path: root/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/planning_agent.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/planning_agent.py b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/planning_agent.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c59faf76e..000000000
--- a/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/agents/planning_agent.py
+++ /dev/null
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-from __future__ import annotations
-import logging
-import re
-from datetime import datetime
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, Optional
- from autogpt.config import Config
- from autogpt.llm.base import ChatModelResponse, ChatSequence
- from autogpt.memory.vector import VectorMemory
- from autogpt.models.command_registry import CommandRegistry
-from autogpt.agents.utils.exceptions import AgentException, InvalidAgentResponseError
-from autogpt.json_utils.utilities import extract_dict_from_response, validate_dict
-from autogpt.llm.base import Message
-from autogpt.llm.utils import count_string_tokens
-from autogpt.logs.log_cycle import (
- LogCycleHandler,
-from autogpt.models.action_history import (
- ActionErrorResult,
- ActionInterruptedByHuman,
- ActionResult,
- ActionSuccessResult,
-from autogpt.models.context_item import ContextItem
-from .agent import execute_command, extract_command
-from .base import BaseAgent
-from .features.context import ContextMixin
-from .features.file_workspace import FileWorkspaceMixin
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class PlanningAgent(ContextMixin, FileWorkspaceMixin, BaseAgent):
- """Agent class for interacting with AutoGPT."""
- ThoughtProcessID = Literal["plan", "action", "evaluate"]
- def __init__(
- self,
- command_registry: CommandRegistry,
- memory: VectorMemory,
- triggering_prompt: str,
- config: Config,
- cycle_budget: Optional[int] = None,
- ):
- super().__init__(
- command_registry=command_registry,
- config=config,
- default_cycle_instruction=triggering_prompt,
- cycle_budget=cycle_budget,
- )
- self.memory = memory
- """VectorMemoryProvider used to manage the agent's context (TODO)"""
- self.created_at = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
- """Timestamp the agent was created; only used for structured debug logging."""
- self.log_cycle_handler = LogCycleHandler()
- """LogCycleHandler for structured debug logging."""
- self.plan: list[str] = []
- """List of steps that the Agent plans to take"""
- def construct_base_prompt(
- self, thought_process_id: ThoughtProcessID, **kwargs
- ) -> ChatSequence:
- prepend_messages = kwargs["prepend_messages"] = kwargs.get(
- "prepend_messages", []
- )
- # Add the current plan to the prompt, if any
- if self.plan:
- plan_section = [
- "## Plan",
- "To complete your task, you have composed the following plan:",
- ]
- plan_section += [f"{i}. {s}" for i, s in enumerate(self.plan, 1)]
- # Add the actions so far to the prompt
- if self.event_history:
- plan_section += [
- "\n### Progress",
- "So far, you have executed the following actions based on the plan:",
- ]
- for i, cycle in enumerate(self.event_history, 1):
- if not (cycle.action and cycle.result):
- logger.warn(f"Incomplete action in history: {cycle}")
- continue
- plan_section.append(
- f"{i}. You executed the command `{cycle.action.format_call()}`, "
- f"which gave the result `{cycle.result}`."
- )
- prepend_messages.append(Message("system", "\n".join(plan_section)))
- if self.context:
- context_section = [
- "## Context",
- "Below is information that may be relevant to your task. These take up "
- "part of your working memory, which is limited, so when a context item is "
- "no longer relevant for your plan, use the `close_context_item` command to "
- "free up some memory."
- "\n",
- self.context.format_numbered(),
- ]
- prepend_messages.append(Message("system", "\n".join(context_section)))
- match thought_process_id:
- case "plan":
- # TODO: add planning instructions; details about what to pay attention to when planning
- pass
- case "action":
- # TODO: need to insert the functions here again?
- pass
- case "evaluate":
- # TODO: insert latest action (with reasoning) + result + evaluation instructions
- pass
- case _:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- f"Unknown thought process '{thought_process_id}'"
- )
- return super().construct_base_prompt(
- thought_process_id=thought_process_id, **kwargs
- )
- def response_format_instruction(self, thought_process_id: ThoughtProcessID) -> str:
- match thought_process_id:
- case "plan":
- # TODO: add planning instructions; details about what to pay attention to when planning
- response_format = f"""```ts
- interface Response {{
- thoughts: {{
- // Thoughts
- text: string;
- // A short logical explanation about how the action is part of the earlier composed plan
- reasoning: string;
- // Constructive self-criticism
- criticism: string;
- }};
- // A plan to achieve the goals with the available resources and/or commands.
- plan: Array<{{
- // An actionable subtask
- subtask: string;
- // Criterium to determine whether the subtask has been completed
- completed_if: string;
- }}>;
- }}
- ```"""
- pass
- case "action":
- # TODO: need to insert the functions here again?
