path: root/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/app/agent_protocol_server.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/app/agent_protocol_server.py')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/app/agent_protocol_server.py b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/app/agent_protocol_server.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12e54582b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/app/agent_protocol_server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import pathlib
+from io import BytesIO
+from uuid import uuid4
+import orjson
+from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, UploadFile
+from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
+from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse, StreamingResponse
+from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
+from forge.sdk.db import AgentDB
+from forge.sdk.errors import NotFoundError
+from forge.sdk.middlewares import AgentMiddleware
+from forge.sdk.model import (
+ Artifact,
+ Step,
+ StepRequestBody,
+ Task,
+ TaskArtifactsListResponse,
+ TaskListResponse,
+ TaskRequestBody,
+ TaskStepsListResponse,
+from forge.sdk.routes.agent_protocol import base_router
+from hypercorn.asyncio import serve as hypercorn_serve
+from hypercorn.config import Config as HypercornConfig
+from autogpt.agent_factory.configurators import configure_agent_with_state
+from autogpt.agent_factory.generators import generate_agent_for_task
+from autogpt.agent_manager import AgentManager
+from autogpt.commands.system import finish
+from autogpt.commands.user_interaction import ask_user
+from autogpt.config import Config
+from autogpt.core.resource.model_providers import ChatModelProvider
+from autogpt.core.resource.model_providers.openai import OpenAIProvider
+from autogpt.core.resource.model_providers.schema import ModelProviderBudget
+from autogpt.file_workspace import (
+ FileWorkspace,
+ FileWorkspaceBackendName,
+ get_workspace,
+from autogpt.logs.utils import fmt_kwargs
+from autogpt.models.action_history import ActionErrorResult, ActionSuccessResult
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class AgentProtocolServer:
+ _task_budgets: dict[str, ModelProviderBudget]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ app_config: Config,
+ database: AgentDB,
+ llm_provider: ChatModelProvider,
+ ):
+ self.app_config = app_config
+ self.db = database
+ self.llm_provider = llm_provider
+ self.agent_manager = AgentManager(app_data_dir=app_config.app_data_dir)
+ self._task_budgets = {}
+ async def start(self, port: int = 8000, router: APIRouter = base_router):
+ """Start the agent server."""
+ logger.debug("Starting the agent server...")
+ config = HypercornConfig()
+ config.bind = [f"localhost:{port}"]
+ app = FastAPI(
+ title="AutoGPT Server",
+ description="Forked from AutoGPT Forge; "
+ "Modified version of The Agent Protocol.",
+ version="v0.4",
+ )
+ # Add CORS middleware
+ origins = [
+ "*",
+ # Add any other origins you want to whitelist
+ ]
+ app.add_middleware(
+ CORSMiddleware,
+ allow_origins=origins,
+ allow_credentials=True,
+ allow_methods=["*"],
+ allow_headers=["*"],
+ )
+ app.include_router(router, prefix="/ap/v1")
+ script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ frontend_path = (
+ pathlib.Path(script_dir)
+ .joinpath("../../../../frontend/build/web")
+ .resolve()
+ )
+ if os.path.exists(frontend_path):
+ app.mount("/app", StaticFiles(directory=frontend_path), name="app")
+ @app.get("/", include_in_schema=False)
+ async def root():
+ return RedirectResponse(url="/app/index.html", status_code=307)
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Frontend not found. {frontend_path} does not exist. "
+ "The frontend will not be available."
+ )
+ # Used to access the methods on this class from API route handlers
+ app.add_middleware(AgentMiddleware, agent=self)
+ config.loglevel = "ERROR"
+ config.bind = [f"{port}"]
+ logger.info(f"AutoGPT server starting on http://localhost:{port}")
+ await hypercorn_serve(app, config)
+ async def create_task(self, task_request: TaskRequestBody) -> Task:
+ """
+ Create a task for the agent.
