path: root/docs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
4 daysrefactor(agent, forge): Move library code from `autogpt` to `forge` (#7106)HEADmasterGravatar Krzysztof Czerwinski 10-28/+15
Moved from `autogpt` to `forge`: - `autogpt.config` -> `forge.config` - `autogpt.processing` -> `forge.content_processing` - `autogpt.file_storage` -> `forge.file_storage` - `autogpt.logs` -> `forge.logging` - `autogpt.speech` -> `forge.speech` - `autogpt.agents.(base|components|protocols)` -> `forge.agent.*` - `autogpt.command_decorator` -> `forge.command.decorator` - `autogpt.models.(command|command_parameter)` -> `forge.command.(command|parameter)` - `autogpt.(commands|components|features)` -> `forge.components` - `autogpt.core.utils.json_utils` -> `forge.json.parsing` - `autogpt.prompts.utils` -> `forge.llm.prompting.utils` - `autogpt.core.prompting.(base|schema|utils)` -> `forge.llm.prompting.*` - `autogpt.core.resource.model_providers` -> `forge.llm.providers` - `autogpt.llm.providers.openai` + `autogpt.core.resource.model_providers.utils` -> `forge.llm.providers.utils` - `autogpt.models.action_history:Action*` -> `forge.models.action` - `autogpt.core.configuration.schema` -> `forge.models.config` - `autogpt.core.utils.json_schema` -> `forge.models.json_schema` - `autogpt.core.resource.schema` -> `forge.models.providers` - `autogpt.models.utils` -> `forge.models.utils` - `forge.sdk.(errors|utils)` + `autogpt.utils.(exceptions|file_operations_utils|validators)` -> `forge.utils.(exceptions|file_operations|url_validator)` - `autogpt.utils.utils` -> `forge.utils.const` + `forge.utils.yaml_validator` Moved within `forge`: - forge/prompts/* -> forge/llm/prompting/* The rest are mostly import updates, and some sporadic removals and necessary updates (for example to fix circular deps): - Changed `CommandOutput = Any` to remove coupling with `ContextItem` (no longer needed) - Removed unused `Singleton` class - Reluctantly moved `speech` to forge due to coupling (tts needs to be changed into component) - Moved `function_specs_from_commands` and `core/resource/model_providers` to `llm/providers` (resources were a `core` thing and are no longer relevant) - Keep tests in `autogpt` to reduce changes in this PR - Removed unused memory-related code from tests - Removed duplicated classes: `FancyConsoleFormatter`, `BelowLevelFilter` - `prompt_settings.yaml` is in both `autogpt` and `forge` because for some reason doesn't work when placed in just one dir (need to be taken care of) - Removed `config` param from `clean_input`, it wasn't used and caused circular dependency - Renamed `BaseAgentActionProposal` to `ActionProposal` - Updated `pyproject.toml` in `forge` and `autogpt` - Moved `Action*` models from `forge/components/action_history/model.py` to `forge/models/action.py` as those are relevant to the entire agent and not just `EventHistoryComponent` + to reduce coupling - Renamed `DEFAULT_ASK_COMMAND` to `ASK_COMMAND` and `DEFAULT_FINISH_COMMAND` to `FINISH_COMMAND` - Renamed `AutoGptFormatter` to `ForgeFormatter` and moved to `forge` Includes changes from PR https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT/pull/7148 --------- Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
11 daysRemove arena (#7134)Gravatar Swifty 1-1/+0
* remove arena * refactor: Remove Arena intake workflow * Remove all mention of the arena * remove evo.ninja
13 daysfix(agent): Swap target files and symlinks of component documentation to ↵Gravatar Reinier van der Leer 2-165/+2
make package buildable Documentation files were in docs/content/AutoGPT/components, symlinks in autogpts/autogpt/autogpt/(agents|commands). Chef doesn't allow symlinks that point to locations outside of package dir. Replacing the documentation files with symlinks, and symlinks with the actual documentation files, should fix this.
