path: root/docs/content/usage.md
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 122 deletions
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-# Usage
-## Command Line Arguments
-Running with `--help` lists all the possible command line arguments you can pass:
-./run.sh --help # on Linux / macOS
-.\run.bat --help # on Windows
-!!! info
- For use with Docker, replace the script in the examples with
- `docker compose run --rm auto-gpt`:
- ```shell
- docker compose run --rm auto-gpt --help
- docker compose run --rm auto-gpt --ai-settings <filename>
- ```
-!!! note
- Replace anything in angled brackets (<>) to a value you want to specify
-Here are some common arguments you can use when running AutoGPT:
-* Run AutoGPT with a different AI Settings file
-./run.sh --ai-settings <filename>
-* Run AutoGPT with a different Prompt Settings file
-./run.sh --prompt-settings <filename>
-* Specify a memory backend
-./run.sh --use-memory <memory-backend>
-!!! note
- There are shorthands for some of these flags, for example `-m` for `--use-memory`.
- Use `./run.sh --help` for more information.
-### Speak Mode
-Enter this command to use TTS _(Text-to-Speech)_ for AutoGPT
-./run.sh --speak
-### 💀 Continuous Mode ⚠️
-Run the AI **without** user authorization, 100% automated.
-Continuous mode is NOT recommended.
-It is potentially dangerous and may cause your AI to run forever or carry out actions you would not usually authorize.
-Use at your own risk.
-./run.sh --continuous
-To exit the program, press ++ctrl+c++
-### ♻️ Self-Feedback Mode ⚠️
-Running Self-Feedback will **INCREASE** token use and thus cost more. This feature enables the agent to provide self-feedback by verifying its own actions and checking if they align with its current goals. If not, it will provide better feedback for the next loop. To enable this feature for the current loop, input `S` into the input field.
-### GPT-3.5 ONLY Mode
-If you don't have access to GPT-4, this mode allows you to use AutoGPT!
-./run.sh --gpt3only
-You can achieve the same by setting `SMART_LLM` in `.env` to `gpt-3.5-turbo`.
-### GPT-4 ONLY Mode
-If you have access to GPT-4, this mode allows you to use AutoGPT solely with GPT-4.
-This may give your bot increased intelligence.
-./run.sh --gpt4only
-!!! warning
- Since GPT-4 is more expensive to use, running AutoGPT in GPT-4-only mode will
- increase your API costs.
-## Logs
-Activity, Error, and Debug logs are located in `./logs`
-!!! tip
- Do you notice weird behavior with your agent? Do you have an interesting use case? Do you have a bug you want to report?
- Follow the step below to enable your logs. You can include these logs when making an issue report or discussing an issue with us.
-To print out debug logs:
-./run.sh --debug # on Linux / macOS
-.\run.bat --debug # on Windows
-docker-compose run --rm auto-gpt --debug # in Docker
-## Disabling Command Categories
-If you want to selectively disable some command groups, you can use the `DISABLED_COMMAND_CATEGORIES` config in your `.env`. You can find the list of categories in your `.env.template`
-For example, to disable coding related features, set it to the value below: