path: root/fasthttpproxy
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2023-08-30fasthttpproxy: fix doc examplesGravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-2/+2
2023-07-21fasthttpproxy support ipv6 (#1597)Gravatar Pluto 1-3/+15
2023-06-13Enable gofumpt linter; format code `gofumpt -w .` (#1576)v1.48.0Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-1/+0
2023-04-04format : update some codes style (#1533)Gravatar LeoSun 1-1/+1
2023-03-08Fix proxy auth bugGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+1
2023-02-13docs: fix grammar issues and typos in comments (#1492)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-1/+1
2023-02-10Add missing fasthttp prefix in example usage (#1487)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-2/+2
2022-12-08Fixed an error caused of character when @ > 1 during proxy authentication (#1...Gravatar Amzza0x00 1-3/+3
2022-09-15Deprecate Go 1.15 (#1379)Gravatar Aoang 1-3/+2
2022-08-14Add Go 1.19 Support (#1355)v1.39.0Gravatar Aoang 3-0/+5
2022-04-01Use %v for errors and %q for strings (#1262)v1.35.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-2/+2
2022-02-18Fix http proxy behavior (#1221)Gravatar Aoang 1-1/+1
2021-12-13Use %w to wrap errors (#1175)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-3/+3
2021-08-14Fix FasthttpSocksDialer exampleGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+1
2021-06-18Run go test on github actions (#1047)Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 2-8/+7
2021-03-05format err info (#989)Gravatar peakle 1-1/+1
2021-03-05Improve socks proxy (#990)Gravatar kiyon 1-1/+9
2020-11-03Don't use %wGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-2/+2
2020-11-02fixed default schema for for req url (#897)Gravatar Maxim Korolyov 1-1/+2
2020-10-29Added httpproxy v2 (#889)Gravatar Maxim Korolyov 1-17/+34
2020-10-25Added proxy from env support (#885)Gravatar Maxim Korolyov 1-0/+108
2020-10-03tryDial timeout (#881)Gravatar Vitali Pikulik 1-1/+19
2020-04-23Only base64 the proxy auth onceGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-9/+7
2020-04-20Add fasthttpproxy.FasthttpHTTPDialerv1.12.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+61
2019-09-13Fix FasthttpSocksDialer documentationv1.5.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-3/+3
2019-09-07Reuse the socks5 dialerGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+6
2018-09-05Add SOCKS5 dialerGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+25