2024-05-04feat(agent/core): Add Anthropic Claude 3 support (#7085)Gravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-0/+1
- feat(agent/core): Add `AnthropicProvider` - Add `ANTHROPIC_API_KEY` to .env.template and docs Notable differences in logic compared to `OpenAIProvider`: - Merges subsequent user messages in `AnthropicProvider._get_chat_completion_args` - Merges and extracts all system messages into `system` parameter in `AnthropicProvider._get_chat_completion_args` - Supports prefill; merges prefill content (if any) into generated response - Prompt changes to improve compatibility with `AnthropicProvider` Anthropic has a slightly different API compared to OpenAI, and has much stricter input validation. E.g. Anthropic only supports a single `system` prompt, where OpenAI allows multiple `system` messages. Anthropic also forbids sequences of multiple `user` or `assistant` messages and requires that messages alternate between roles. - Move response format instruction from separate message into main system prompt - Fix clock message format - Add pre-fill to `OneShot` generated prompt - refactor(agent/core): Tweak `model_providers.schema` - Simplify `ModelProviderUsage` - Remove attribute `total_tokens` as it is always equal to `prompt_tokens + completion_tokens` - Modify signature of `update_usage(..)`; no longer requires a full `ModelResponse` object as input - Improve `ModelProviderBudget` - Change type of attribute `usage` to `defaultdict[str, ModelProviderUsage]` -> allow per-model usage tracking - Modify signature of `update_usage_and_cost(..)`; no longer requires a full `ModelResponse` object as input - Allow `ModelProviderBudget` zero-argument instantiation - Fix type of `AssistantChatMessage.role` to match `ChatMessage.role` (str -> `ChatMessage.Role`) - Add shared attributes and constructor to `ModelProvider` base class - Add `max_output_tokens` parameter to `create_chat_completion` interface - Add pre-filling as a global feature - Add `prefill_response` field to `ChatPrompt` model - Add `prefill_response` parameter to `create_chat_completion` interface - Add `ChatModelProvider.get_available_models()` and remove `ApiManager` - Remove unused `OpenAIChatParser` typedef in openai.py - Remove redundant `budget` attribute definition on `OpenAISettings` - Remove unnecessary `usage` in `OpenAIProvider` > `default_settings` > `budget` - feat(agent): Allow use of any available LLM provider through `MultiProvider` - Add `MultiProvider` (`model_providers.multi`) - Replace all references to / uses of `OpenAIProvider` with `MultiProvider` - Change type of `Config.smart_llm` and `Config.fast_llm` from `str` to `ModelName` - feat(agent/core): Validate function call arguments in `create_chat_completion` - Add `validate_call` method to `CompletionModelFunction` in `model_providers.schema` - Add `validate_tool_calls` utility function in `model_providers.utils` - Add tool call validation step to `create_chat_completion` in `OpenAIProvider` and `AnthropicProvider` - Remove (now redundant) command argument validation logic in agent.py and models/command.py - refactor(agent): Rename `get_openai_command_specs` to `function_specs_from_commands`
2024-04-28clean(autogpt): Remove old plugin system (#7097)Gravatar Krzysztof Czerwinski 1-1/+0
### Background Follow up after merging https://github.com/Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT/pull/7054, old plugins will no longer be used. ### Changes 🏗️ - Removed all dead code needed to load and use plugins. - Removed `auto-gpt-plugin-template` dependency - Removed `rev=` from `autogpt-forge` dependency (the set `rev` had incompatible `duckduckgo-search` versions) - Kept `--install-plugin-deps` CLI option and dead code associated (may be needed for new plugins)
2024-04-23Add all the new component docs to the site and do a tidy up of docs (#7098)Gravatar Nicholas Tindle 18-92/+159
* feat: add all the new component docs to the site * fix(docs): relative links and markdown warnings * feat(docs): How to contribute to the docs as a docs section * fix(docs): missed docs page for developer setup * fix(docs): re-add configurations options * fix(docs): bad link to components fixed * fix(docs): bad link to components fixed * ref(docs): reorder some items to make more sense * fix(docs): bad indentation and duplicate block * fix(docs): warning about out of date markdown extension * fix(docs): broken links fixed * fix(docs): markdown formatter complaints
