path: root/benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/webarena.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/webarena.py')
1 files changed, 478 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/webarena.py b/benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/webarena.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24f569327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/agbenchmark/challenges/webarena.py
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+import logging
+import os
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import ClassVar, Iterator, Literal
+import pytest
+import requests
+from agent_protocol_client import AgentApi, Step
+from pydantic import BaseModel, validator, ValidationError
+from agbenchmark.config import AgentBenchmarkConfig
+from agbenchmark.utils.data_types import Category, EvalResult
+from .base import BaseChallenge, ChallengeInfo
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+EvalType = Literal["string_match", "url_match", "program_html"]
+WebArenaSite = Literal[
+ "gitlab", "map", "reddit", "shopping", "shopping_admin", "wikipedia"
+ReferenceAnswerType = Literal["exact_match", "fuzzy_match", "must_include"]
+class WebArenaSiteInfo(BaseModel):
+ base_url: str
+ available: bool = True
+ additional_info: str = ""
+ unavailable_reason: str = ""
+_git_user, _git_password = os.getenv("WEBARENA_GIT_CREDENTIALS", ":").split(":")
+site_info_map: dict[WebArenaSite, WebArenaSiteInfo] = {
+ "gitlab": WebArenaSiteInfo(
+ base_url="http://git.junglegym.ai",
+ available=bool(_git_user and _git_password),
+ additional_info=(
+ f"To log in, use the username '{_git_user}' and password '{_git_password}'."
+ ),
+ unavailable_reason=(
+ "WEBARENA_GIT_CREDENTIALS not set (correctly): "
+ f"'{os.getenv('WEBARENA_GIT_CREDENTIALS', '')}', "
+ "should be USERNAME:PASSWORD."
+ ),
+ ),
+ "map": WebArenaSiteInfo(
+ base_url="http://ec2-3-131-244-37.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:3000/"
+ ),
+ "reddit": WebArenaSiteInfo(base_url="http://forum.junglegym.ai"),
+ "shopping": WebArenaSiteInfo(base_url="http://shop.junglegym.ai"),
+ "shopping_admin": WebArenaSiteInfo(
+ base_url="http://cms.junglegym.ai/admin",
+ additional_info="To log in, use the username 'admin' and password 'admin1234'.",
+ ),
+ "wikipedia": WebArenaSiteInfo(base_url="http://wiki.junglegym.ai"),
+def get_site_url(site: WebArenaSite) -> str:
+ if site not in site_info_map:
+ raise ValueError(f"JungleGym site '{site}' unknown, cannot resolve URL")
+ return site_info_map[site].base_url
+def resolve_uri(uri: str) -> str:
+ """
+ Resolves URIs with mock hosts, like `__WIKI__/wiki/Octopus`, with the corresponding
+ JungleGym site mirror host.
+ """
+ segments = uri.split("__")
+ if len(segments) > 2 and (site := segments[1]).lower() in site_info_map:
+ return uri.replace(f"__{site}__", get_site_url(site.lower())) # type: ignore
+ return uri
+class Eval(ABC):
+ @abstractmethod
+ def evaluate(self, string: str) -> bool:
+ ...
+ @property
+ @abstractmethod
+ def description(self) -> str:
+ ...
+class StringEval(BaseModel, Eval):
+ type: ReferenceAnswerType
+class ExactStringMatchEval(StringEval):
+ type: Literal["exact_match"] = "exact_match"
+ reference_answer: str
+ @property
+ def description(self) -> str:
+ return f"Answer must be '{self.reference_answer}'"
+ def evaluate(self, string: str) -> bool:
+ return string == self.reference_answer
+class FuzzyStringMatchEval(StringEval):
+ type: Literal["fuzzy_match"] = "fuzzy_match"
+ reference_answer: str
+ @property
+ def description(self) -> str:
+ return f"Answer must contain something like '{self.reference_answer}'"
+ def evaluate(self, string: str) -> bool:
+ # TODO: use LLM for matching (or something else that's flexible/robust)
+ return self.reference_answer.lower() in string.lower()
+class MustIncludeStringEval(StringEval):
+ type: Literal["must_include"] = "must_include"
+ reference_answer: str
+ @property
+ def description(self) -> str:
+ return f"Answer must include '{self.reference_answer}'"
+ def evaluate(self, string: str) -> bool:
+ return self.reference_answer.lower() in string.lower()
+class UrlMatchEval(BaseModel, Eval):
+ url: str
+ """Example: `"__WIKI__/wiki/Octopus"`"""
+ @property
+ def description(self) -> str:
+ return f"Agent must navigate to '{self.url}'"
+ def evaluate(self, url: str) -> bool:
+ return url == resolve_uri(self.url)
+class ProgramHtmlEval(BaseModel):
+ url: str
+ locator: str
+ """JavaScript code that returns the value to check"""
+ required_contents: str
+ @property
+ def description(self) -> str:
+ return (
+ f"On the webpage {self.url}, "
+ f"`{self.locator}` should contain '{self.required_contents}'"
+ )
+ def evaluate(self, selenium_instance) -> bool:
+ result = selenium_instance.execute_script(
+ self.locator or "return document.body.innerHTML;"
+ )
+ return self.required_contents in result
+_Eval = StringEval | UrlMatchEval | ProgramHtmlEval
+class WebArenaChallengeSpec(BaseModel):
+ task_id: int
+ sites: list[WebArenaSite]
+ """The sites needed to complete the task"""
+ start_url: str
+ """The full URL at which to start"""
+ start_url_junglegym: str
+ """The JungleGym site (base URL) at which to start"""
+ require_login: bool
+ require_reset: bool
+ storage_state: str | None
+ intent: str
+ intent_template: str
+ intent_template_id: int
+ instantiation_dict: dict[str, str | list[str]]
+ class EvalSet(BaseModel):
+ class StringMatchEvalSet(BaseModel):
+ exact_match: str | None
+ fuzzy_match: list[str] | None
+ must_include: list[str] | None
+ reference_answers: StringMatchEvalSet | None
+ """For string_match eval, a set of criteria to judge the final answer"""
+ reference_answer_raw_annotation: str | None
+ string_note: str | None
+ annotation_note: str | None
+ reference_url: str | None
+ """For url_match eval, the last URL that should be visited"""
+ url_note: str | None
+ program_html: list[ProgramHtmlEval]
+ """For program_html eval, a list of criteria to judge the site state by"""
+ eval_types: list[EvalType]
+ @validator("eval_types")
+ def check_eval_parameters(cls, v: list[EvalType], values):
+ if "string_match" in v and not values.get("reference_answers"):
+ raise ValueError("'string_match' eval_type requires reference_answers")
+ if "url_match" in v and not values.get("reference_url"):
+ raise ValueError("'url_match' eval_type requires reference_url")
+ if "program_html" in v and not values.get("program_html"):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "'program_html' eval_type requires at least one program_html eval"
+ )
+ return v
+ @property
+ def evaluators(self) -> list[_Eval]:
+ evaluators: list[_Eval] = []
+ if self.reference_answers:
+ if self.reference_answers.exact_match:
+ evaluators.append(
+ ExactStringMatchEval(
+ reference_answer=self.reference_answers.exact_match
+ )
+ )
+ if self.reference_answers.fuzzy_match:
+ evaluators.extend(
+ FuzzyStringMatchEval(reference_answer=a)
+ for a in self.reference_answers.fuzzy_match
+ )
+ if self.reference_answers.must_include:
+ evaluators.extend(
+ MustIncludeStringEval(reference_answer=a)
+ for a in self.reference_answers.must_include
+ )
+ if self.reference_url:
+ evaluators.append(UrlMatchEval(url=self.reference_url))
+ evaluators.extend(self.program_html)
+ return evaluators
+ eval: EvalSet
+ """Evaluation criteria by which to judge the agent's performance"""
+ @property
+ def assignment_for_agent(self):
+ sites = [get_site_url(s) for s in self.sites]
+ nav_constraint = (
+ f"You are ONLY allowed to access URLs in {' and '.join(sites)}."
