path: root/benchmark/agbenchmark/utils/dependencies/graphs.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'benchmark/agbenchmark/utils/dependencies/graphs.py')
1 files changed, 445 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/benchmark/agbenchmark/utils/dependencies/graphs.py b/benchmark/agbenchmark/utils/dependencies/graphs.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47d3d5c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmark/agbenchmark/utils/dependencies/graphs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+import json
+import logging
+import math
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
+import matplotlib.patches as patches
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import networkx as nx
+import numpy as np
+from pyvis.network import Network
+from agbenchmark.generate_test import DATA_CATEGORY
+from agbenchmark.utils.utils import write_pretty_json
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def bezier_curve(
+ src: np.ndarray, ctrl: List[float], dst: np.ndarray
+) -> List[np.ndarray]:
+ """
+ Generate Bézier curve points.
+ Args:
+ - src (np.ndarray): The source point.
+ - ctrl (List[float]): The control point.
+ - dst (np.ndarray): The destination point.
+ Returns:
+ - List[np.ndarray]: The Bézier curve points.
+ """
+ curve = []
+ for t in np.linspace(0, 1, num=100):
+ curve_point = (
+ np.outer((1 - t) ** 2, src)
+ + 2 * np.outer((1 - t) * t, ctrl)
+ + np.outer(t**2, dst)
+ )
+ curve.append(curve_point[0])
+ return curve
+def curved_edges(
+ G: nx.Graph, pos: Dict[Any, Tuple[float, float]], dist: float = 0.2
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Draw curved edges for nodes on the same level.
+ Args:
+ - G (Any): The graph object.
+ - pos (Dict[Any, Tuple[float, float]]): Dictionary with node positions.
+ - dist (float, optional): Distance for curvature. Defaults to 0.2.
+ Returns:
+ - None
+ """
+ ax = plt.gca()
+ for u, v, data in G.edges(data=True):
+ src = np.array(pos[u])
+ dst = np.array(pos[v])
+ same_level = abs(src[1] - dst[1]) < 0.01
+ if same_level:
+ control = [(src[0] + dst[0]) / 2, src[1] + dist]
+ curve = bezier_curve(src, control, dst)
+ arrow = patches.FancyArrowPatch(
+ posA=curve[0], # type: ignore
+ posB=curve[-1], # type: ignore
+ connectionstyle=f"arc3,rad=0.2",
+ color="gray",
+ arrowstyle="-|>",
+ mutation_scale=15.0,
+ lw=1,
+ shrinkA=10,
+ shrinkB=10,
+ )
+ ax.add_patch(arrow)
+ else:
+ ax.annotate(
+ "",
+ xy=dst,
+ xytext=src,
+ arrowprops=dict(
+ arrowstyle="-|>", color="gray", lw=1, shrinkA=10, shrinkB=10
+ ),
+ )
+def tree_layout(graph: nx.DiGraph, root_node: Any) -> Dict[Any, Tuple[float, float]]:
+ """Compute positions as a tree layout centered on the root with alternating vertical shifts."""
+ bfs_tree = nx.bfs_tree(graph, source=root_node)
+ levels = {
+ node: depth
+ for node, depth in nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(
+ bfs_tree, root_node
+ ).items()
+ }
+ pos = {}
+ max_depth = max(levels.values())
+ level_positions = {i: 0 for i in range(max_depth + 1)} # type: ignore
+ # Count the number of nodes per level to compute the width
+ level_count: Any = {}
+ for node, level in levels.items():
+ level_count[level] = level_count.get(level, 0) + 1
+ vertical_offset = (
+ 0.07 # The amount of vertical shift per node within the same level
+ )
+ # Assign positions
+ for node, level in sorted(levels.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
+ total_nodes_in_level = level_count[level]
+ horizontal_spacing = 1.0 / (total_nodes_in_level + 1)
+ pos_x = (
+ 0.5
+ - (total_nodes_in_level - 1) * horizontal_spacing / 2
+ + level_positions[level] * horizontal_spacing
+ )
+ # Alternately shift nodes up and down within the same level
+ pos_y = (
+ -level
+ + (level_positions[level] % 2) * vertical_offset
+ - ((level_positions[level] + 1) % 2) * vertical_offset
+ )
+ pos[node] = (pos_x, pos_y)
+ level_positions[level] += 1
+ return pos
+def graph_spring_layout(
+ dag: nx.DiGraph, labels: Dict[Any, str], tree: bool = True
+) -> None:
+ num_nodes = len(dag.nodes())
+ # Setting up the figure and axis