2024-04-22feat(agent): Component-based Agents (#7054)Gravatar Krzysztof Czerwinski 12-28/+818
This incremental re-architecture unifies Agent code and plugins, so everything is component-based. ## Breaking changes - Removed command categories and `DISABLED_COMMAND_CATEGORIES` environment variable. Use `DISABLED_COMMANDS` environment variable to disable individual commands. - Changed `command` decorator; old-style commands are no longer supported. Implement `CommandProvider` on components instead. - Removed `CommandRegistry`, now all commands are provided by components implementing `CommandProvider`. - Removed `prompt_config` from `AgentSettings`. - Removed plugin support: old plugins will no longer be loaded and executed. - Removed `PromptScratchpad`, it was used by plugins and is no longer needed. - Changed `ThoughtProcessOutput` from tuple to pydantic `BaseModel`. ## Other changes - Created `AgentComponent`, protocols and logic to execute them. - `BaseAgent` and `Agent` is now composed of components. - Moved some logic from `BaseAgent` to `Agent`. - Moved agent features and commands to components. - Removed check if the same operation is about to be executed twice in a row. - Removed file logging from `FileManagerComponent` (formerly `AgentFileManagerMixin`) - Updated tests - Added docs See [Introduction](https://github.com/kcze/AutoGPT/blob/kpczerwinski/open-440-modular-agents/docs/content/AutoGPT/component%20agent/introduction.md) for more information.
2024-03-20ci(docs): Fix Netlify build ignore checkGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-1/+1
2024-03-15fix(docs): Replace `polyfill.io` by Cloudflare mirror (#6952)Gravatar Sukka 1-1/+1
2024-03-15docs: Redirect AutoGPT users from Forge tutorial with warning (#7014)Gravatar Nicholas Tindle 1-0/+3
Update forge/get-started.md
2024-02-12feat(agent/llm): Use new OpenAI models as default `SMART_LLM`, `FAST_LLM`, ↵Gravatar Reinier van der Leer 2-8/+5
and `EMBEDDING_MODEL` - Change default `SMART_LLM` from `gpt-4` to `gpt-4-turbo-preview` - Change default `FAST_LLM` from `gpt-3.5-turbo-16k` to `gpt-3.5-turbo-0125` - Change default `EMBEDDING_MODEL` from `text-embedding-ada-002` to `text-embedding-3-small` - Update .env.template, azure.yaml.template, and documentation accordingly
2024-01-12feat(agent/server): Make port configurable, add documentation for Agent ↵Gravatar Nicholas Tindle 1-1/+1
Protocol DB and port config (#6569) * docs: Add documentation on how to use Agent Protocol in the template - Added documentation on how to use Agent Protocol and its settings in the `.env.template` file. - An explanation is provided for the `AP_SERVER_PORT` and `AP_SERVER_DB_URL` settings. - This change aims to improve the understanding and usage of Agent Protocol in the project. * docs: Update usage.md with information about configuring the API port - Update the documentation for the `serve` mode in `usage.md` - Add information about configuring the port for the API server using the `AP_SERVER_PORT` environment variable. --------- Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
2023-12-05refactor(agent/config): Modularize `Config` and revive Azure support (#6497)Gravatar Reinier van der Leer 2-1/+23
* feat: Refactor config loading and initialization to be modular and decentralized - Refactored the `ConfigBuilder` class to support modular loading and initialization of the configuration from environment variables. - Implemented recursive loading and initialization of nested config objects. - Introduced the `SystemConfiguration` base class to provide common functionality for all system settings. - Added the `from_env` attribute to the `UserConfigurable` decorator to provide environment variable mappings. - Updated the `Config` class and its related classes to inherit from `SystemConfiguration` and use the `UserConfigurable` decorator. - Updated `LoggingConfig` and `TTSConfig` to use the `UserConfigurable` decorator