path: root/client_test.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-04-02test: replace panic with returning error (#1747)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-8/+4
2024-03-02Enable perfsprint linter; fix up lint issues (#1727)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-3/+3
2024-02-21Upgrade golangci-lint to v1.56.2; fix gocritic issues (#1722)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-2/+2
2023-12-13chore: Add missing dots at the end of comments (#1677)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-2/+2
2023-11-27add support for custom dial function with timeouts (#1669)Gravatar Aviv Carmi 1-0/+92
2023-10-30Allow redirect URI path to not be normalized. (#1638)Gravatar Scott Kidder 1-0/+86
2023-09-09Fix various request timeout issuesv1.50.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+40
2023-08-29Enable gocritic linter; fix lint issues (#1612)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-3/+5
2023-08-10Abstracts the RoundTripper interface and provides a default implement (#1602)Gravatar Tim 1-16/+98
2023-05-14Request timeout settings for the same domain name are reused (#1558)Gravatar byte0o 1-0/+32
2023-05-07Fix tests (#1552)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-2/+4
2023-03-14client: HostClient.Do hangs out when ErrConnPoolStrategyNotImpl (#1515)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-0/+41
2023-03-11client: fix Do hangs when configure host client fails (#1514)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-0/+24
2023-03-03Immediately return ErrTimeout if deadline is already reached. (#1497)Gravatar Igor Menshenin 1-0/+52
2023-01-02client.go Simplify default UA logic (#1466)Gravatar Sergey Ponomarev 1-1/+1
2022-11-28client.go fix addMissingPort() (#1444)Gravatar Sergey Ponomarev 1-0/+60
2022-11-03Request.SetTimeout (#1415)Gravatar brian-armstrong-discord 1-0/+93
2022-07-29Improve Client timeout (#1346)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-11/+33
2022-07-06use timeout insteadof read/writetimeout when timeout lower than read/… (#1336)Gravatar fare83 1-4/+20
2022-04-01Use %v for errors and %q for strings (#1262)v1.35.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-64/+64
2022-03-18Fix race conditions in testsGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-21/+21
2022-03-14Read response when client closes connection #1232 (#1233)Gravatar ArminBTVS 1-1/+1
2022-02-09uri_test.go use example.com for clearness (#1212)Gravatar Sergey Ponomarev 1-1/+1
2022-01-31Fix scheme check for not yet parsed requests (#1203)Gravatar ArminBTVS 1-0/+20
2021-12-13Use %w to wrap errors (#1175)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-5/+9
2021-08-24Increase various test timeoutsGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+1
2021-06-29Increase TestHostClientMaxConnWaitTimeoutSuccess timeoutv1.28.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+1
2021-06-18Increase timeouts for Windows github actionsv1.27.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-3/+3
2021-06-18Fix race condition in TestPipelineClientIssue832Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-2/+3
2021-06-18Lower go test timeGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-19/+18
2021-06-16Defined Transport for the client (#1045)Gravatar Darío 1-0/+64
2021-03-17Fix unexpected panic when calling Do of a PipelineClient (#997)Gravatar blanet 1-4/+28
2021-03-15Add PipelineClient name (#994)Gravatar kiyon 1-0/+50
2021-03-05Add DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing to PipelineClient (#991)Gravatar kiyon 1-0/+70
2021-02-06Add fasthttp.GenerateTestCertificate and use in testsGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-10/+18
2020-11-06Fix race condition in TestCloseIdleConnectionsGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+4
2020-09-13Add Client.CloseIdleConnections()Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+44
2020-07-17Update linting (#851)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-3/+3
2020-06-16Restart PipelineClient worker on error (#834)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+54
2020-05-27Add custom retry decider for fail http requestsGravatar Vural Kap 1-0/+52
2020-05-25Fix memory reusage bug with authGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+1
2020-05-18HostClient can't switch between protocols (#800)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-10/+39
2020-05-16Fix race condition in testGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+4
2020-05-02HostClient can't switch between protocolsGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-10/+39
2020-04-25Don't allow ASCII control character in URLs (#790)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+32
2020-04-03feat: make client to wait when no free connections (#764)Gravatar Daniel Qian 1-0/+261
2020-03-30Don't retry requests with a BodyStreamGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+103
2020-03-25client: Implement DoRedirects (#765)Gravatar Tomás Senart 1-0/+36
2020-01-31Client should return ErrTimeout on timeout (#736)v1.9.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+3
2020-01-12Resolve code issues from goreportcard.com (#725)Gravatar Andy Pan 1-2/+2