path: root/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/core/utils/json_schema.py
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1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/core/utils/json_schema.py b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/core/utils/json_schema.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9f9026e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/core/utils/json_schema.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import enum
+from logging import Logger
+from textwrap import indent
+from typing import Literal, Optional
+from jsonschema import Draft7Validator
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+class JSONSchema(BaseModel):
+ class Type(str, enum.Enum):
+ STRING = "string"
+ ARRAY = "array"
+ OBJECT = "object"
+ NUMBER = "number"
+ INTEGER = "integer"
+ BOOLEAN = "boolean"
+ # TODO: add docstrings
+ description: Optional[str] = None
+ type: Optional[Type] = None
+ enum: Optional[list] = None
+ required: bool = False
+ items: Optional["JSONSchema"] = None
+ properties: Optional[dict[str, "JSONSchema"]] = None
+ minimum: Optional[int | float] = None
+ maximum: Optional[int | float] = None
+ minItems: Optional[int] = None
+ maxItems: Optional[int] = None
+ def to_dict(self) -> dict:
+ schema: dict = {
+ "type": self.type.value if self.type else None,
+ "description": self.description,
+ }
+ if self.type == "array":
+ if self.items:
+ schema["items"] = self.items.to_dict()
+ schema["minItems"] = self.minItems
+ schema["maxItems"] = self.maxItems
+ elif self.type == "object":
+ if self.properties:
+ schema["properties"] = {
+ name: prop.to_dict() for name, prop in self.properties.items()
+ }
+ schema["required"] = [
+ name for name, prop in self.properties.items() if prop.required
+ ]
+ elif self.enum:
+ schema["enum"] = self.enum
+ else:
+ schema["minumum"] = self.minimum
+ schema["maximum"] = self.maximum
+ schema = {k: v for k, v in schema.items() if v is not None}
+ return schema
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_dict(schema: dict) -> "JSONSchema":
+ return JSONSchema(
+ description=schema.get("description"),
+ type=schema["type"],
+ enum=schema["enum"] if "enum" in schema else None,
+ items=JSONSchema.from_dict(schema["items"]) if "items" in schema else None,
+ properties=JSONSchema.parse_properties(schema)
+ if schema["type"] == "object"
+ else None,
+ minimum=schema.get("minimum"),
+ maximum=schema.get("maximum"),
+ minItems=schema.get("minItems"),
+ maxItems=schema.get("maxItems"),
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_properties(schema_node: dict) -> dict[str, "JSONSchema"]:
+ properties = (
+ {k: JSONSchema.from_dict(v) for k, v in schema_node["properties"].items()}
+ if "properties" in schema_node
+ else {}
+ )
+ if "required" in schema_node:
+ for k, v in properties.items():
+ v.required = k in schema_node["required"]
+ return properties
+ def validate_object(
+ self, object: object, logger: Logger
+ ) -> tuple[Literal[True], None] | tuple[Literal[False], list]:
+ """
+ Validates a dictionary object against the JSONSchema.
+ Params:
+ object: The dictionary object to validate.
+ schema (JSONSchema): The JSONSchema to validate against.
+ Returns:
+ tuple: A tuple where the first element is a boolean indicating whether the
+ object is valid or not, and the second element is a list of errors found
+ in the object, or None if the object is valid.
+ """
+ validator = Draft7Validator(self.to_dict())
+ if errors := sorted(validator.iter_errors(object), key=lambda e: e.path):
+ return False, errors
+ return True, None
+ def to_typescript_object_interface(self, interface_name: str = "") -> str:
+ if self.type != JSONSchema.Type.OBJECT:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Only `object` schemas are supported")
+ if self.properties:
+ attributes: list[str] = []
+ for name, property in self.properties.items():
+ if property.description:
+ attributes.append(f"// {property.description}")
+ attributes.append(f"{name}: {property.typescript_type};")
+ attributes_string = "\n".join(attributes)
+ else:
+ attributes_string = "[key: string]: any"
+ return (
+ f"interface {interface_name} " if interface_name else ""
+ ) + f"{{\n{indent(attributes_string, ' ')}\n}}"
+ @property
+ def typescript_type(self) -> str:
+ if self.type == JSONSchema.Type.BOOLEAN:
+ return "boolean"
+ elif self.type in {JSONSchema.Type.INTEGER, JSONSchema.Type.NUMBER}:
+ return "number"
+ elif self.type == JSONSchema.Type.STRING:
+ return "string"
+ elif self.type == JSONSchema.Type.ARRAY:
+ return f"Array<{self.items.typescript_type}>" if self.items else "Array"
+ elif self.type == JSONSchema.Type.OBJECT:
+ if not self.properties:
+ return "Record<string, any>"
+ return self.to_typescript_object_interface()
+ elif self.enum:
+ return " | ".join(repr(v) for v in self.enum)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ f"JSONSchema.typescript_type does not support Type.{self.type.name} yet"
+ )