for their fields. - Modified the implementation of the `build_config_from_env` method in `ConfigBuilder` to utilize the new modular and recursive loading and initialization logic. - Updated applicable test cases to reflect the changes in the config loading and initialization logic. This refactor improves the flexibility and maintainability of the configuration loading process by introducing modular and recursive behavior, allowing for easier extension and customization through environment variables. * refactor: Move OpenAI credentials into `OpenAICredentials` sub-config - Move OpenAI API key and other OpenAI credentials from the global config to a new sub-config called OpenAICredentials. - Update the necessary code to use the new OpenAICredentials sub-config instead of the global config when accessing OpenAI credentials. - (Hopefully) unbreak Azure support. - Update azure.yaml.template. - Enable validation of assignment operations on SystemConfiguration and SystemSettings objects. * feat: Update AutoGPT configuration options and setup instructions - Added new configuration options for logging and OpenAI usage to .env.template - Removed deprecated configuration options in config/config.py - Updated setup instructions in Docker and general setup documentation to include information on using Azure's OpenAI services * fix: Fix image generation with Dall-E - Fix issue with image generation with Dall-E API Additional user context: This commit fixes an issue with image generation using the Dall-E API. The code now correctly retrieves the API key from the agent's legacy configuration. * refactor(agent/core): Refactor `autogpt.core.configuration.schema` and update docstrings - Refactor the `schema.py` file in the `autogpt.core.configuration` module. - Added docstring to `SystemConfiguration.from_env()` - Updated docstrings for functions `_get_user_config_values`, `_get_non_default_user_config_values`, `_recursive_init_model`, `_recurse_user_config_fields`, and `_recurse_user_config_values`.
2023-11-25docs: Add workspace information to AutoGPT user guideGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-0/+11
- Added information about the workspace folder in the AutoGPT user guide - Clarified that files outside the workspace folder are inaccessible unless RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE is set to False. Provided a warning against disabling RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE unless in a sandbox environment.
2023-11-25docs: Update AutoGPT workspace location and other minor fixesGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-1/+1
- Update the `RESTRICT_TO_WORKSPACE` variable in `.env.template` to use the new workspace location - Update the `.gitignore` files to remove the old workspace directory - Update the `voice.md` file in the documentation to reflect the new command for speech mode
2023-11-25chore(docs): Delete deprecated memory configuration guideGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-251/+0
2023-11-24docs: Fix broken links in AutoGPT+Docker guideGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-1/+1
2023-11-24refactor: Rename Agent's entrypoint to autogpt.shGravatar Reinier van der Leer 3-16/+16
- Renamed `run.sh` to `autogpt.sh` for consistent naming and easier command usage. - Updated relevant documentation to reflect the new entrypoint name.
2023-11-24docs: Change absolute URL to relative link in AutoGPT+Docker guideGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-1/+1
2023-11-24fix: Adjust Docker setup and update documentationGravatar Reinier van der Leer 2-52/+96
- Adjusted the Docker setup for AutoGPT to expose the full CLI and allow access to the Agent Protocol Server's port. - Updated the AutoGPT+Docker guide in the documentation to reflect the changes. Changes made: - In the `Dockerfile`, removed the `--install-plugin-deps` option from the `ENTRYPOINT` command. - In the `docker-compose.yml` file, added the `ports` section to expose port `8000`. - In the `pyproject.toml` file, changed the `run` script to `autogpt.app.cli:cli`. - In the `docker.md` file, added instructions for the new Docker setup and updated the configuration steps.
