path: root/autogpts/autogpt/tests/integration/test_image_gen.py
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1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autogpts/autogpt/tests/integration/test_image_gen.py b/autogpts/autogpt/tests/integration/test_image_gen.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14b90aec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autogpts/autogpt/tests/integration/test_image_gen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+import functools
+import hashlib
+from pathlib import Path
+from unittest.mock import patch
+import pytest
+from PIL import Image
+from autogpt.agents.agent import Agent
+from autogpt.commands.image_gen import generate_image, generate_image_with_sd_webui
+@pytest.fixture(params=[256, 512, 1024])
+def image_size(request):
+ """Parametrize image size."""
+ return request.param
+def test_dalle(agent: Agent, workspace, image_size, cached_openai_client):
+ """Test DALL-E image generation."""
+ generate_and_validate(
+ agent,
+ workspace,
+ image_provider="dalle",
+ image_size=image_size,
+ )
+ reason="The image is too big to be put in a cassette for a CI pipeline. "
+ "We're looking into a solution."
+ "image_model",
+ ["CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4", "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1"],
+def test_huggingface(agent: Agent, workspace, image_size, image_model):
+ """Test HuggingFace image generation."""
+ generate_and_validate(
+ agent,
+ workspace,
+ image_provider="huggingface",
+ image_size=image_size,
+ hugging_face_image_model=image_model,
+ )
+@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SD WebUI call does not work.")
+def test_sd_webui(agent: Agent, workspace, image_size):
+ """Test SD WebUI image generation."""
+ generate_and_validate(
+ agent,
+ workspace,
+ image_provider="sd_webui",
+ image_size=image_size,
+ )
+@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="SD WebUI call does not work.")
+def test_sd_webui_negative_prompt(agent: Agent, workspace, image_size):
+ gen_image = functools.partial(
+ generate_image_with_sd_webui,
+ prompt="astronaut riding a horse",
+ agent=agent,
+ size=image_size,
+ extra={"seed": 123},
+ )
+ # Generate an image with a negative prompt
+ image_path = lst(
+ gen_image(negative_prompt="horse", output_file=Path("negative.jpg"))
+ )
+ with Image.open(image_path) as img:
+ neg_image_hash = hashlib.md5(img.tobytes()).hexdigest()
+ # Generate an image without a negative prompt
+ image_path = lst(gen_image(output_file=Path("positive.jpg")))
+ with Image.open(image_path) as img:
+ image_hash = hashlib.md5(img.tobytes()).hexdigest()
+ assert image_hash != neg_image_hash
+def lst(txt):
+ """Extract the file path from the output of `generate_image()`"""
+ return Path(txt.split(": ", maxsplit=1)[1].strip())
+def generate_and_validate(
+ agent: Agent,
+ workspace,
+ image_size,
+ image_provider,
+ hugging_face_image_model=None,
+ **kwargs,
+ """Generate an image and validate the output."""
+ agent.legacy_config.image_provider = image_provider
+ if hugging_face_image_model:
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_image_model = hugging_face_image_model
+ prompt = "astronaut riding a horse"
+ image_path = lst(generate_image(prompt, agent, image_size, **kwargs))
+ assert image_path.exists()
+ with Image.open(image_path) as img:
+ assert img.size == (image_size, image_size)
+ "return_text",
+ [
+ # Delay
+ '{"error":"Model [model] is currently loading","estimated_time": [delay]}',
+ '{"error":"Model [model] is currently loading"}', # No delay
+ '{"error:}', # Bad JSON
+ "", # Bad Image
+ ],
+ "image_model",
+ ["CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4", "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1"],
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("delay", [10, 0])
+def test_huggingface_fail_request_with_delay(
+ agent: Agent, workspace, image_size, image_model, return_text, delay
+ return_text = return_text.replace("[model]", image_model).replace(
+ "[delay]", str(delay)
+ )
+ with patch("requests.post") as mock_post:
+ if return_text == "":
+ # Test bad image
+ mock_post.return_value.status_code = 200
+ mock_post.return_value.ok = True
+ mock_post.return_value.content = b"bad image"
+ else:
+ # Test delay and bad json
+ mock_post.return_value.status_code = 500
+ mock_post.return_value.ok = False
+ mock_post.return_value.text = return_text
+ agent.legacy_config.image_provider = "huggingface"
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_api_token = "mock-api-key"
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_image_model = image_model
+ prompt = "astronaut riding a horse"
+ with patch("time.sleep") as mock_sleep:
+ # Verify request fails.
+ result = generate_image(prompt, agent, image_size)
+ assert result == "Error creating image."
+ # Verify retry was called with delay if delay is in return_text
+ if "estimated_time" in return_text:
+ mock_sleep.assert_called_with(delay)
+ else:
+ mock_sleep.assert_not_called()
+def test_huggingface_fail_request_no_delay(mocker, agent: Agent):
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_api_token = "1"
+ # Mock requests.post
+ mock_post = mocker.patch("requests.post")
+ mock_post.return_value.status_code = 500
+ mock_post.return_value.ok = False
+ mock_post.return_value.text = (
+ '{"error":"Model CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4 is currently loading"}'
+ )
+ # Mock time.sleep
+ mock_sleep = mocker.patch("time.sleep")
+ agent.legacy_config.image_provider = "huggingface"
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_image_model = "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4"
+ result = generate_image("astronaut riding a horse", agent, 512)
+ assert result == "Error creating image."
+ # Verify retry was not called.
+ mock_sleep.assert_not_called()
+def test_huggingface_fail_request_bad_json(mocker, agent: Agent):
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_api_token = "1"
+ # Mock requests.post
+ mock_post = mocker.patch("requests.post")
+ mock_post.return_value.status_code = 500
+ mock_post.return_value.ok = False
+ mock_post.return_value.text = '{"error:}'
+ # Mock time.sleep
+ mock_sleep = mocker.patch("time.sleep")
+ agent.legacy_config.image_provider = "huggingface"
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_image_model = "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4"
+ result = generate_image("astronaut riding a horse", agent, 512)
+ assert result == "Error creating image."
+ # Verify retry was not called.
+ mock_sleep.assert_not_called()
+def test_huggingface_fail_request_bad_image(mocker, agent: Agent):
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_api_token = "1"
+ # Mock requests.post
+ mock_post = mocker.patch("requests.post")
+ mock_post.return_value.status_code = 200
+ agent.legacy_config.image_provider = "huggingface"
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_image_model = "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4"
+ result = generate_image("astronaut riding a horse", agent, 512)
+ assert result == "Error creating image."
+def test_huggingface_fail_missing_api_token(mocker, agent: Agent):
+ agent.legacy_config.image_provider = "huggingface"
+ agent.legacy_config.huggingface_image_model = "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4"
+ # Mock requests.post to raise ValueError
+ mocker.patch("requests.post", side_effect=ValueError)
+ # Verify request raises an error.
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ generate_image("astronaut riding a horse", agent, 512)