """
- completion: OpenAIObject = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
- messages=messages,
- **kwargs,
- )
- if not hasattr(completion, "error"):
- logger.debug(f"Response: {completion}")
- return completion
-def create_text_completion(
- prompt: str,
- *_,
- **kwargs,
-) -> OpenAIObject:
- """Create a text completion using the OpenAI API
- Args:
- prompt: A text prompt to feed to the LLM
- kwargs: Other arguments to pass to the OpenAI API text completion call.
- Returns:
- OpenAIObject: The Completion response from OpenAI
- """
- return openai.Completion.create(
- prompt=prompt,
- **kwargs,
- )
-def create_embedding(
- input: str | TText | List[str] | List[TText],
- *_,
- **kwargs,
-) -> OpenAIObject:
- """Create an embedding using the OpenAI API
- Args:
- input: The text to embed.
- kwargs: Other arguments to pass to the OpenAI API embedding call.
- Returns:
- OpenAIObject: The Embedding response from OpenAI
- """
- return openai.Embedding.create(
- input=input,
- **kwargs,
- )
-class OpenAIFunctionCall:
- """Represents a function call as generated by an OpenAI model
- Attributes:
- name: the name of the function that the LLM wants to call
- arguments: a stringified JSON object (unverified) containing `arg: value` pairs
- """
- name: str
- arguments: str
-class OpenAIFunctionSpec:
- """Represents a "function" in OpenAI, which is mapped to a Command in Auto-GPT"""
- name: str
- description: str
- parameters: dict[str, ParameterSpec]
- @dataclass
- class ParameterSpec:
- name: str
- type: str # TODO: add enum support
- description: Optional[str]
- required: bool = False
- @property
- def schema(self) -> dict[str, str | dict | list]:
- """Returns an OpenAI-consumable function specification"""
- return {
- "name": self.name,
- "description": self.description,
- "parameters": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- param.name: {
- "type": param.type,
- "description": param.description,
- }
- for param in self.parameters.values()
- },
- "required": [
- param.name for param in self.parameters.values() if param.required
- ],
- },
- }
- @property
- def prompt_format(self) -> str:
- """Returns the function formatted similarly to the way OpenAI does it internally:
- https://community.openai.com/t/how-to-calculate-the-tokens-when-using-function-call/266573/18
- Example:
- ```ts
- // Get the current weather in a given location
- type get_current_weather = (_: {
- // The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA
- location: string,
- unit?: "celsius" | "fahrenheit",
- }) => any;
- ```
- """
- def param_signature(p_spec: OpenAIFunctionSpec.ParameterSpec) -> str:
- # TODO: enum type support
- return (
- f"// {p_spec.description}\n" if p_spec.description else ""
- ) + f"{p_spec.name}{'' if p_spec.required else '?'}: {p_spec.type},"
- return "\n".join(
- [
- f"// {self.description}",
- f"type {self.name} = (_ :{{",
- *[param_signature(p) for p in self.parameters.values()],
- "}) => any;",
- ]
- )
-def get_openai_command_specs(
- command_registry: CommandRegistry,
-) -> list[OpenAIFunctionSpec]:
- """Get OpenAI-consumable function specs for the agent's available commands.
- see https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/gpt/function-calling
- """
- return [
- OpenAIFunctionSpec(
- name=command.name,
- description=command.description,
- parameters={
- param.name: OpenAIFunctionSpec.ParameterSpec(
- name=param.name,
- type=param.type,
- required=param.required,
- description=param.description,
- )
- for param in command.parameters
- },
- )
- for command in command_registry.commands.values()
- ]
-def count_openai_functions_tokens(
- functions: list[OpenAIFunctionSpec], for_model: str
-) -> int:
- """Returns the number of tokens taken up by a set of function definitions
- Reference: https://community.openai.com/t/how-to-calculate-the-tokens-when-using-function-call/266573/18
- """
- from autogpt.llm.utils import count_string_tokens
- return count_string_tokens(
- f"# Tools\n\n## functions\n\n{format_function_specs_as_typescript_ns(functions)}",
- for_model,
- )
-def format_function_specs_as_typescript_ns(functions: list[OpenAIFunctionSpec]) -> str:
- """Returns a function signature block in the format used by OpenAI internally:
- https://community.openai.com/t/how-to-calculate-the-tokens-when-using-function-call/266573/18
- For use with `count_string_tokens` to determine token usage of provided functions.
- Example:
- ```ts
- namespace functions {
- // Get the current weather in a given location
- type get_current_weather = (_: {
- // The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA
- location: string,
- unit?: "celsius" | "fahrenheit",
- }) => any;
- } // namespace functions
- ```
- """
- return (
- "namespace functions {\n\n"
- + "\n\n".join(f.prompt_format for f in functions)
- + "\n\n} // namespace functions"
- )