path: root/autogpt/processing/text.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/autogpt/processing/text.py b/autogpt/processing/text.py
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index ddb64df18..000000000
--- a/autogpt/processing/text.py
+++ /dev/null
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-"""Text processing functions"""
-from math import ceil
-from typing import Optional
-import spacy
-import tiktoken
-from autogpt.config import Config
-from autogpt.llm.base import ChatSequence
-from autogpt.llm.providers.openai import OPEN_AI_MODELS
-from autogpt.llm.utils import count_string_tokens, create_chat_completion
-from autogpt.logs import logger
-from autogpt.utils import batch
-def _max_chunk_length(model: str, max: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
- model_max_input_tokens = OPEN_AI_MODELS[model].max_tokens - 1
- if max is not None and max > 0:
- return min(max, model_max_input_tokens)
- return model_max_input_tokens
-def must_chunk_content(
- text: str, for_model: str, max_chunk_length: Optional[int] = None
-) -> bool:
- return count_string_tokens(text, for_model) > _max_chunk_length(
- for_model, max_chunk_length
- )
-def chunk_content(
- content: str,
- for_model: str,
- max_chunk_length: Optional[int] = None,
- with_overlap=True,
- """Split content into chunks of approximately equal token length."""
- MAX_OVERLAP = 200 # limit overlap to save tokens
- if not must_chunk_content(content, for_model, max_chunk_length):
- yield content, count_string_tokens(content, for_model)
- return
- max_chunk_length = max_chunk_length or _max_chunk_length(for_model)
- tokenizer = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(for_model)
- tokenized_text = tokenizer.encode(content)
- total_length = len(tokenized_text)
- n_chunks = ceil(total_length / max_chunk_length)
- chunk_length = ceil(total_length / n_chunks)
- overlap = min(max_chunk_length - chunk_length, MAX_OVERLAP) if with_overlap else 0
- for token_batch in batch(tokenized_text, chunk_length + overlap, overlap):
- yield tokenizer.decode(token_batch), len(token_batch)
-def summarize_text(
- text: str,
- config: Config,
- instruction: Optional[str] = None,
- question: Optional[str] = None,
-) -> tuple[str, None | list[tuple[str, str]]]:
- """Summarize text using the OpenAI API
- Args:
- text (str): The text to summarize
- config (Config): The config object
- instruction (str): Additional instruction for summarization, e.g. "focus on information related to polar bears", "omit personal information contained in the text"
- question (str): Question to answer in the summary
- Returns:
- str: The summary of the text
- list[(summary, chunk)]: Text chunks and their summary, if the text was chunked.
- None otherwise.
- """
- if not text:
- raise ValueError("No text to summarize")
- if instruction and question:
- raise ValueError("Parameters 'question' and 'instructions' cannot both be set")
- model = config.fast_llm
- if question:
- instruction = (
- f'include any information that can be used to answer the question "{question}". '
- "Do not directly answer the question itself"
- )
- summarization_prompt = ChatSequence.for_model(model)
- token_length = count_string_tokens(text, model)
- logger.info(f"Text length: {token_length} tokens")
- # reserve 50 tokens for summary prompt, 500 for the response
- max_chunk_length = _max_chunk_length(model) - 550
- logger.info(f"Max chunk length: {max_chunk_length} tokens")
- if not must_chunk_content(text, model, max_chunk_length):
- # summarization_prompt.add("user", text)
- summarization_prompt.add(
- "user",
- "Write a concise summary of the following text"
- f"{f'; {instruction}' if instruction is not None else ''}:"
- "\n\n\n"
- f'LITERAL TEXT: """{text}"""'
- "\n\n\n"
- "CONCISE SUMMARY: The text is best summarized as"
- # "Only respond with a concise summary or description of the user message."
- )
- logger.debug(f"Summarizing with {model}:\n{summarization_prompt.dump()}\n")
- summary = create_chat_completion(
- prompt=summarization_prompt, config=config, temperature=0, max_tokens=500
- ).content
- logger.debug(f"\n{'-'*16} SUMMARY {'-'*17}\n{summary}\n{'-'*42}\n")
- return summary.strip(), None
- summaries: list[str] = []
- chunks = list(
- split_text(
- text, for_model=model, config=config, max_chunk_length=max_chunk_length
- )
- )
- for i, (chunk, chunk_length) in enumerate(chunks):
- logger.info(
- f"Summarizing chunk {i + 1} / {len(chunks)} of length {chunk_length} tokens"
- )
- summary, _ = summarize_text(chunk, config, instruction)
- summaries.append(summary)
- logger.info(f"Summarized {len(chunks)} chunks")
- summary, _ = summarize_text("\n\n".join(summaries), config)
- return summary.strip(), [
- (summaries[i], chunks[i][0]) for i in range(0, len(chunks))
- ]
-def split_text(
- text: str,
- for_model: str,
- config: Config,
- with_overlap=True,
- max_chunk_length: Optional[int] = None,
- """Split text into chunks of sentences, with each chunk not exceeding the maximum length
- Args:
- text (str): The text to split
- for_model (str): The model to chunk for; determines tokenizer and constraints
- config (Config): The config object
- with_overlap (bool, optional): Whether to allow overlap between chunks
- max_chunk_length (int, optional): The maximum length of a chunk
- Yields:
- str: The next chunk of text
- Raises:
- ValueError: when a sentence is longer than the maximum length
- """
- max_length = _max_chunk_length(for_model, max_chunk_length)
- # flatten paragraphs to improve performance
- text = text.replace("\n", " ")
- text_length = count_string_tokens(text, for_model)
- if text_length < max_length:
- yield text, text_length
- return
- n_chunks = ceil(text_length / max_length)
- target_chunk_length = ceil(text_length / n_chunks)
- nlp: spacy.language.Language = spacy.load(config.browse_spacy_language_model)
- nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer")
- doc = nlp(text)
- sentences = [sentence.text.strip() for sentence in doc.sents]
- current_chunk: list[str] = []
- current_chunk_length = 0
- last_sentence = None
- last_sentence_length = 0
- i = 0
- while i < len(sentences):
- sentence = sentences[i]
- sentence_length = count_string_tokens(sentence, for_model)
- expected_chunk_length = current_chunk_length + 1 + sentence_length
- if (
- expected_chunk_length < max_length
- # try to create chunks of approximately equal size
- and expected_chunk_length - (sentence_length / 2) < target_chunk_length
- ):
- current_chunk.append(sentence)
- current_chunk_length = expected_chunk_length
- elif sentence_length < max_length:
- if last_sentence:
- yield " ".join(current_chunk), current_chunk_length
- current_chunk = []
- current_chunk_length = 0
- if with_overlap:
- overlap_max_length = max_length - sentence_length - 1
- if last_sentence_length < overlap_max_length:
- current_chunk += [last_sentence]
- current_chunk_length += last_sentence_length + 1
- elif overlap_max_length > 5:
- # add as much from the end of the last sentence as fits
- current_chunk += [
- list(
- chunk_content(
- last_sentence,
- for_model,
- overlap_max_length,
- )
- ).pop()[0],
- ]
- current_chunk_length += overlap_max_length + 1
- current_chunk += [sentence]
- current_chunk_length += sentence_length
- else: # sentence longer than maximum length -> chop up and try again
- sentences[i : i + 1] = [
- chunk
- for chunk, _ in chunk_content(sentence, for_model, target_chunk_length)
- ]
- continue
- i += 1
- last_sentence = sentence
- last_sentence_length = sentence_length
- if current_chunk:
- yield " ".join(current_chunk), current_chunk_length