path: root/benchmark/agbenchmark/reports/reports.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'benchmark/agbenchmark/reports/reports.py')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmark/agbenchmark/reports/reports.py b/benchmark/agbenchmark/reports/reports.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..728d19fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/agbenchmark/reports/reports.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+from agbenchmark.challenges import ChallengeInfo
+from agbenchmark.config import AgentBenchmarkConfig
+from agbenchmark.reports.processing.report_types import Test, TestMetrics, TestResult
+from agbenchmark.reports.ReportManager import SingletonReportManager
+from agbenchmark.utils.data_types import DifficultyLevel
+# from agbenchmark.utils.get_data_from_helicone import get_data_from_helicone
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def get_and_update_success_history(
+ test_name: str, success: bool | None
+) -> list[bool | None]:
+ mock = os.getenv("IS_MOCK") # Check if --mock is in sys.argv
+ prev_test_results = SingletonReportManager().SUCCESS_RATE_TRACKER.tests.get(
+ test_name, []
+ )
+ if not mock:
+ # only add if it's an actual test
+ prev_test_results.append(success)
+ SingletonReportManager().SUCCESS_RATE_TRACKER.update(
+ test_name, prev_test_results
+ )
+ return prev_test_results
+def update_regression_tests(
+ prev_test_results: list[bool | None],
+ test_report: Test,
+ test_name: str,
+) -> None:
+ if len(prev_test_results) >= 3 and prev_test_results[-3:] == [True, True, True]:
+ # if the last 3 tests were successful, add to the regression tests
+ test_report.metrics.is_regression = True
+ SingletonReportManager().REGRESSION_MANAGER.add_test(
+ test_name, test_report.dict(include={"difficulty", "data_path"})
+ )
+def make_empty_test_report(
+ challenge_info: ChallengeInfo,
+) -> Test:
+ difficulty = challenge_info.difficulty
+ if isinstance(difficulty, DifficultyLevel):
+ difficulty = difficulty.value
+ return Test(
+ category=[c.value for c in challenge_info.category],
+ difficulty=difficulty,
+ data_path=challenge_info.source_uri,
+ description=challenge_info.description or "",
+ task=challenge_info.task,
+ answer=challenge_info.reference_answer or "",
+ metrics=TestMetrics(attempted=False, is_regression=False),
+ results=[],
+ )
+def add_test_result_to_report(
+ test_report: Test,
+ item: pytest.Item,
+ call: pytest.CallInfo,
+ config: AgentBenchmarkConfig,
+) -> None:
+ user_properties: dict = dict(item.user_properties)
+ test_name: str = user_properties.get("test_name", "")
+ mock = os.getenv("IS_MOCK") # Check if --mock is in sys.argv
+ if call.excinfo:
+ if not mock:
+ SingletonReportManager().REGRESSION_MANAGER.remove_test(test_name)
+ test_report.metrics.attempted = call.excinfo.typename != "Skipped"
+ else:
+ test_report.metrics.attempted = True
+ test_report.results.append(
+ TestResult(
+ success=call.excinfo is None,
+ run_time=f"{str(round(call.duration, 3))} seconds",
+ fail_reason=str(call.excinfo.value) if call.excinfo else None,
+ reached_cutoff=user_properties.get("timed_out", False),
+ )
+ )
+ test_report.metrics.success_percentage = (
+ sum(r.success or False for r in test_report.results)
+ / len(test_report.results)
+ * 100
+ )
+ prev_test_results: list[bool | None] = get_and_update_success_history(
+ test_name, test_report.results[-1].success
+ )
+ update_regression_tests(prev_test_results, test_report, test_name)
+ if test_report and test_name:
+ # if "--mock" not in sys.argv and os.environ.get("HELICONE_API_KEY"):
+ # logger.debug("Getting cost from Helicone")
+ # test_report.metrics.cost = get_data_from_helicone(test_name)
+ # logger.debug(f"Cost: {cost}")
+ if not mock:
+ update_challenges_already_beaten(
+ config.challenges_already_beaten_file, test_report, test_name
+ )
+ SingletonReportManager().INFO_MANAGER.add_test_report(test_name, test_report)
+def update_challenges_already_beaten(
+ challenges_already_beaten_file: Path, test_report: Test, test_name: str
+) -> None:
+ current_run_successful = any(r.success for r in test_report.results)
+ try:
+ with open(challenges_already_beaten_file, "r") as f:
+ challenges_beaten_before = json.load(f)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ challenges_beaten_before = {}
+ has_ever_been_beaten = challenges_beaten_before.get(test_name)
+ challenges_beaten_before[test_name] = has_ever_been_beaten or current_run_successful
+ with open(challenges_already_beaten_file, "w") as f:
+ json.dump(challenges_beaten_before, f, indent=4)
+def session_finish(agbenchmark_config: AgentBenchmarkConfig) -> None:
+ SingletonReportManager().INFO_MANAGER.finalize_session_report(agbenchmark_config)
+ SingletonReportManager().REGRESSION_MANAGER.save()
+ SingletonReportManager().SUCCESS_RATE_TRACKER.save()