+ """
+ task = await self.db.create_task(
+ input=task_request.input,
+ additional_input=task_request.additional_input,
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"Creating agent for task: '{task.input}'")
+ task_agent = await generate_agent_for_task(
+ task=task.input,
+ app_config=self.app_config,
+ llm_provider=self._get_task_llm_provider(task),
+ )
+ # Assign an ID and a folder to the Agent and persist it
+ agent_id = task_agent.state.agent_id = task_agent_id(task.task_id)
+ logger.debug(f"New agent ID: {agent_id}")
+ task_agent.attach_fs(self.app_config.app_data_dir / "agents" / agent_id)
+ task_agent.state.save_to_json_file(task_agent.file_manager.state_file_path)
+ return task
+ async def list_tasks(self, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 10) -> TaskListResponse:
+ """
+ List all tasks that the agent has created.
+ """
+ logger.debug("Listing all tasks...")
+ tasks, pagination = await self.db.list_tasks(page, pageSize)
+ response = TaskListResponse(tasks=tasks, pagination=pagination)
+ return response
+ async def get_task(self, task_id: str) -> Task:
+ """
+ Get a task by ID.
+ """
+ logger.debug(f"Getting task with ID: {task_id}...")
+ task = await self.db.get_task(task_id)
+ return task
+ async def list_steps(
+ self, task_id: str, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 10
+ ) -> TaskStepsListResponse:
+ """
+ List the IDs of all steps that the task has created.
+ """
+ logger.debug(f"Listing all steps created by task with ID: {task_id}...")
+ steps, pagination = await self.db.list_steps(task_id, page, pageSize)
+ response = TaskStepsListResponse(steps=steps, pagination=pagination)
+ return response
+ async def execute_step(self, task_id: str, step_request: StepRequestBody) -> Step:
+ """Create a step for the task."""
+ logger.debug(f"Creating a step for task with ID: {task_id}...")
+ # Restore Agent instance
+ task = await self.get_task(task_id)
+ agent = configure_agent_with_state(
+ state=self.agent_manager.retrieve_state(task_agent_id(task_id)),
+ app_config=self.app_config,
+ llm_provider=self._get_task_llm_provider(task),
+ )
+ # According to the Agent Protocol spec, the first execute_step request contains
+ # the same task input as the parent create_task request.
+ # To prevent this from interfering with the agent's process, we ignore the input
+ # of this first step request, and just generate the first step proposal.
+ is_init_step = not bool(agent.event_history)
+ execute_command, execute_command_args, execute_result = None, None, None
+ execute_approved = False
+ # HACK: only for compatibility with AGBenchmark
+ if step_request.input == "y":
+ step_request.input = ""
+ user_input = step_request.input if not is_init_step else ""
+ if (
+ not is_init_step
+ and agent.event_history.current_episode
+ and not agent.event_history.current_episode.result
+ ):
+ execute_command = agent.event_history.current_episode.action.name
+ execute_command_args = agent.event_history.current_episode.action.args
+ execute_approved = not user_input
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Agent proposed command"
+ f" {execute_command}({fmt_kwargs(execute_command_args)})."