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+ ax.axis("off") # Turn off the axis
+ base = 3.0
+ if num_nodes > 10:
+ base /= 1 + math.log(num_nodes)
+ font_size = base * 10
+ font_size = max(10, base * 10)
+ node_size = max(300, base * 1000)
+ if tree:
+ root_node = [node for node, degree in dag.in_degree() if degree == 0][0]
+ pos = tree_layout(dag, root_node)
+ else:
+ # Adjust k for the spring layout based on node count
+ k_value = 3 / math.sqrt(num_nodes)
+ pos = nx.spring_layout(dag, k=k_value, iterations=50)
+ # Draw nodes and labels
+ nx.draw_networkx_nodes(dag, pos, node_color="skyblue", node_size=int(node_size))
+ nx.draw_networkx_labels(dag, pos, labels=labels, font_size=int(font_size))
+ # Draw curved edges
+ curved_edges(dag, pos) # type: ignore
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ plt.show()
+def rgb_to_hex(rgb: Tuple[float, float, float]) -> str:
+ return "#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(
+ int(rgb[0] * 255), int(rgb[1] * 255), int(rgb[2] * 255)
+ )
+def get_category_colors(categories: Dict[Any, str]) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ unique_categories = set(categories.values())
+ colormap = plt.cm.get_cmap("tab10", len(unique_categories)) # type: ignore
+ return {
+ category: rgb_to_hex(colormap(i)[:3])
+ for i, category in enumerate(unique_categories)
+ }
+def graph_interactive_network(
+ dag: nx.DiGraph,
+ labels: Dict[Any, Dict[str, Any]],
+ html_graph_path: str = "",
+) -> None:
+ nt = Network(notebook=True, width="100%", height="800px", directed=True)
+ category_colors = get_category_colors(DATA_CATEGORY)
+ # Add nodes and edges to the pyvis network
+ for node, json_data in labels.items():
+ label = json_data.get("name", "")
+ # remove the first 4 letters of label
+ label_without_test = label[4:]
+ node_id_str = node.nodeid
+ # Get the category for this label
+ category = DATA_CATEGORY.get(
+ label, "unknown"
+ ) # Default to 'unknown' if label not found
+ # Get the color for this category
+ color = category_colors.get(category, "grey")
+ nt.add_node(
+ node_id_str,
+ label=label_without_test,
+ color=color,
+ data=json_data,
+ )
+ # Add edges to the pyvis network
+ for edge in dag.edges():
+ source_id_str = edge[0].nodeid
+ target_id_str = edge[1].nodeid
+ edge_id_str = (
+ f"{source_id_str}_to_{target_id_str}" # Construct a unique edge id
+ )
+ if not (source_id_str in nt.get_nodes() and target_id_str in nt.get_nodes()):
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Skipping edge {source_id_str} -> {target_id_str} due to missing nodes"
+ )
+ continue
+ nt.add_edge(source_id_str, target_id_str, id=edge_id_str)
+ # Configure physics for hierarchical layout
+ hierarchical_options = {
+ "enabled": True,
+ "levelSeparation": 200, # Increased vertical spacing between levels
+ "nodeSpacing": 250, # Increased spacing between nodes on the same level
+ "treeSpacing": 250, # Increased spacing between different trees (for forest)
+ "blockShifting": True,
+ "edgeMinimization": True,
+ "parentCentralization": True,
+ "direction": "UD",
+ "sortMethod": "directed",
+ }
+ physics_options = {
+ "stabilization": {
+ "enabled": True,
+ "iterations": 1000, # Default is often around 100
+ },
+ "hierarchicalRepulsion": {
+ "centralGravity": 0.0,
+ "springLength": 200, # Increased edge length
+ "springConstant": 0.01,
+ "nodeDistance": 250, # Increased minimum distance between nodes
+ "damping": 0.09,
+ },
+ "solver": "hierarchicalRepulsion",
+ "timestep": 0.5,
+ }
+ nt.options = {
+ "nodes": {
+ "font": {
+ "size": 20, # Increased font size for labels
+ "color": "black", # Set a readable font color
+ },
+ "shapeProperties": {"useBorderWithImage": True},
+ },
+ "edges": {
+ "length": 250, # Increased edge length
+ },
+ "physics": physics_options,
+ "layout": {"hierarchical": hierarchical_options},
+ }
+ # Serialize the graph to JSON and save in appropriate locations
+ graph_data = {"nodes": nt.nodes, "edges": nt.edges}
+ logger.debug(f"Generated graph data:\n{json.dumps(graph_data, indent=4)}")
+ # FIXME: use more reliable method to find the right location for these files.
+ # This will fail in all cases except if run from the root of our repo.
