path: root/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/base.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/base.py')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/base.py b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/base.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/base.py
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+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
+from auto_gpt_plugin_template import AutoGPTPluginTemplate
+from pydantic import Field, validator
+ from autogpt.config import Config
+ from autogpt.core.prompting.base import PromptStrategy
+ from autogpt.core.resource.model_providers.schema import (
+ AssistantChatMessage,
+ ChatModelInfo,
+ ChatModelProvider,
+ ChatModelResponse,
+ )
+ from autogpt.models.command_registry import CommandRegistry
+from autogpt.agents.utils.prompt_scratchpad import PromptScratchpad
+from autogpt.config import ConfigBuilder
+from autogpt.config.ai_directives import AIDirectives
+from autogpt.config.ai_profile import AIProfile
+from autogpt.core.configuration import (
+ Configurable,
+ SystemConfiguration,
+ SystemSettings,
+ UserConfigurable,
+from autogpt.core.prompting.schema import (
+ ChatMessage,
+ ChatPrompt,
+ CompletionModelFunction,
+from autogpt.core.resource.model_providers.openai import (
+ OpenAIModelName,
+from autogpt.core.runner.client_lib.logging.helpers import dump_prompt
+from autogpt.llm.providers.openai import get_openai_command_specs
+from autogpt.models.action_history import ActionResult, EpisodicActionHistory
+from autogpt.prompts.prompt import DEFAULT_TRIGGERING_PROMPT
+from .utils.agent_file_manager import AgentFileManager
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CommandName = str
+CommandArgs = dict[str, str]
+AgentThoughts = dict[str, Any]
+class BaseAgentConfiguration(SystemConfiguration):
+ allow_fs_access: bool = UserConfigurable(default=False)
+ fast_llm: OpenAIModelName = UserConfigurable(default=OpenAIModelName.GPT3_16k)
+ smart_llm: OpenAIModelName = UserConfigurable(default=OpenAIModelName.GPT4)
+ use_functions_api: bool = UserConfigurable(default=False)
+ default_cycle_instruction: str = DEFAULT_TRIGGERING_PROMPT
+ """The default instruction passed to the AI for a thinking cycle."""
+ big_brain: bool = UserConfigurable(default=True)
+ """
+ Whether this agent uses the configured smart LLM (default) to think,
+ as opposed to the configured fast LLM. Enabling this disables hybrid mode.
+ """
+ cycle_budget: Optional[int] = 1
+ """
+ The number of cycles that the agent is allowed to run unsupervised.
+ `None` for unlimited continuous execution,
+ `1` to require user approval for every step,
+ `0` to stop the agent.
+ """
+ cycles_remaining = cycle_budget
+ """The number of cycles remaining within the `cycle_budget`."""
+ cycle_count = 0
+ """The number of cycles that the agent has run since its initialization."""
+ send_token_limit: Optional[int] = None
+ """
+ The token limit for prompt construction. Should leave room for the completion;
+ defaults to 75% of `llm.max_tokens`.
+ """
+ summary_max_tlength: Optional[int] = None
+ # TODO: move to ActionHistoryConfiguration
+ plugins: list[AutoGPTPluginTemplate] = Field(default_factory=list, exclude=True)
+ class Config:
+ arbitrary_types_allowed = True # Necessary for plugins
+ @validator("plugins", each_item=True)
+ def validate_plugins(cls, p: AutoGPTPluginTemplate | Any):
+ assert issubclass(
+ p.__class__, AutoGPTPluginTemplate
+ ), f"{p} does not subclass AutoGPTPluginTemplate"
+ assert (
+ p.__class__.__name__ != "AutoGPTPluginTemplate"
+ ), f"Plugins must subclass AutoGPTPluginTemplate; {p} is a template instance"
+ return p
+ @validator("use_functions_api")
+ def validate_openai_functions(cls, v: bool, values: dict[str, Any]):
+ if v:
+ smart_llm = values["smart_llm"]
+ fast_llm = values["fast_llm"]
+ assert all(
+ [
+ not any(s in name for s in {"-0301", "-0314"})
+ for name in {smart_llm, fast_llm}
+ ]
+ ), (
+ f"Model {smart_llm} does not support OpenAI Functions. "
+ "Please disable OPENAI_FUNCTIONS or choose a suitable model."
+ )
+ return v
+class BaseAgentSettings(SystemSettings):
+ agent_id: str = ""
+ agent_data_dir: Optional[Path] = None
+ ai_profile: AIProfile = Field(default_factory=lambda: AIProfile(ai_name="AutoGPT"))
+ """The AI profile or "personality" of the agent."""
+ directives: AIDirectives = Field(
+ default_factory=lambda: AIDirectives.from_file(
+ ConfigBuilder.default_settings.prompt_settings_file
+ )
+ )
+ """Directives (general instructional guidelines) for the agent."""