- response_format = """```ts
- interface Response {
- thoughts: {
- // Thoughts
- text: string;
- // A short logical explanation about how the action is part of the earlier composed plan
- reasoning: string;
- // Constructive self-criticism
- criticism: string;
- };
- // The action to take, from the earlier specified list of commands
- command: {
- name: string;
- args: Record<string, any>;
- };
- }
- ```"""
- pass
- case "evaluate":
- # TODO: insert latest action (with reasoning) + result + evaluation instructions
- response_format = f"""```ts
- interface Response {{
- thoughts: {{
- // Thoughts
- text: string;
- reasoning: string;
- // Constructive self-criticism
- criticism: string;
- }};
- result_evaluation: {{
- // A short logical explanation of why the given partial result does or does not complete the corresponding subtask
- reasoning: string;
- // Whether the current subtask has been completed
- completed: boolean;
- // An estimate of the progress (0.0 - 1.0) that has been made on the subtask with the actions that have been taken so far
- progress: float;
- }};
- }}
- ```"""
- pass
- case _:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- f"Unknown thought process '{thought_process_id}'"
- )
- response_format = re.sub(
- r"\n\s+",
- "\n",
- response_format,
- )
- return (
- f"Respond strictly with JSON. The JSON should be compatible with "
- "the TypeScript type `Response` from the following:\n"
- f"{response_format}\n"
- )
- def on_before_think(self, *args, **kwargs) -> ChatSequence:
- prompt = super().on_before_think(*args, **kwargs)
- self.log_cycle_handler.log_count_within_cycle = 0
- self.log_cycle_handler.log_cycle(
- self.ai_profile.ai_name,
- self.created_at,
- self.cycle_count,
- self.event_history.episodes,
- "event_history.json",
- )
- self.log_cycle_handler.log_cycle(
- self.ai_profile.ai_name,
- self.created_at,
- self.cycle_count,
- prompt.raw(),
- )
- return prompt
- def execute(
- self,
- command_name: str,
- command_args: dict[str, str] = {},
- user_input: str = "",
- ) -> ActionResult:
- result: ActionResult
- if command_name == "human_feedback":
- result = ActionInterruptedByHuman(feedback=user_input)
- self.log_cycle_handler.log_cycle(
- self.ai_profile.ai_name,
- self.created_at,
- self.cycle_count,
- user_input,
- )
- else:
- for plugin in self.config.plugins:
- if not plugin.can_handle_pre_command():
- continue
- command_name, arguments = plugin.pre_command(command_name, command_args)
- try:
- return_value = execute_command(
- command_name=command_name,
- arguments=command_args,
- agent=self,
- )
- # Intercept ContextItem if one is returned by the command
- if type(return_value) == tuple and isinstance(
- return_value[1], ContextItem
- ):
- self.context.add(return_value[1])
- return_value = return_value[0]
- result = ActionSuccessResult(outputs=return_value)
- except AgentException as e:
- result = ActionErrorResult.from_exception(e)
- result_tlength = count_string_tokens(str(result), self.llm.name)
- memory_tlength = count_string_tokens(
- str(self.event_history.fmt_paragraph()), self.llm.name
- )
- if result_tlength + memory_tlength > self.send_token_limit:
- result = ActionErrorResult(
- reason=f"Command {command_name} returned too much output. "
- "Do not execute this command again with the same arguments."
- )
- for plugin in self.config.plugins:
- if not plugin.can_handle_post_command():
- continue
- if result.status == "success":
- result.outputs = plugin.post_command(command_name, result.outputs)
- elif result.status == "error":
- result.reason = plugin.post_command(command_name, result.reason)
- return result
- def parse_and_process_response(
- self,
- llm_response: ChatModelResponse,
- thought_process_id: ThoughtProcessID,
- *args,
- **kwargs,
- ) -> PlanningAgent.ThoughtProcessOutput:
- if not llm_response.content:
- raise InvalidAgentResponseError("Assistant response has no text content")
- response_content = llm_response.content
- for plugin in self.config.plugins:
- if not plugin.can_handle_post_planning():
- continue
- response_content = plugin.post_planning(response_content)
- assistant_reply_dict = extract_dict_from_response(response_content)
- _, errors = validate_dict(assistant_reply_dict, self.config)
- if errors:
- raise InvalidAgentResponseError(
- "Validation of response failed:\n "
- + ";\n ".join([str(e) for e in errors])
- )
- # Get command name and arguments
- command_name, arguments = extract_command(
- assistant_reply_dict, llm_response, self.config
- )
- response = command_name, arguments, assistant_reply_dict
- self.log_cycle_handler.log_cycle(
- self.ai_profile.ai_name,
- self.created_at,
- self.cycle_count,
- assistant_reply_dict,
- )
- return response