path: root/fuzz_test.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2024-02-21Limit memory for fuzz testingGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-4/+6
2024-02-21Upgrade golangci-lint to v1.56.2; fix gocritic issues (#1722)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-2/+2
2024-01-30Try fixing oss-fuzz running out of memory and skipping a lotGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-6/+4
2024-01-20Make Fuzz tests deterministicGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-32/+21
2024-01-16Put a limit on the max body size for fuzzingGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+8
2024-01-09Move Fuzz tests into their own fileGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+93