+ f" User input/feedback: {repr(user_input)}"
+ )
+ # Save step request
+ step = await self.db.create_step(
+ task_id=task_id,
+ input=step_request,
+ is_last=execute_command == finish.__name__ and execute_approved,
+ )
+ agent.llm_provider = self._get_task_llm_provider(task, step.step_id)
+ # Execute previously proposed action
+ if execute_command:
+ assert execute_command_args is not None
+ agent.workspace.on_write_file = lambda path: self._on_agent_write_file(
+ task=task, step=step, relative_path=path
+ )
+ if step.is_last and execute_command == finish.__name__:
+ assert execute_command_args
+ step = await self.db.update_step(
+ task_id=task_id,
+ step_id=step.step_id,
+ output=execute_command_args["reason"],
+ )
+ logger.info(
+ f"Total LLM cost for task {task_id}: "
+ f"${round(agent.llm_provider.get_incurred_cost(), 2)}"
+ )
+ return step
+ if execute_command == ask_user.__name__: # HACK
+ execute_result = ActionSuccessResult(outputs=user_input)
+ agent.event_history.register_result(execute_result)
+ elif not execute_command:
+ execute_result = None
+ elif execute_approved:
+ step = await self.db.update_step(
+ task_id=task_id,
+ step_id=step.step_id,
+ status="running",
+ )
+ # Execute previously proposed action
+ execute_result = await agent.execute(
+ command_name=execute_command,
+ command_args=execute_command_args,
+ )
+ else:
+ assert user_input
+ execute_result = await agent.execute(
+ command_name="human_feedback", # HACK
+ command_args={},
+ user_input=user_input,
+ )
+ # Propose next action
+ try:
+ next_command, next_command_args, raw_output = await agent.propose_action()
+ logger.debug(f"AI output: {raw_output}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ step = await self.db.update_step(
+ task_id=task_id,
+ step_id=step.step_id,
+ status="completed",
+ output=f"An error occurred while proposing the next action: {e}",
+ )
+ return step
+ # Format step output
+ output = (
+ (
+ f"`{execute_command}({fmt_kwargs(execute_command_args)})` returned:"
+ + ("\n\n" if "\n" in str(execute_result) else " ")
+ + f"{execute_result}\n\n"
+ )
+ if execute_command_args and execute_command != ask_user.__name__
+ else ""
+ )
+ output += f"{raw_output['thoughts']['speak']}\n\n"
+ output += (
+ f"Next Command: {next_command}({fmt_kwargs(next_command_args)})"
+ if next_command != ask_user.__name__
+ else next_command_args["question"]
+ )
+ additional_output = {
+ **(
+ {
+ "last_action": {
+ "name": execute_command,
+ "args": execute_command_args,
+ "result": (
+ orjson.loads(execute_result.json())
+ if not isinstance(execute_result, ActionErrorResult)
+ else {
+ "error": str(execute_result.error),
+ "reason": execute_result.reason,
+ }
+ ),
+ },
+ }
+ if not is_init_step
+ else {}
+ ),
+ **raw_output,
+ }
+ step = await self.db.update_step(
+ task_id=task_id,
+ step_id=step.step_id,
+ status="completed",
+ output=output,
+ additional_output=additional_output,
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Running total LLM cost for task {task_id}: "
+ f"${round(agent.llm_provider.get_incurred_cost(), 3)}"
+ )
+ agent.state.save_to_json_file(agent.file_manager.state_file_path)
+ return step
+ async def _on_agent_write_file(
+ self, task: Task, step: Step, relative_path: pathlib.Path
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Creates an Artifact for the written file, or updates the Artifact if it exists.
+ """
+ if relative_path.is_absolute():
+ raise ValueError(f"File path '{relative_path}' is not relative")
+ for a in task.artifacts or []:
+ if a.relative_path == str(relative_path):
+ logger.debug(f"Updating Artifact after writing to existing file: {a}")
+ if not a.agent_created:
+ await self.db.update_artifact(a.artifact_id, agent_created=True)
+ break
+ else:
+ logger.debug(f"Creating Artifact for new file '{relative_path}'")
+ await self.db.create_artifact(
+ task_id=step.task_id,
+ step_id=step.step_id,
+ file_name=relative_path.parts[-1],
+ agent_created=True,
+ relative_path=str(relative_path),
+ )
+ async def get_step(self, task_id: str, step_id: str) -> Step:
+ """
+ Get a step by ID.
+ """
+ step = await self.db.get_step(task_id, step_id)
+ return step
+ async def list_artifacts(
+ self, task_id: str, page: int = 1, pageSize: int = 10
+ ) -> TaskArtifactsListResponse:
+ """
+ List the artifacts that the task has created.
