path: root/docs/content/AutoGPT/usage.md
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+# AutoGPT Agent User Guide
+!!! note
+ This guide assumes you are in the `autogpts/autogpt` folder, where the AutoGPT Agent
+ is located.
+## Command Line Interface
+Running `./autogpt.sh` (or any of its subcommands) with `--help` lists all the possible
+sub-commands and arguments you can use:
+$ ./autogpt.sh --help
+Usage: python -m autogpt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
+ --help Show this message and exit.
+ run Sets up and runs an agent, based on the task specified by the...
+ serve Starts an Agent Protocol compliant AutoGPT server, which creates...
+!!! important "For Windows users"
+ On Windows, use `.\autogpt.bat` instead of `./autogpt.sh`.
+ Everything else (subcommands, arguments) should work the same.
+!!! info "Usage with Docker"
+ For use with Docker, replace the script in the examples with
+ `docker compose run --rm auto-gpt`:
+ ```shell
+ docker compose run --rm auto-gpt --ai-settings <filename>
+ docker compose run --rm auto-gpt serve
+ ```
+### `run` &ndash; CLI mode
+The `run` sub-command starts AutoGPT with the legacy CLI interface.
+<code>./autogpt.sh run --help</code>
+$ ./autogpt.sh run --help
+Usage: python -m autogpt run [OPTIONS]
+ Sets up and runs an agent, based on the task specified by the user, or
+ resumes an existing agent.
+ -c, --continuous Enable Continuous Mode
+ -y, --skip-reprompt Skips the re-prompting messages at the
+ beginning of the script
+ -C, --ai-settings FILE Specifies which ai_settings.yaml file to
+ use, relative to the AutoGPT root directory.
+ Will also automatically skip the re-prompt.
+ -P, --prompt-settings FILE Specifies which prompt_settings.yaml file to
+ use.
+ -l, --continuous-limit INTEGER Defines the number of times to run in
+ continuous mode
+ --speak Enable Speak Mode
+ --debug Enable Debug Mode
+ --gpt3only Enable GPT3.5 Only Mode
+ --gpt4only Enable GPT4 Only Mode
+ -b, --browser-name TEXT Specifies which web-browser to use when
+ using selenium to scrape the web.
+ --allow-downloads Dangerous: Allows AutoGPT to download files
+ natively.
+ --skip-news Specifies whether to suppress the output of
+ latest news on startup.
+ --install-plugin-deps Installs external dependencies for 3rd party
+ plugins.
+ --ai-name TEXT AI name override
+ --ai-role TEXT AI role override
+ --constraint TEXT Add or override AI constraints to include in
+ the prompt; may be used multiple times to
+ pass multiple constraints
+ --resource TEXT Add or override AI resources to include in
+ the prompt; may be used multiple times to
+ pass multiple resources
+ --best-practice TEXT Add or override AI best practices to include
+ in the prompt; may be used multiple times to
+ pass multiple best practices
+ --override-directives If specified, --constraint, --resource and
+ --best-practice will override the AI's
+ directives instead of being appended to them
+ --help Show this message and exit.
+This mode allows running a single agent, and saves the agent's state when terminated.
+This means you can *resume* agents at a later time. See also [agent state].
+!!! note
+ For legacy reasons, the CLI will default to the `run` subcommand when none is
+ specified: running `./autogpt.sh run [OPTIONS]` does the same as `./autogpt.sh [OPTIONS]`,
+ but this may change in the future.
+#### 💀 Continuous Mode ⚠️
+Run the AI **without** user authorization, 100% automated.
+Continuous mode is NOT recommended.
+It is potentially dangerous and may cause your AI to run forever or carry out actions you would not usually authorize.
+Use at your own risk.
+./autogpt.sh --continuous
+To exit the program, press ++ctrl+c++
+### `serve` &ndash; Agent Protocol mode with UI
+With `serve`, the application exposes an Agent Protocol compliant API and serves a
+frontend, by default on `http://localhost:8000`. You can configure the port it is served on with the `AP_SERVER_PORT` environment variable.
+<code>./autogpt.sh serve --help</code>
+$ ./autogpt.sh serve --help
+Usage: python -m autogpt serve [OPTIONS]
+ Starts an Agent Protocol compliant AutoGPT server, which creates a custom
+ agent for every task.
+ -P, --prompt-settings FILE Specifies which prompt_settings.yaml file to
+ use.
+ --debug Enable Debug Mode
+ --gpt3only Enable GPT3.5 Only Mode
+ --gpt4only Enable GPT4 Only Mode
+ -b, --browser-name TEXT Specifies which web-browser to use when using
+ selenium to scrape the web.
+ --allow-downloads Dangerous: Allows AutoGPT to download files
+ natively.
+ --install-plugin-deps Installs external dependencies for 3rd party
+ plugins.
+ --help Show this message and exit.
+For more information about the API of the application, see [agentprotocol.ai](https://agentprotocol.ai).
+<!-- TODO: add guide/manual for frontend -->
+### Arguments
+!!! attention
+ Most arguments are equivalent to configuration options. See [`.env.template`][.env.template]
+ for all available configuration options.
+!!! note
+ Replace anything in angled brackets (<>) to a value you want to specify
+Here are some common arguments you can use when running AutoGPT:
+* Run AutoGPT with a different AI Settings file
+ ```shell
+ ./autogpt.sh --ai-settings <filename>
+ ```
+* Run AutoGPT with a different Prompt Settings file
+ ```shell
+ ./autogpt.sh --prompt-settings <filename>
+ ```
+!!! note
+ There are shorthands for some of these flags, for example `-P` for `--prompt-settings`.
+ Use `./autogpt.sh --help` for more information.
+[.env.template]: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT/tree/master/autogpts/autogpt/.env.template
+## Agent State
+[agent state]: #agent-state
+The state of individual agents is stored in the `data/agents` folder. You can use this
+in various ways:
+* Resume your agent at a later time.
+* Create "checkpoints" for your agent so you can always go back to specific points in
+ its history.
+* Share your agent!
+## Workspace
+[workspace]: #workspace
+Agents can read and write files. This happens in the `workspace` folder, which
+is in `data/agents/<agent_id>/`. Files outside of this folder can not be accessed by the
+agent *unless* `RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE` is set to `False`.
+!!! warning
+ We do not recommend disabling `RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE`, unless AutoGPT is running in
+ a sandbox environment where it couldn't do any damage (e.g. Docker or a VM).
+## Logs
+Activity, Error, and Debug logs are located in `logs`.
+!!! tip
+ Do you notice weird behavior with your agent? Do you have an interesting use case? Do you have a bug you want to report?
+ Follow the step below to enable your logs. You can include these logs when making an issue report or discussing an issue with us.
+To print out debug logs:
+./autogpt.sh --debug
+## Disabling Command Categories
+If you want to selectively disable some command groups, you can use the
+`DISABLED_COMMAND_CATEGORIES` config in your `.env`. You can find the list of available
+categories [here][command categories].
+For example, to disable coding related features, set it to the value below:
+[command categories]: https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT/blob/master/autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/commands/__init__.py