+ task: str = "Terminate immediately" # FIXME: placeholder for forge.sdk.schema.Task
+ """The user-given task that the agent is working on."""
+ config: BaseAgentConfiguration = Field(default_factory=BaseAgentConfiguration)
+ """The configuration for this BaseAgent subsystem instance."""
+ history: EpisodicActionHistory = Field(default_factory=EpisodicActionHistory)
+ """(STATE) The action history of the agent."""
+ def save_to_json_file(self, file_path: Path) -> None:
+ with file_path.open("w") as f:
+ f.write(self.json())
+ @classmethod
+ def load_from_json_file(cls, file_path: Path):
+ return cls.parse_file(file_path)
+class BaseAgent(Configurable[BaseAgentSettings], ABC):
+ """Base class for all AutoGPT agent classes."""
+ ThoughtProcessOutput = tuple[CommandName, CommandArgs, AgentThoughts]
+ default_settings = BaseAgentSettings(
+ name="BaseAgent",
+ description=__doc__,
+ )
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ settings: BaseAgentSettings,
+ llm_provider: ChatModelProvider,
+ prompt_strategy: PromptStrategy,
+ command_registry: CommandRegistry,
+ legacy_config: Config,
+ ):
+ self.state = settings
+ self.config = settings.config
+ self.ai_profile = settings.ai_profile
+ self.directives = settings.directives
+ self.event_history = settings.history
+ self.legacy_config = legacy_config
+ """LEGACY: Monolithic application configuration."""
+ self.file_manager: AgentFileManager = (
+ AgentFileManager(settings.agent_data_dir)
+ if settings.agent_data_dir
+ else None
+ ) # type: ignore
+ self.llm_provider = llm_provider
+ self.prompt_strategy = prompt_strategy
+ self.command_registry = command_registry
+ """The registry containing all commands available to the agent."""
+ self._prompt_scratchpad: PromptScratchpad | None = None
+ # Support multi-inheritance and mixins for subclasses
+ super(BaseAgent, self).__init__()
+ logger.debug(f"Created {__class__} '{self.ai_profile.ai_name}'")
+ def set_id(self, new_id: str, new_agent_dir: Optional[Path] = None):
+ self.state.agent_id = new_id
+ if self.state.agent_data_dir:
+ if not new_agent_dir:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "new_agent_dir must be specified if one is currently configured"
+ )
+ self.attach_fs(new_agent_dir)
+ def attach_fs(self, agent_dir: Path) -> AgentFileManager:
+ self.file_manager = AgentFileManager(agent_dir)
+ self.file_manager.initialize()
+ self.state.agent_data_dir = agent_dir
+ return self.file_manager
+ @property
+ def llm(self) -> ChatModelInfo:
+ """The LLM that the agent uses to think."""
+ llm_name = (
+ self.config.smart_llm if self.config.big_brain else self.config.fast_llm
+ )
+ return OPEN_AI_CHAT_MODELS[llm_name]
+ @property
+ def send_token_limit(self) -> int:
+ return self.config.send_token_limit or self.llm.max_tokens * 3 // 4
+ async def propose_action(self) -> ThoughtProcessOutput:
+ """Proposes the next action to execute, based on the task and current state.
+ Returns:
+ The command name and arguments, if any, and the agent's thoughts.
+ """
+ assert self.file_manager, (
+ f"Agent has no FileManager: call {__class__.__name__}.attach_fs()"
+ " before trying to run the agent."
+ )
+ # Scratchpad as surrogate PromptGenerator for plugin hooks
+ self._prompt_scratchpad = PromptScratchpad()
+ prompt: ChatPrompt = self.build_prompt(scratchpad=self._prompt_scratchpad)
+ prompt = self.on_before_think(prompt, scratchpad=self._prompt_scratchpad)
+ logger.debug(f"Executing prompt:\n{dump_prompt(prompt)}")
+ response = await self.llm_provider.create_chat_completion(
+ prompt.messages,
+ functions=get_openai_command_specs(
+ self.command_registry.list_available_commands(self)
+ )
+ + list(self._prompt_scratchpad.commands.values())
+ if self.config.use_functions_api
+ else [],
+ model_name=self.llm.name,
+ completion_parser=lambda r: self.parse_and_process_response(
+ r,
+ prompt,
+ scratchpad=self._prompt_scratchpad,
+ ),
+ )
+ self.config.cycle_count += 1
+ return self.on_response(
+ llm_response=response,
+ prompt=prompt,
+ scratchpad=self._prompt_scratchpad,
+ )
+ @abstractmethod
+ async def execute(
+ self,
+ command_name: str,
+ command_args: dict[str, str] = {},
+ user_input: str = "",
+ ) -> ActionResult:
+ """Executes the given command, if any, and returns the agent's response.
+ Params:
+ command_name: The name of the command to execute, if any.
+ command_args: The arguments to pass to the command, if any.
+ user_input: The user's input, if any.
