path: root/tests/unit/test_file_operations.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/test_file_operations.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 335 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_file_operations.py b/tests/unit/test_file_operations.py
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--- a/tests/unit/test_file_operations.py
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-This set of unit tests is designed to test the file operations that autoGPT has access to.
-import hashlib
-import os
-import re
-from io import TextIOWrapper
-from pathlib import Path
-import pytest
-from pytest_mock import MockerFixture
-import autogpt.commands.file_operations as file_ops
-from autogpt.agent.agent import Agent
-from autogpt.config import Config
-from autogpt.memory.vector.memory_item import MemoryItem
-from autogpt.memory.vector.utils import Embedding
-from autogpt.workspace import Workspace
-def file_content():
- return "This is a test file.\n"
-def mock_MemoryItem_from_text(
- mocker: MockerFixture, mock_embedding: Embedding, config: Config
- mocker.patch.object(
- file_ops.MemoryItem,
- "from_text",
- new=lambda content, source_type, config, metadata: MemoryItem(
- raw_content=content,
- summary=f"Summary of content '{content}'",
- chunk_summaries=[f"Summary of content '{content}'"],
- chunks=[content],
- e_summary=mock_embedding,
- e_chunks=[mock_embedding],
- metadata=metadata | {"source_type": source_type},
- ),
- )
-def test_file_name():
- return Path("test_file.txt")
-def test_file_path(test_file_name: Path, workspace: Workspace):
- return workspace.get_path(test_file_name)
-def test_file(test_file_path: Path):
- file = open(test_file_path, "w")
- yield file
- if not file.closed:
- file.close()
-def test_file_with_content_path(test_file: TextIOWrapper, file_content, agent: Agent):
- test_file.write(file_content)
- test_file.close()
- file_ops.log_operation(
- "write", test_file.name, agent, file_ops.text_checksum(file_content)
- )
- return Path(test_file.name)
-def test_directory(workspace: Workspace):
- return workspace.get_path("test_directory")
-def test_nested_file(workspace: Workspace):
- return workspace.get_path("nested/test_file.txt")
-def test_file_operations_log(test_file: TextIOWrapper):
- log_file_content = (
- "File Operation Logger\n"
- "write: path/to/file1.txt #checksum1\n"
- "write: path/to/file2.txt #checksum2\n"
- "write: path/to/file3.txt #checksum3\n"
- "append: path/to/file2.txt #checksum4\n"
- "delete: path/to/file3.txt\n"
- )
- test_file.write(log_file_content)
- test_file.close()
- expected = [
- ("write", "path/to/file1.txt", "checksum1"),
- ("write", "path/to/file2.txt", "checksum2"),
- ("write", "path/to/file3.txt", "checksum3"),
- ("append", "path/to/file2.txt", "checksum4"),
- ("delete", "path/to/file3.txt", None),
- ]
- assert list(file_ops.operations_from_log(test_file.name)) == expected
-def test_file_operations_state(test_file: TextIOWrapper):
- # Prepare a fake log file
- log_file_content = (
- "File Operation Logger\n"
- "write: path/to/file1.txt #checksum1\n"
- "write: path/to/file2.txt #checksum2\n"
- "write: path/to/file3.txt #checksum3\n"
- "append: path/to/file2.txt #checksum4\n"
- "delete: path/to/file3.txt\n"
- )
- test_file.write(log_file_content)
- test_file.close()
- # Call the function and check the returned dictionary
- expected_state = {
- "path/to/file1.txt": "checksum1",
- "path/to/file2.txt": "checksum4",
- }
- assert file_ops.file_operations_state(test_file.name) == expected_state
-def test_is_duplicate_operation(agent: Agent, mocker: MockerFixture):
- # Prepare a fake state dictionary for the function to use
- state = {
- "path/to/file1.txt": "checksum1",
- "path/to/file2.txt": "checksum2",
- }
- mocker.patch.object(file_ops, "file_operations_state", lambda _: state)
- # Test cases with write operations
- assert (
- file_ops.is_duplicate_operation(
- "write", "path/to/file1.txt", agent, "checksum1"
- )
- is True
- )
- assert (
- file_ops.is_duplicate_operation(
- "write", "path/to/file1.txt", agent, "checksum2"
- )
- is False
- )
- assert (
- file_ops.is_duplicate_operation(
- "write", "path/to/file3.txt", agent, "checksum3"
- )
- is False
- )
- # Test cases with append operations
- assert (
- file_ops.is_duplicate_operation(
- "append", "path/to/file1.txt", agent, "checksum1"
- )
- is False
- )
- # Test cases with delete operations
- assert (
- file_ops.is_duplicate_operation("delete", "path/to/file1.txt", agent) is False
- )
- assert file_ops.is_duplicate_operation("delete", "path/to/file3.txt", agent) is True
-# Test logging a file operation
-def test_log_operation(agent: Agent):
- file_ops.log_operation("log_test", "path/to/test", agent=agent)
- with open(agent.config.file_logger_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- content = f.read()
- assert f"log_test: path/to/test\n" in content
-def test_text_checksum(file_content: str):
- checksum = file_ops.text_checksum(file_content)
- different_checksum = file_ops.text_checksum("other content")
- assert re.match(r"^[a-fA-F0-9]+$", checksum) is not None
- assert checksum != different_checksum
-def test_log_operation_with_checksum(agent: Agent):
- file_ops.log_operation("log_test", "path/to/test", agent=agent, checksum="ABCDEF")