+ home_path = Path.cwd()
+ write_pretty_json(graph_data, home_path / "frontend" / "public" / "graph.json")
+ flutter_app_path = home_path.parent / "frontend" / "assets"
+ # Optionally, save to a file
+ # Sync with the flutter UI
+ # this literally only works in the AutoGPT repo, but this part of the code is not reached if BUILD_SKILL_TREE is false
+ write_pretty_json(graph_data, flutter_app_path / "tree_structure.json")
+ validate_skill_tree(graph_data, "")
+ # Extract node IDs with category "coding"
+ coding_tree = extract_subgraph_based_on_category(graph_data.copy(), "coding")
+ validate_skill_tree(coding_tree, "coding")
+ write_pretty_json(
+ coding_tree,
+ flutter_app_path / "coding_tree_structure.json",
+ )
+ data_tree = extract_subgraph_based_on_category(graph_data.copy(), "data")
+ # validate_skill_tree(data_tree, "data")
+ write_pretty_json(
+ data_tree,
+ flutter_app_path / "data_tree_structure.json",
+ )
+ general_tree = extract_subgraph_based_on_category(graph_data.copy(), "general")
+ validate_skill_tree(general_tree, "general")
+ write_pretty_json(
+ general_tree,
+ flutter_app_path / "general_tree_structure.json",
+ )
+ scrape_synthesize_tree = extract_subgraph_based_on_category(
+ graph_data.copy(), "scrape_synthesize"
+ )
+ validate_skill_tree(scrape_synthesize_tree, "scrape_synthesize")
+ write_pretty_json(
+ scrape_synthesize_tree,
+ flutter_app_path / "scrape_synthesize_tree_structure.json",
+ )
+ if html_graph_path:
+ file_path = str(Path(html_graph_path).resolve())
+ nt.write_html(file_path)
+def extract_subgraph_based_on_category(graph, category):
+ """
+ Extracts a subgraph that includes all nodes and edges required to reach all nodes with a specified category.
+ :param graph: The original graph.
+ :param category: The target category.
+ :return: Subgraph with nodes and edges required to reach the nodes with the given category.
+ """
+ subgraph = {"nodes": [], "edges": []}
+ visited = set()
+ def reverse_dfs(node_id):
+ if node_id in visited:
+ return
+ visited.add(node_id)
+ node_data = next(node for node in graph["nodes"] if node["id"] == node_id)
+ # Add the node to the subgraph if it's not already present.
+ if node_data not in subgraph["nodes"]:
+ subgraph["nodes"].append(node_data)
+ for edge in graph["edges"]:
+ if edge["to"] == node_id:
+ if edge not in subgraph["edges"]:
+ subgraph["edges"].append(edge)
+ reverse_dfs(edge["from"])
+ # Identify nodes with the target category and initiate reverse DFS from them.
+ nodes_with_target_category = [
+ node["id"] for node in graph["nodes"] if category in node["data"]["category"]
+ ]
+ for node_id in nodes_with_target_category:
+ reverse_dfs(node_id)
+ return subgraph
+def is_circular(graph):
+ def dfs(node, visited, stack, parent_map):
+ visited.add(node)
+ stack.add(node)
+ for edge in graph["edges"]:
+ if edge["from"] == node:
+ if edge["to"] in stack:
+ # Detected a cycle
+ cycle_path = []
+ current = node
+ while current != edge["to"]:
+ cycle_path.append(current)
+ current = parent_map.get(current)
+ cycle_path.append(edge["to"])
+ cycle_path.append(node)
+ return cycle_path[::-1]
+ elif edge["to"] not in visited:
+ parent_map[edge["to"]] = node
+ cycle_path = dfs(edge["to"], visited, stack, parent_map)
+ if cycle_path:
+ return cycle_path
+ stack.remove(node)
+ return None
+ visited = set()
+ stack = set()
+ parent_map = {}
+ for node in graph["nodes"]:
+ node_id = node["id"]
+ if node_id not in visited:
+ cycle_path = dfs(node_id, visited, stack, parent_map)
+ if cycle_path:
+ return cycle_path
+ return None
+def get_roots(graph):
+ """
+ Return the roots of a graph. Roots are nodes with no incoming edges.
+ """
+ # Create a set of all node IDs
+ all_nodes = {node["id"] for node in graph["nodes"]}
+ # Create a set of nodes with incoming edges
+ nodes_with_incoming_edges = {edge["to"] for edge in graph["edges"]}
+ # Roots are nodes that have no incoming edges
+ roots = all_nodes - nodes_with_incoming_edges
+ return list(roots)
+def validate_skill_tree(graph, skill_tree_name):
+ """
+ Validate if a given graph represents a valid skill tree and raise appropriate exceptions if not.
+ :param graph: A dictionary representing the graph with 'nodes' and 'edges'.
+ :raises: ValueError with a description of the invalidity.
+ """
+ # Check for circularity
+ cycle_path = is_circular(graph)
+ if cycle_path:
+ cycle_str = " -> ".join(cycle_path)
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{skill_tree_name} skill tree is circular! Circular path detected: {cycle_str}."
+ )
+ # Check for multiple roots
+ roots = get_roots(graph)
+ if len(roots) > 1:
+ raise ValueError(f"{skill_tree_name} skill tree has multiple roots: {roots}.")
+ elif not roots:
+ raise ValueError(f"{skill_tree_name} skill tree has no roots.")