+ )
+ return (
+ f"First of all, go to {self.start_url}. "
+ f"{self.intent.rstrip('.')}.\n"
+ f"{nav_constraint}"
+ )
+class WebArenaChallenge(BaseChallenge):
+ _spec: ClassVar[WebArenaChallengeSpec]
+ SOURCE_URI_PREFIX = "__JUNGLEGYM__/webarena/tasks/"
+ @classmethod
+ def from_source_uri(cls, source_uri: str) -> type["WebArenaChallenge"]:
+ if not source_uri.startswith(cls.SOURCE_URI_PREFIX):
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid source_uri for WebArenaChallenge: {source_uri}")
+ source_url = source_uri.replace(
+ "https://api.junglegym.ai/get_webarena_by_task_id?task_id=",
+ )
+ results = requests.get(source_url).json()["data"]
+ if not results:
+ raise ValueError(f"Could not fetch challenge {source_uri}")
+ return cls.from_challenge_spec(WebArenaChallengeSpec.parse_obj(results[0]))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_challenge_spec(
+ cls, spec: WebArenaChallengeSpec
+ ) -> type["WebArenaChallenge"]:
+ challenge_info = ChallengeInfo(
+ eval_id=f"junglegym-webarena-{spec.task_id}",
+ name=f"WebArenaTask_{spec.task_id}",
+ task=spec.assignment_for_agent,
+ category=[
+ Category.GENERALIST,
+ Category.WEB,
+ ], # TODO: make categories more specific
+ reference_answer=spec.eval.reference_answer_raw_annotation,
+ source_uri=cls.SOURCE_URI_TEMPLATE.format(task_id=spec.task_id),
+ )
+ return type(
+ f"Test{challenge_info.name}",
+ (WebArenaChallenge,),
+ {
+ "info": challenge_info,
+ "_spec": spec,
+ },
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def evaluate_answer(cls, answer: str) -> list[tuple[_Eval, EvalResult]]:
+ results: list[tuple[_Eval, EvalResult]] = []
+ for evaluator in cls._spec.eval.evaluators:
+ if isinstance(evaluator, StringEval): # string_match
+ results.append(
+ (
+ evaluator,
+ EvalResult(
+ result=answer,
+ result_source="step_output",
+ score=evaluator.evaluate(answer),
+ passed=evaluator.evaluate(answer),
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ return results
+ @classmethod
+ def evaluate_step_result(cls, step: Step) -> list[tuple[_Eval, EvalResult]]:
+ assert step.output
+ eval_results = cls.evaluate_answer(step.output)
+ for eval in cls._spec.eval.evaluators:
+ if isinstance(eval, UrlMatchEval):
+ passed = resolve_uri(eval.url) in step.output # HACK: url_match bodge
+ eval_results.append(
+ (
+ eval,
+ EvalResult(
+ result=step.output,
+ result_source="step_output",
+ score=1.0 if passed else 0.0,
+ passed=passed,
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ # TODO: add support for program_html evals
+ return eval_results
+ @classmethod
+ async def evaluate_task_state(
+ cls, agent: AgentApi, task_id: str
+ ) -> list[EvalResult]:
+ steps: list[Step] = (await agent.list_agent_task_steps(task_id)).steps
+ eval_results_per_step = [cls.evaluate_step_result(step) for step in steps]
+ # Get the column aggregate (highest scored EvalResult for each Eval)
+ # from the matrix of EvalResults per step.