+ """
+ artifacts, pagination = await self.db.list_artifacts(task_id, page, pageSize)
+ return TaskArtifactsListResponse(artifacts=artifacts, pagination=pagination)
+ async def create_artifact(
+ self, task_id: str, file: UploadFile, relative_path: str
+ ) -> Artifact:
+ """
+ Create an artifact for the task.
+ """
+ file_name = file.filename or str(uuid4())
+ data = b""
+ while contents := file.file.read(1024 * 1024):
+ data += contents
+ # Check if relative path ends with filename
+ if relative_path.endswith(file_name):
+ file_path = relative_path
+ else:
+ file_path = os.path.join(relative_path, file_name)
+ workspace = self._get_task_agent_file_workspace(task_id, self.agent_manager)
+ await workspace.write_file(file_path, data)
+ artifact = await self.db.create_artifact(
+ task_id=task_id,
+ file_name=file_name,
+ relative_path=relative_path,
+ agent_created=False,
+ )
+ return artifact
+ async def get_artifact(self, task_id: str, artifact_id: str) -> StreamingResponse:
+ """
+ Download a task artifact by ID.
+ """
+ try:
+ artifact = await self.db.get_artifact(artifact_id)
+ if artifact.file_name not in artifact.relative_path:
+ file_path = os.path.join(artifact.relative_path, artifact.file_name)
+ else:
+ file_path = artifact.relative_path
+ workspace = self._get_task_agent_file_workspace(task_id, self.agent_manager)
+ retrieved_artifact = workspace.read_file(file_path, binary=True)
+ except NotFoundError:
+ raise
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ raise
+ return StreamingResponse(
+ BytesIO(retrieved_artifact),
+ media_type="application/octet-stream",
+ headers={
+ "Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="{artifact.file_name}"'
+ },
+ )
+ def _get_task_agent_file_workspace(
+ self,
+ task_id: str | int,
+ agent_manager: AgentManager,
+ ) -> FileWorkspace:
+ use_local_ws = (
+ self.app_config.workspace_backend == FileWorkspaceBackendName.LOCAL
+ )
+ agent_id = task_agent_id(task_id)
+ workspace = get_workspace(
+ backend=self.app_config.workspace_backend,
+ id=agent_id if not use_local_ws else "",
+ root_path=agent_manager.get_agent_dir(
+ agent_id=agent_id,
+ must_exist=True,
+ )
+ / "workspace"
+ if use_local_ws
+ else None,
+ )
+ workspace.initialize()
+ return workspace
+ def _get_task_llm_provider(
+ self, task: Task, step_id: str = ""
+ ) -> ChatModelProvider:
+ """
+ Configures the LLM provider with headers to link outgoing requests to the task.
+ """
+ task_llm_budget = self._task_budgets.get(
+ task.task_id, self.llm_provider.default_settings.budget.copy(deep=True)
+ )
+ task_llm_provider_config = self.llm_provider._configuration.copy(deep=True)
+ _extra_request_headers = task_llm_provider_config.extra_request_headers
+ _extra_request_headers["AP-TaskID"] = task.task_id
+ if step_id:
+ _extra_request_headers["AP-StepID"] = step_id
+ if task.additional_input and (user_id := task.additional_input.get("user_id")):
+ _extra_request_headers["AutoGPT-UserID"] = user_id
+ task_llm_provider = None
+ if isinstance(self.llm_provider, OpenAIProvider):
+ settings = self.llm_provider._settings.copy()
+ settings.budget = task_llm_budget
+ settings.configuration = task_llm_provider_config # type: ignore
+ task_llm_provider = OpenAIProvider(
+ settings=settings,
+ logger=logger.getChild(f"Task-{task.task_id}_OpenAIProvider"),
+ )
+ if task_llm_provider and task_llm_provider._budget:
+ self._task_budgets[task.task_id] = task_llm_provider._budget
+ return task_llm_provider or self.llm_provider
+def task_agent_id(task_id: str | int) -> str:
+ return f"AutoGPT-{task_id}"