path: root/userdata_test.go
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2023-11-24chore: Use 'any' instead of 'interface{}' (#1666)Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-1/+1
gofmt -w -r "interface{} -> any" -l .
2023-06-13Enable gofumpt linter; format code `gofumpt -w .` (#1576)v1.48.0Gravatar Oleksandr Redko 1-1/+0
2022-05-11Fix userdata re-use after RemoveGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+15
See also: https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp/pull/1298
2022-04-01Use %v for errors and %q for strings (#1262)v1.35.0Gravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-1/+1
Mostly in tests.
2021-10-08feat: a new userData API `Remove` (#1117)Gravatar tyltr 1-0/+28
* feat:userData new api "delete" * ctx api `remove` * rename * modify
2019-10-16Speed up testing by running tests in parallelGravatar Erik Dubbelboer 1-0/+4
2016-02-05Call Close on user values stored via RequestCtx.SetUserValue if these values ↵Gravatar Aliaksandr Valialkin 1-0/+33
implement io.Closer
2015-12-16Fixed a typoGravatar Aliaksandr Valialkin 1-1/+1
2015-12-11Moved ctx.UserValue from standard map to custom userData. This should ↵Gravatar Aliaksandr Valialkin 1-0/+41
improve its' performance for common case when ctx contains up to 10 user values