- with open(agent.config.file_logger_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- content = f.read()
- assert f"log_test: path/to/test #ABCDEF\n" in content
-def test_read_file(
- mock_MemoryItem_from_text,
- test_file_with_content_path: Path,
- file_content,
- agent: Agent,
- content = file_ops.read_file(test_file_with_content_path, agent=agent)
- assert content.replace("\r", "") == file_content
-def test_read_file_not_found(agent: Agent):
- filename = "does_not_exist.txt"
- content = file_ops.read_file(filename, agent=agent)
- assert "Error:" in content and filename in content and "no such file" in content
-def test_write_to_file_relative_path(test_file_name: Path, agent: Agent):
- new_content = "This is new content.\n"
- file_ops.write_to_file(str(test_file_name), new_content, agent=agent)
- with open(agent.workspace.get_path(test_file_name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- content = f.read()
- assert content == new_content
-def test_write_to_file_absolute_path(test_file_path: Path, agent: Agent):
- new_content = "This is new content.\n"
- file_ops.write_to_file(str(test_file_path), new_content, agent=agent)
- with open(test_file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- content = f.read()
- assert content == new_content
-def test_write_file_logs_checksum(test_file_name: Path, agent: Agent):
- new_content = "This is new content.\n"
- new_checksum = file_ops.text_checksum(new_content)
- file_ops.write_to_file(str(test_file_name), new_content, agent=agent)
- with open(agent.config.file_logger_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- log_entry = f.read()
- assert log_entry == f"write: {test_file_name} #{new_checksum}\n"
-def test_write_file_fails_if_content_exists(test_file_name: Path, agent: Agent):
- new_content = "This is new content.\n"
- file_ops.log_operation(
- "write",
- str(test_file_name),
- agent=agent,
- checksum=file_ops.text_checksum(new_content),
- )
- result = file_ops.write_to_file(str(test_file_name), new_content, agent=agent)
- assert result == "Error: File has already been updated."
-def test_write_file_succeeds_if_content_different(
- test_file_with_content_path: Path, agent: Agent
- new_content = "This is different content.\n"
- result = file_ops.write_to_file(
- str(test_file_with_content_path), new_content, agent=agent
- )
- assert result == "File written to successfully."
-def test_append_to_file(test_nested_file: Path, agent: Agent):
- append_text = "This is appended text.\n"
- file_ops.write_to_file(test_nested_file, append_text, agent=agent)
- file_ops.append_to_file(test_nested_file, append_text, agent=agent)
- with open(test_nested_file, "r") as f:
- content_after = f.read()
- assert content_after == append_text + append_text
-def test_append_to_file_uses_checksum_from_appended_file(
- test_file_name: Path, agent: Agent
- append_text = "This is appended text.\n"
- file_ops.append_to_file(test_file_name, append_text, agent=agent)
- file_ops.append_to_file(test_file_name, append_text, agent=agent)
- with open(agent.config.file_logger_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- log_contents = f.read()
- digest = hashlib.md5()
- digest.update(append_text.encode("utf-8"))
- checksum1 = digest.hexdigest()
- digest.update(append_text.encode("utf-8"))
- checksum2 = digest.hexdigest()
- assert log_contents == (
- f"append: {test_file_name} #{checksum1}\n"
- f"append: {test_file_name} #{checksum2}\n"
- )
-def test_delete_file(test_file_with_content_path: Path, agent: Agent):
- result = file_ops.delete_file(str(test_file_with_content_path), agent=agent)
- assert result == "File deleted successfully."
- assert os.path.exists(test_file_with_content_path) is False
-def test_delete_missing_file(agent: Agent):
- filename = "path/to/file/which/does/not/exist"
- # confuse the log
- file_ops.log_operation("write", filename, agent=agent, checksum="fake")
- try:
- os.remove(agent.workspace.get_path(filename))
- except FileNotFoundError as err:
- assert str(err) in file_ops.delete_file(filename, agent=agent)
- return
- assert False, f"Failed to test delete_file; {filename} not expected to exist"
-def test_list_files(workspace: Workspace, test_directory: Path, agent: Agent):
- # Case 1: Create files A and B, search for A, and ensure we don't return A and B
- file_a = workspace.get_path("file_a.txt")
- file_b = workspace.get_path("file_b.txt")
- with open(file_a, "w") as f:
- f.write("This is file A.")
- with open(file_b, "w") as f:
- f.write("This is file B.")
- # Create a subdirectory and place a copy of file_a in it
- if not os.path.exists(test_directory):
- os.makedirs(test_directory)
- with open(os.path.join(test_directory, file_a.name), "w") as f:
- f.write("This is file A in the subdirectory.")
- files = file_ops.list_files(str(workspace.root), agent=agent)
- assert file_a.name in files
- assert file_b.name in files
- assert os.path.join(Path(test_directory).name, file_a.name) in files
- # Clean up
- os.remove(file_a)
- os.remove(file_b)
- os.remove(os.path.join(test_directory, file_a.name))
- os.rmdir(test_directory)
- # Case 2: Search for a file that does not exist and make sure we don't throw
- non_existent_file = "non_existent_file.txt"
- files = file_ops.list_files("", agent=agent)
- assert non_existent_file not in files