+ Returns:
+ ActionResult: An object representing the result(s) of the command.
+ """
+ ...
+ def build_prompt(
+ self,
+ scratchpad: PromptScratchpad,
+ extra_commands: Optional[list[CompletionModelFunction]] = None,
+ extra_messages: Optional[list[ChatMessage]] = None,
+ **extras,
+ ) -> ChatPrompt:
+ """Constructs a prompt using `self.prompt_strategy`.
+ Params:
+ scratchpad: An object for plugins to write additional prompt elements to.
+ (E.g. commands, constraints, best practices)
+ extra_commands: Additional commands that the agent has access to.
+ extra_messages: Additional messages to include in the prompt.
+ """
+ if not extra_commands:
+ extra_commands = []
+ if not extra_messages:
+ extra_messages = []
+ # Apply additions from plugins
+ for plugin in self.config.plugins:
+ if not plugin.can_handle_post_prompt():
+ continue
+ plugin.post_prompt(scratchpad)
+ ai_directives = self.directives.copy(deep=True)
+ ai_directives.resources += scratchpad.resources
+ ai_directives.constraints += scratchpad.constraints
+ ai_directives.best_practices += scratchpad.best_practices
+ extra_commands += list(scratchpad.commands.values())
+ prompt = self.prompt_strategy.build_prompt(
+ task=self.state.task,
+ ai_profile=self.ai_profile,
+ ai_directives=ai_directives,
+ commands=get_openai_command_specs(
+ self.command_registry.list_available_commands(self)
+ )
+ + extra_commands,
+ event_history=self.event_history,
+ max_prompt_tokens=self.send_token_limit,
+ count_tokens=lambda x: self.llm_provider.count_tokens(x, self.llm.name),
+ count_message_tokens=lambda x: self.llm_provider.count_message_tokens(
+ x, self.llm.name
+ ),
+ extra_messages=extra_messages,
+ **extras,
+ )
+ return prompt
+ def on_before_think(
+ self,
+ prompt: ChatPrompt,
+ scratchpad: PromptScratchpad,
+ ) -> ChatPrompt:
+ """Called after constructing the prompt but before executing it.
+ Calls the `on_planning` hook of any enabled and capable plugins, adding their
+ output to the prompt.
+ Params:
+ prompt: The prompt that is about to be executed.
+ scratchpad: An object for plugins to write additional prompt elements to.
+ (E.g. commands, constraints, best practices)
+ Returns:
+ The prompt to execute
+ """
+ current_tokens_used = self.llm_provider.count_message_tokens(
+ prompt.messages, self.llm.name
+ )
+ plugin_count = len(self.config.plugins)
+ for i, plugin in enumerate(self.config.plugins):
+ if not plugin.can_handle_on_planning():
+ continue
+ plugin_response = plugin.on_planning(scratchpad, prompt.raw())
+ if not plugin_response or plugin_response == "":
+ continue
+ message_to_add = ChatMessage.system(plugin_response)
+ tokens_to_add = self.llm_provider.count_message_tokens(
+ message_to_add, self.llm.name
+ )
+ if current_tokens_used + tokens_to_add > self.send_token_limit:
+ logger.debug(f"Plugin response too long, skipping: {plugin_response}")
+ logger.debug(f"Plugins remaining at stop: {plugin_count - i}")
+ break
+ prompt.messages.insert(
+ -1, message_to_add
+ ) # HACK: assumes cycle instruction to be at the end
+ current_tokens_used += tokens_to_add
+ return prompt
+ def on_response(
+ self,
+ llm_response: ChatModelResponse,
+ prompt: ChatPrompt,
+ scratchpad: PromptScratchpad,
+ ) -> ThoughtProcessOutput:
+ """Called upon receiving a response from the chat model.
+ Calls `self.parse_and_process_response()`.
+ Params:
+ llm_response: The raw response from the chat model.
+ prompt: The prompt that was executed.
+ scratchpad: An object containing additional prompt elements from plugins.
+ (E.g. commands, constraints, best practices)
+ Returns:
+ The parsed command name and command args, if any, and the agent thoughts.
+ """
+ return llm_response.parsed_result
+ # TODO: update memory/context
+ @abstractmethod
+ def parse_and_process_response(
+ self,
+ llm_response: AssistantChatMessage,
+ prompt: ChatPrompt,
+ scratchpad: PromptScratchpad,
+ ) -> ThoughtProcessOutput:
+ """Validate, parse & process the LLM's response.
+ Must be implemented by derivative classes: no base implementation is provided,
+ since the implementation depends on the role of the derivative Agent.
+ Params:
+ llm_response: The raw response from the chat model.
+ prompt: The prompt that was executed.
+ scratchpad: An object containing additional prompt elements from plugins.
+ (E.g. commands, constraints, best practices)
+ Returns:
+ The parsed command name and command args, if any, and the agent thoughts.
+ """
+ pass