+ return [
+ max(step_results_for_eval, key=lambda r: r[1].score)[1]
+ for step_results_for_eval in zip(*eval_results_per_step)
+ ]
+ @pytest.mark.asyncio
+ async def test_method(
+ self,
+ config: AgentBenchmarkConfig,
+ request: pytest.FixtureRequest,
+ i_attempt: int,
+ ) -> None:
+ if os.environ.get("HELICONE_API_KEY"):
+ from helicone.lock import HeliconeLockManager
+ HeliconeLockManager.write_custom_property("challenge", self.info.name)
+ timeout = 120
+ if request.config.getoption("--nc"):
+ timeout = 100000
+ elif cutoff := request.config.getoption("--cutoff"):
+ timeout = int(cutoff)
+ timed_out = None
+ eval_results_per_step: list[list[tuple[_Eval, EvalResult]]] = []
+ try:
+ async for step in self.run_challenge(config, timeout):
+ if not step.output:
+ logger.warn(f"Step has no output: {step}")
+ continue
+ step_eval_results = self.evaluate_step_result(step)
+ logger.debug(f"Intermediary results: {step_eval_results}")
+ eval_results_per_step.append(step_eval_results)
+ if step.is_last:
+ request.node.user_properties.append(
+ (
+ "answers",
+ step.output
+ if request.config.getoption("--keep-answers")
+ else None,
+ )
+ )
+ timed_out = False
+ except TimeoutError:
+ timed_out = True
+ request.node.user_properties.append(("timed_out", timed_out))
+ # Get the column aggregate (highest score for each Eval)
+ # from the matrix of EvalResults per step.
+ evals_results = [
+ max(step_results_for_eval, key=lambda r: r[1].score)
+ for step_results_for_eval in zip(*eval_results_per_step)
+ ]
+ if not evals_results:
+ if timed_out:
+ raise TimeoutError("Timed out, no results to evaluate")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("No results to evaluate")
+ request.node.user_properties.append(
+ ("scores", [r[1].score for r in evals_results])
+ )
+ # FIXME: arbitrary threshold
+ assert all(r[1].score > 0.9 for r in evals_results), (
+ "Scores insufficient:\n\n"
+ if not timed_out
+ else "Timed out; scores insufficient:\n\n"
+ ) + "\n".join(f"{repr(r[0])}\n -> {repr(r[1])}" for r in evals_results)
+def load_webarena_challenges() -> Iterator[type[WebArenaChallenge]]:
+ logger.info("Loading WebArena challenges...")
+ for site, info in site_info_map.items():
+ if not info.available:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"JungleGym site '{site}' is not available: {info.unavailable_reason} "
+ "Skipping all challenges which use this site."
+ )
+ # response = requests.get("https://api.junglegym.ai/get_full_webarena_dataset")
+ # challenge_dicts = response.json()["data"]
+ # Until the full WebArena challenge set is supported, use a hand-picked selection
+ import json
+ from pathlib import Path
+ challenge_dicts = json.loads(
+ (Path(__file__).parent / "webarena_selection.json").read_bytes()
+ )
+ logger.debug(
+ "Fetched WebArena dataset. "
+ f"Constructing {len(challenge_dicts)} WebArenaChallenges..."
+ )
+ loaded = 0
+ failed = 0
+ skipped = 0
+ for entry in challenge_dicts:
+ try:
+ challenge_spec = WebArenaChallengeSpec.parse_obj(entry)
+ for site in challenge_spec.sites:
+ site_info = site_info_map.get(site)
+ if site_info is None:
+ logger.warning(
+ f"WebArena task {challenge_spec.task_id} requires unknown site "
+ f"'{site}'; skipping..."
+ )
+ break
+ if not site_info.available:
+ logger.debug(
+ f"WebArena task {challenge_spec.task_id} requires unavailable "
+ f"site '{site}'; skipping..."
+ )
+ break
+ else:
+ yield WebArenaChallenge.from_challenge_spec(challenge_spec)
+ loaded += 1
+ continue
+ skipped += 1
+ except ValidationError as e:
+ failed += 1
+ logger.warning(f"Error validating WebArena challenge entry: {entry}")
+ logger.warning(f"Error details: {e}")
+ logger.info(
+ "Loading WebArena challenges complete: "
+ f"loaded {loaded}, skipped {skipped}. {failed} challenge failed to load."
+ )