2023-11-24meta: Add todo list for sections to write in AutoGPT dev setup guideGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-0/+8
2023-11-24fix: Correct markup on homepage of docsGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-0/+1
2023-11-24docs: Add section about project CLI to documentationGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-4/+29
- Added a new section to the documentation about the project CLI - Provided an overview of the CLI and its usage - Included common commands and their descriptions
2023-11-24docs: Fix small errors and markup issues in documentationGravatar Reinier van der Leer 3-10/+12
- Updated the link to OpenAI API key page in the setup guide - Fixed formatting issues in the usage guide - Updated the link to the `.env.template` file in the usage guide - Fixed formatting and wording issues in the index page
2023-11-23docs: Add mention of path to agent user guideGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-0/+4
2023-11-23docs: Fix broken link in navbarGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-1/+1
2023-11-23docs: Streamline documentation for getting started (#6335)Gravatar Reinier van der Leer 14-417/+364
* README.md - Mark evo.ninja as hackathon winner and new Current Best Agent. - Remove hackathon banner. - Rewrite sections about Forge, Benchmark, UI, Agent Protocol. - Add sections about Leaderboard and CLI. - Add quick links for improved user navigation, including links to documentation, contributing guidelines, and quickstart guide. - Remove Quickstart. * docs.agpt.co - Removed links to outdated pages from navbar. - Added quick links to several pages. - Refactored and updated titles in docs site navbar for better readability and consistency. - Rewrite intros on homepage to be more clear and professional and less cringe-worthy. - Fix broken links. - Rewrote setup and usage guides for AutoGPT Agent. - Removed mentions of Azure support, except in the Docker guide. - Added page with general information about AutoGPT. * CONTRIBUTING.md - Make CONTRIBUTING.md more friendly and accessible: added link to public kanban board, encouraged collaboration, removed section about net-negative PRs. * autogpt/README.md - Update description of AutoGPT to mention "modern Large Language Models" instead of GPT-4. - Add quick links for improved user navigation, including links to documentation and contributing guidelines. - Add features and setup guide: Agent Protocol, UI features, setup instructions, configuration options, Quickstart, CLI instructions, Agent Protocol server instructions, additional resources (wiki, project board, roadmap), and a note on sustainable development. - Update links: documentation, setup instructions. - Remove outdated Twitter accounts section.
2023-11-21Fix typo and broken link in no-git setup (#6324)Gravatar Kiran 1-2/+2
* Fix typo in heading * Update link to system requirements --------- Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <github@pwuts.nl>
2023-11-21Include poetry install step in dockerless agent setup instructions (#6203)Gravatar Anatolii Kmetiuk 1-1/+2
Without that step, there is an error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'auto_gpt_plugin_template'" Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
2023-11-15Restructuring The Docs (#5441)Gravatar Bently 20-132/+491
* Adding More Info To The Docs * Start of main page rebuild and adding new folders * Starting to move the AutoGPT(agent) Docs to a subfolder and start setup forge's subfolder * small fixes in links * fix file name * added the benchmakrs page * added front-end page * re-aranging the layout * moved the config section to be under the AutoGPT folder * fix image link * moved "Share Logs" and "Testing" to be under the AutoGPT folder * index.md: fix broken links on home page * Index.md: Testing Something with the links * index.md: Added the Benchmarks section * small fix for Frontend * Added a chat ai to the docs for testing as part of #5694 * index.md: sepetating the sections and making it easier to read * index.md: Added discord Link * index.md: Added better info to each section from @Yash-Ambekar * index.md: trying to fix the layout * Index.md: updating layout * Move Docker Setup To Its Own File * small fix * seperating the installation setups to there own page for making things clear * small fix in links * fix links again * change nav titles color to help make things clear * fix css * mv custom.css * fix for css not working * rm custom css as it didnt work * fix img * update image url * update nav * index.md: improving layout and wordings * index.md: testing line breaks * index.md: Fixed the line breaks * setup/docker-setp.md: small fix * Docker-setup.md update link to correct memory page * docker-setup.md: added note about docker install being broken * Docker-Setup.md: Updating the warning * Docker-Setup.md : Test * docker-setup.md: fix * docker-setup.md: fix * docker-setup.md final update to the warning * Docker-Setup.md * Updates to mkdocs.yml and docker-setup based on the feedback * fix to docker-setup.md * docker-setup.md fix * introduction.md: fix * Update docs/content/AutoGPT/Setups/Docker-setup.md Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> * docker-setup.md update link * Update docs/content/AutoGPT/Setups/Git-setup.md Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> * Update docs/content/AutoGPT/Setups/Git-setup.md Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> * nogit-setup.md: updated links * Update docs/content/AutoGPT/Setups/Git-setup.md Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> * Update docs/content/index.md Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> * Update docs/content/index.md Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> * Update docs/content/index.md Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> * Update docs/content/index.md Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> * setup.md: added extra info about the docker insall * setup.md small changs to clean things up * removed emojis from forge get-started.md * get-started.md - small changes * Update AutoGPT intro in index.md --------- Co-authored-by: sohamtembhurne <sohamatembhurne@outlook.com> Co-authored-by: Yash-Ambekar <yashambekar03@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Nicholas Tindle <nicholas.tindle@agpt.co> Co-authored-by: Andy Hooker <58448663+andrewhooker2@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
2023-10-21Set up CI for `development` branch; deprecate `stable` branchGravatar Reinier van der Leer 2-4/+4
2023-10-17Tutorial improvement (#5736)Gravatar PaperMoose 3-0/+0
Co-authored-by: Silen Naihin <silen.naihin@gmail.com>
2023-10-07Rename AIConfig to AIProfileGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-4/+4
2023-09-27forge - tutorial 3 adding imagesGravatar SwiftyOS 3-0/+0
2023-09-22Rename Auto-GPT to AutoGPT (#5301)Gravatar merwanehamadi 17-80/+80
* Rename to AutoGPT Signed-off-by: Merwane Hamadi <merwanehamadi@gmail.com> * Update autogpts/autogpt/BULLETIN.md Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co> * Update BULLETIN.md * Update docker-compose.yml * Update autogpts/forge/tutorials/001_getting_started.md Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co> * Update autogpts/autogpt/tests/unit/test_logs.py Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co> * Update README.md * Update README.md * Update README.md * Update README.md * Update introduction.md * Update plugins.md --------- Signed-off-by: Merwane Hamadi <merwanehamadi@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Reinier van der Leer <pwuts@agpt.co>
2023-09-22forge - Added image for 3rd tutorialGravatar SwiftyOS 1-0/+0
2023-09-22forge - added tutorial imagesGravatar SwiftyOS 5-0/+0
2023-09-18Added benchmarking to the quickstartGravatar SwiftyOS 1-0/+0
2023-09-18Added running of the agent sectionGravatar SwiftyOS 3-0/+0
2023-09-18Added basic quickstart guideGravatar SwiftyOS 8-0/+0
2023-09-16Remove start from agbenchmark (#5241)Gravatar merwanehamadi 1-1/+1
Signed-off-by: Merwane Hamadi <merwanehamadi@gmail.com>
2023-09-15Migrate AutoGPT agent to poetry (#5219)Gravatar Reinier van der Leer 2-4/+4
Inspired by #1102 * Migrate AutoGPT agent to poetry Co-authored-by: rickythefox <richard@ginzburg.se> * Rewrite automatic dependency check (check_requirements.py) for poetry * Sort dependencies * Add instructions for poetry to README
2023-09-07Fix docs: sample docker-compose.yml broken indents (#5168)Gravatar Vittorio Alfieri 1-14/+14
auto-gpt keys were mis-nested under auto-gpt section of the docker-compose.yml after modern material improvements in 7cd407b7b4a9f4395761e772335e859e40e8c3d3.
2023-09-06Relocate CoC and fix symlinksGravatar Reinier van der Leer 2-2/+2
2023-09-06Fix docs deployment: Electric BoogalooGravatar Reinier van der Leer 34-2/+2
2023-09-06Fix docs deploymentGravatar Reinier van der Leer 1-0/+4
2023-09-06Fix CI/CD for Auto-GPT + docs site deploymentGravatar Reinier van der Leer 37-0/+1590
2023-09-05Move Auto-GPT to autogpts/autogptGravatar Merwane Hamadi 35-1466/+0
2023-08-11Bulleting update & version bump (#5112)Gravatar Luke 1-1/+1
* Bulleting update & version bump * Bulletin.md updates * Format bulletin * Added info about new documentation theme. --------- Co-authored-by: lc0rp <2609411+lc0rp@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-08-01Use modern material theme for docs (#5035)Gravatar Luke 13-110/+184
* Use modern material theme for docs * Update mkdocs.yml Added search plugin Co-authored-by: James Collins <collijk@uw.edu> * Updating mkdocs material theme config per recommendations to enable all markdown options * Updated highlight extension settings and codeblocks throughout the docs to align with mkdocs-material recommendations. codehilite is deprecated in favor of the highlight extension: https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/setup/extensions/python-markdown-extensions/#highlight --------- Co-authored-by: lc0rp <2609411+lc0rp@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: James Collins <collijk@uw.edu> Co-authored-by: Nicholas Tindle <nick@ntindle.com>